Marisa Yomamura

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Vital Statistics

Name:Marisa Yomamura
Exp: 345.3/347.3 (+2Ling)

Virtue: Perfectionist: Gain WP when your painstaking perfectionism covers even an unforeseen complication.
Vice: Expert: Spend WP to resist showing your expertise off in a valid situation. Regain WP if doing so is taking an unreasonable risk.

Willpower: 6/7
Quantum: 6
Quantum Pool: 67/67
Initiative: 12
Move: 9/18/34

Soak: 21B/17L/3A (total)
Natural Soak (quantum/stamina/m-stamina) 3A/11L/15B
Advanced Body Armour 6L/6B

Health Levels
• [ ]x10 Bruised: -0
• [ ]x14 Hurt: -1
• [ ]x10 Injured: -2
• [ ]x9 Crippled: -4
• [ ]x Incapacitated
• [ ]Dead


Strength: 3

Brawl: 2

Dexterity: 4 (Fast)

Athletics: 5 (Dodge)
Drive: 2
Firearms: 3
Pilot: 1
Stealth: 1

Stamina: 5 (Determined)

Endurance: 3
Resistance: 3

Perception: 4 (Astute)

Awareness: 3
Investigation: 3

Intelligence: 4 (Bright)

Academics: History (Political): 3
Academics: Economics: 4
Academcs: Law: 3
Academics: Politics: 4
Bureaucracy: 4 (Administration)
Strategy: 2
Linguistics: 2 (French, Japanese)
Survival: 1

Wits: 4 (Clever)

Biz: 4 (Barter)
Rapport: 4
Tactics: 2

Appearance: 3

Intmidation: 2
Style: 4

Manipulation: 3

Subterfuge: 3

Charisma: 4 (Charming)

Command: 3
Etiquette: 4
Perform (Flute):1


Resources: 5
Node: 5
Influence: 4
Dormancy: 2
Contacts: 3
Allies: 4
Attunement: 5
Citizenship: 1 (Aeon)



M-Str: 1 (Crush)
M-Dex: 2 (Enhanced Movement)
M-Sta: 4 (Adaptability, Resiliency, Regeneration)
M-Per: 2 (High-End Electromagnetic Scan, Electromagnetic Vision)
M-Int: 2 (Taint Resistance)
M-Wits: 2 (Enhanced Initiative 2, Quickness, Multitasking)
M-Manip: 2 (Persuader)


Elemental Mastery (Electricity): 5 (Low Quantum Cost)


Magnetic Mastery: 2


Elemental Authority (Electricity): 2

Greater Diminish (AoE = town sized)
Quantum Army (Lots and lots of quantum constructs!)?

Quantum Inferno: 2

Density Decrease: 5 (Reduced Quantum Cost)

Teleport: 1

Bioluminescance: 3

Quantum Conversion: 1

Domination: 2 (Parasitic)


Permanent Taint: 6
Temp Taint:

Body Modifications: 16 + 8 exp
Redundant Organs 3x -0, 6x -1 (9 exp)
Redundant Organs 4x -2, 4x -4 (6 exp)
Tentacles (Electric tentacles!) (4 exp)
Dispersed Organs 2 (8 exp)

Bioelectric Dynamo (2 exp)


Allergic Reaction: Copper
Electrical Hair
Phobia: Blind Teleport
Sleep Terror Disorder (no Willpower regained by sleep)
Sensitive (EMI): +1 difficulty when around lots of active electronics due to distraction.

Transhuman Ascendence



7/5/3 (Social/Physical/Mental)
30 Ability Points
BP: 15
+1 Int: 4
4 Willpower: 8
1 Ability: 2
4 Background: 4

NP: 50
8 Attributes: 4
24 Abilities: 4
15 Background: 3
5 M-Atts: 10
2 M-Sta: 4
4 Tainted Quantum: 8
Elemental Mastery 2: 6
Tainted Elemental Mastery 1: 0
Density Decrease 5: 10
Body Modifications 8 exp: 1 NP

M-Wits 2: 5 exp
M-Sta 3: 10 exp
Teleport 1: 3 exp
Resiliency: 5 exp
M-Per 2: 5 exp
Enhanced Initiatve 2: 5 exp
Linguistics 2 (French, Japanese): 5 exp
Elemental Mastery 4: 21 exp
Specialty (Barter): 1 exp
Quickness: 5 exp
Multitasking: 5 exp
M-Str 1: 6 exp
Bioluminescance 1: .1 exp (MJ Special Sale)
Regeneration: 5 exp
Reduced Quantum Cost x2: 20 exp
Tactics 2: 5exp
2 Quantum points: 4 exp
Body Mods (redundant organs -0 + -1): 2 exp
Firearms 3: 4 exp
Survival 1: 3 exp
Node 4, 5: 14 exp
M-Int 2: 5 exp
Bioluminescance 2: .1 exp (MJ Special Sale)
Bioluminescance 3: .1 exp (MJ Special Sale)
Perform (Flute) 1: Free Dot
Quantum 6: 40 exp
Domination 1, 2: 11 exp
Extra (Parasitic Domination): 10 exp
M-Manip 1, 2: 11 exp
M-Sta 4: 15 exp
Body Mods (dispersed organs 2): 4 exp
Elemental Authority 1: 12 exp
Stamina 5: 16 exp
Redundant Organs: 2
Intimidation 2: 2 exp
Magnetic Mastery 1: 9 exp
Elemental Authority (Electricity) 2: 9 exp
Magnetic Mastery 2: 7
Electromagnetic Vision: 5
Quantum Inferno 1: 12
Bodymod Changes: 1 exp
Quantum Inferno 2: 9 exp
Quantum Conversion 1: 3 exp
Elemental Mastery 5: 28