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===Active Cast===
===Active Cast===
'''[[Cara Stang]]''' (Andronicus)
'''[[Cara Stang]]''' (Andronicus)
:Hermetic mage who's got an incurable case of vampire echoes. Really good at the whole mind control thing. Once stabbed a Master to death. Now has a Kana-approved eyepatch to go with the existing dominatrix look. Once "confused" by Derek Maxwell for a dominatrix nurse. Successfully mind controlled a senior Technocrat.
:Hermetic mage who's got an incurable case of vampire echoes. Really good at the whole mind control thing. Once stabbed an Adept to death. Now has a Kana-approved eyepatch to go with the existing dominatrix look. Once "confused" by Derek Maxwell for a dominatrix nurse. Successfully mind controlled a senior Technocrat.

'''[[Catherine West]]''' (Norseman)
'''[[Catherine West]]''' (Norseman)

Revision as of 23:27, 29 April 2010

For Mage: The Ascension being run by IXJac.

So yeah, create pages for your character. Or just link your userpage if you're lazy. Nobody cares.

Protagonists of Dirtfort

Active Cast

Cara Stang (Andronicus)

Hermetic mage who's got an incurable case of vampire echoes. Really good at the whole mind control thing. Once stabbed an Adept to death. Now has a Kana-approved eyepatch to go with the existing dominatrix look. Once "confused" by Derek Maxwell for a dominatrix nurse. Successfully mind controlled a senior Technocrat.

Catherine West (Norseman)

A silly librarian who thinks she's from the Victorian era. Talks to trees (they talk back). Carries a revolver containing a good Victorian constable (spirit).

Christopher Westin (MJ12)

An Entropy mage who has spent years and years of experience honing himself into a weapon of fate. Currently has vowed to dedicate mass carnage to Kratos instead of Ares, because the god of bloodshed isn't putting out. Maybe the god of massacres, jumping puzzles, and threesomes is a better choice. A big damn hero. Took unhealable paradox aggravated damage to protect Cara.

Derek Maxwell (OmegaPaladin)

Former aspiring technocrat who now happily deviates reality. Operates out of a "Welcome to My Laboratory!" in Chicago. Cackles maniacally while operating a tunneling machine.

Ichijo Watanabe (Ezekiel)

Genuine Japanese junior VA. Learning to hate Marauders. Unofficially apprenticed to Proteus. Virtually going crazy with power.

Kanako Kuga (Maloncanth)

Japanese-Canadian girl and Orphan mage whose paradigm is that anime works. Her special ability is the Power to Cosplay. Adept in Matter and skilled in Prime, Kana is also presently the chantry's de facto talismancer and her products range from mundane arms and armor to battle robots and underground bases. A recent 3-month refit at Pharos has also uprated her firepower to the level of a Mk1 Mari. In the field, Kana's decisiveness and tendency to undertake large scale and/or independent action lands her in a lot of trouble, ranging from death curses to piles and piles of paradox that the rest of the chantry often have to extricate her from.

Marilia Caldwell (Silence)

Fireball loli and sole heir to a Hermetic dynasty. Ozu-sama fangirl now! Resurrection count: 1 Fireball Count: Many
Technically grounded from fighting the Ascension War. Currently also involved in the Clone Saga

Proteus v2.5 (Shrike)

C3I for the chantry. Has recently consumed an energy field larger than his head and is groping towards just who and what Proteus v1.0 was. Wears the white hat.

Shu Izanagi (Kerrus)

An assassin from the Meiji Era. Everything old is new again. Recently became the student of a kid he used to train.


Alexandra Solaimani Hermetic Lara Croft

Beta - Proteus' AI computer familiar. Called Beta-chan by Kana, an appellation which may be sticking. Like her master, she has no last name. Usually just Proteus' digital housekeeper (sometimes in a maid outfit, unfucking his paradox as he sleeps), Beta is a remarkably powerful being while on the internet, turning Chor Tempest's Five Man Band up to Eleven.

Pam - An innocent loli who Kana rescued from the insidious clutches of a Vancouver pedoring. Rather than being groomed for CP, now she is being indoctrinated into the cel-shaded paradigm. Recent episodes have increasingly emphasized her supernatural status. Her special ability is the inability to fail stealth rolls.

Kano - Former Yakuza midboss turned aspiring badass normal, now arguably definitely a genuine badass normal. He was, with some help from Kana, responsible for slaying the somewhat horrible Kang Zhang, a half Kuei-Ji half human dude mostly known as the man with the flaming hair. In the final episode of the arc, he joined Kana once again (this time with additional Proteus) and dealt the final blow to the more genuinely horrible Mister Lao. Kano managed to out-DPS Technocratic black helicopters against the enemy biomechanoid in Mage S3, further cementing his badassery.

Yeah, man. What the fuck. Why the hell doesn't he have fangirls? M.M. 16:28, 24 February 2010 (UTC)
He needs a higher appearance, that's why. --MJ12 Commando 23:10, 27 February 2010 (UTC)

Constable Nerton - The animating spirit of Catherine West's revolver, Norton is a very proper Victorian era London constable who (despite being the least powerful and capable of independent action) has demonstrated remarkable courage in adversity. In contrast to everyone else in Tempus Spatium's monkeysphere, Constable Nerton has the unique distinction of having no first name.

Ozu (Mari: Ozu-sama!) - The Japanese (Possible Ventrue) Kindred who was contesting with Kang for control of Vancouver. Part of the Camarilla, and possibly the Camarilla prince of Vancouver. Saved from death at the treacherous hands of Team Timeout by Team Fireball. An ally, if an untrustworthy and vampiric one, of the chantry. For the moment.

How the heck's this guy a protagonist?! Are you guys dense?! --Suiren 9:09, 9 September 2009 (XST)

Monta - A Tanuki which has become attached to Catherine. Witty, talkative, and with massive balls, shit gets totally metaphorical around him. A very talented shapeshifter, Monta is the only chantry ally besides Beta who can pose as a team by himself.

Onyx - A newborn werewolf puppy, product of a forbidden (werewolves are obligate xenophiles) werewolf union. Rescued by Mari and duly imprinted.

Kiyoshi Nakamura - Ichi's buddy. Did not fuck around while attacking a massive Progenitor web server.


Vincent Caldwell A Master of House Bonisagus and Mentor and uncle to Marilia Caldwell. Murdered during a magic dual, he was subsequently resurrected after his soul passed through the gauntlet during Team Fireball's first, confusing, mission. In cahoots with Noldos Vayne before Vayne's death. His death was directly caused by tainted Tass provided to him (through intermediaries, including Marillia and Ren) by the Verbena adjudicator of the Certamen... corrupted by a Nephandus who managed to penetrate the Chantry. It is very possible this was the same Nephandus who went to so much trouble to seize Catherine West and attempt to get one of the Japanese Umbrood to do away with her on the basis of being a self-proclaimed enemy of Caldwell.

Josephine Mordant - The Magistatus of Jove of House Quaesitor and Mentor to Cara, who swore her into the House, and the closest thing to family the Cabal's Quaesitor has. She gave a flower to Cara during her childhood after viewing her future. The flower allowed Cara to defeat the Wilder Luss, a far superior Mage. Supported Cara in the events involving Tom One-Eagle in Winnipeg with the Council.

Nakazawa Takumi - Shu Izanagi's cabal shota a hundred and fifty years ago. He is now an old man and still stuck with his little kid name. Played Go with Miho once last century and got his ass kicked. Kicks modern Shu's ass at martial arts and beat Kana at Go.


James Reines (Shrike) - Void Engineer who got Nephandirized, bringing an end to Team Techno.

Marilia Caldwell (Silence) - Hermitic book loli of Team Fireball. Consumed by fire and paradox in an untimely botch while burning vampires. Currently not resting in peace. Alive again! And finally succeeded where she once failed!

Ren Dynler (Ralson) - Hermitic mage of Team Fireball who majored in Drinking and Driving. Consumed by fire and steel-beam-through-chest in glorious fashion while torching vampires. May he also rest in peace.

Reynolds (MJ12) - ItX traitor member of the shortlived Team Hacker with eight points in AAAA TECHNOCRACY. Killed by Contingent 10 and then baleeted himself. May he rest in peace.

Wilhelm Deimos (Ezekiel) - Anarchist Etherite. Destroyed by techno beamnuke fire during the disastrous awesome disastrome Shady Vale mission. May he rest in subatomic pieces.

Tia Mazu (Ent) - Hot Ninja Girl. Destroyed by techno beamnuke fire during the disastrous awesome disastrome Shady Vale mission. May she rest in subatomic pieces.

John Nightingale (Screwball)

A buff action hero type from Val Verde. Currently MIA, might have moved on...TO THE NEPHANDI.

Vali Bartal (Ralson)

Psycho werecat. Narrowly avoided death at the hands of a 300 Gigajoule plasma cannon and has a skull for a face now. Scary!

Tempus Spatium

The spaces in time.

The current team rosters of our glorious chantry. Format: Teams/Cabals listed here will be current arrangements. Previous groupings and histories of should be put here: Chantry/Team History. Short descriptions, therefore, are fine here.

Chor Ignis - One of the dirtfort's two founding cabals, now renamed by Proteus from Team Fireball. Its various line-ups have different faces while maintaining its fundamental identity. Currently consists of Mari and Cathy in the Pharos.

Chor Memor - Consisting of Cara, Westin, Derek and the recently-teleported Ichijo. Currently in Cuba watching Kerrin Xanatos Roulette them.

Chor Vestis - Consisting of Kana and Shu, supported by Pam and Kano. Has just found a route into Hollow Earth.

Chor TEMPEST - Consisting of Proteus and Beta. Has just successfully got Ione's source code.

Tempus Spatium Holdings

Dirtfort Tempus Spatium is a multi-tradition chantry based in the city of Vancouver. We value diversity, commitment, and moé.

Proteus' Pad - A 3-point node located in Proteus' apartment. All the tass it produces is consumed by Beta-chan.

Hasseltine House - A 4-point node controlled by Chor Memor.

Kana's Keep - A third node awakened by Kana is presently 1-point but growing slowly. Located in a condemned apartment formerly occupied by a Wuff.

The Gundam - A five point node which has lines connecting to Technocratic concerns. Nevertheless, Kana knows how to access the Tass from this hallowed ground and has built a Jaburo Base the size of a small complex beneath it (Sanctum 1). Latest observations show a drafty shaft beneath the mecha elevator. Perhaps she's dug too greedy and too deep?

The chantry also has about 4 dots in resources, a 60m yacht with a helipad, and a knightmare sized powered armour.

It also has one ex-Technocratic pistol (X-5 with enhanced damage and -1 attack/damage difficulty) but that's really starting to pale in comparison to some of our other shit innit?

Tempus Spatium Associations

Pharos of Azkazia, in the Sea of Storms. Three earthly aspects. One is a manor in Winnipeg watched by a platoon of Chorus Slayerettes and one is a cabin out in the everglades west of Miami. Home base of Cathy and Mari.

Nice Things

NPCs of Mage

Notable Incidents

Does anyone bother updating these anymore? --chickenstrangler 03:14, 22 April 2010 (UTC)

Catherine West: A brief psychological analysis by K. E. Rrus. M.D. Dacis2 09:30, 29 April 2010 (UTC)

Useful Things

Enhancing Mundane Rolls with Magick

Choose an appropriate sphere to support the mundane action, and roll Arete at the difficulty of the mundane action. Each success reduces the difficulty of the mundane action by 1, to a maximum of 3. Really difficult actions, or less than fully appropriate spheres may reduce this benefit.
When using magick to enhance the mundane it is traditional to "stunt" a little, for the sake of atmospherics:

"Iterator Apthalon's right eye glows red as a targeting beam plays over Proteus' body, settling on the rogue AI's forhead. The Iterator raises his disruptor pistol and in a thick accent says, "This system, is down."
Remember describe exactly what you're doing to the ST as well - "Apthalon is using forces to range in on Proteus and reduce the difficulty of his shot"
(If you choose not to stunt, or otherwise get into the spirit of things, the ST reserves the right to have your enhancing magickal roll take a full action, rather just being reflexive with some cool SFX and/or a witty line.)

Enhancing Magick with Mundane Rolls

This works on a same principle as enhancing mundane rolls with magick, but the mundane roll always takes a full turn and cannot be done reflexively in the same turn as the magick.

(The ST reserves the right to violate the above rule for really cool and inventive applications in times of dire stress - that means cool and inventive, not verbose)

Combat Maneuvers

All maneuvers are difficulty 6 unless specified otherwise.


P185 Revised.


With a successful attack roll, the attacker grabs the target and begins to squeeze. First turn the attacker rolls damage (Strength). Each suceeding turn both attackers act according to initiative. Each combatant can either inflict damage automatically (roll soak normally) or attempt to break clinch. To escape, make a resisted Strength+Brawl roll.


Make a attack roll at difficulty penalty of 1 (typically 7). If successfull attacker rolls damage normally. If sux exceeds the defenders strength, the defender is disarmed.


Dex+Brawl. Difficulty +1, Strength +1 (Bashing).
A Kick has the chance to knock an enemy back, or over, or otherwise toss them around.

Multiple Opponents

Characters fighting multiple opponents in close combat suffer cumulative attack and defense penalties of one per additional opponent (to a max of 4). I.e. John Courage fighting three Ninja hitmen at once suffers a difficulty penalty of 2 to all attack and defence rolls.
This penalty is reduced for the difference in combat skill between the combatants. Jackie Chan laughs at being mobbed by half-a-dozen mooks.


Dex+Brawl. Difficulty Normal. Strength (Bashing).



Dexterity + Brawl move to block an incoming hand-to-hand attack. Cannot be used on lethal or aggravated damage unless the character is wearing armor, using magic, or has some sort of special training (like say, Do).


Dexterity + Dodge roll to move out of the way of an attack. Cannot be used if there is no space to maneuver.
Difficulty is usually 6 in close combat.
Difficulty varies in ranged combat depending on cover.
4 for heavy cover (only very small portions of body exposed, like head or arm)
6 for medium cover (half body exposed)
8 for light cover (more than half body exposed)
9-10 for no cover at all (caught in the middle of an empty parking lot)


Dexterity + Melee roll to parry attack. If enemy is attacking unarmed and character parries with weapon that deals lethal damage, enemy may be wounded by parry.

Desperate Defense

The character gets his full defense pool against the first attack, then loses one die off of every subsequent defensive roll instead of normal multiple action rules.

Changing to a Defense

The character can abandon any declared action to conduct a defense at a +1 difficulty.

Combat Misc

Target Size Diff Dmg Modifier

Medium (arm, briefcase) +1
Small (hand, head) +2 +1
Precise (eye, heart) +3 +3

Multiple Actions

Taken sequentially and in initiative order for each "round" of a "turn" until all participants have used all actions.
(Numbers given are dice penalties)

1 action: -0
2 actions: -2/-3
3 actions: -3/-4/-5
4 actions: -4/-5/-6/-7
5 actions: -5/-6/-7/-8/-9
6 actions: -6/-7/-8/-9/-10/-11

Simultaneous Attacks

Done in a single "round" against multiple targets.
Split die pool for action between targets (does not have to be an even split)

+1 difficulty on each target after the first, cumulative.
Failing in an attack on one target my disrupt further attacks in the sequence.

Creating Magickal Items


XP Costs


  • Name Cost (current rating)
  • Attribute x4
  • Knowledge x1
  • Talent/Skill x2
  • Willpower x1
  • Background D
  • Trad. Sphere x7
  • Other Sphere x8
  • Arete x8


  • Ability 3
  • Background D
  • Sphere 10