Talk:Marisa Yomamura

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2.1 Stats

Quantum 6, M-Str + M-Dex 4, M-Sta 4, Stamina 5, WP 7, Extra Health Levels 7 (14 XP for body modifications refunded)

6 + 4 + 24 + 10 + 7 + 14 = 65 HLs
-0 x 9/-1 x 9/-2 x 9/-3 x 9/-4 x 9/-5 x 9/-6 x 9/-7 x 2/I x 13/Dying x 36


Blast: [27] + 53B/[27] + 45L, AP:12, RoF 44

Quantum Inferno: 22A [14] + 44L [28]


Powers, Quantum and Extras

(The expensive stuff)

Elemental Mastery 5: 28 exp
Teleport 2, 3, 4, 5: 5 + 10 + 15 + 20 = 50 exp
Quantum Conversion 1-5: 3 + 2 + 4 + 6 + 8 = 23 exp

Reduced Quantum Cost: 10 exp

Magnetic Mastery, maybe.

Elemental Authority.

M-Atts and Enhancements

M-Int 3: 10 exp

Fast Learner: 5 exp

M-Cha 1: 6 exp
M-Att 1: 6 exp
M-Wits 3, 4: 10 + 15 = 25 exp

Enahnced Initiative 3

Hardbody: 5 exp
M-Dex 3, 4: 15 + 20 = 35 exp
M-Per 3: 15 exp

Electromagnetic Vision: 5 exp


Backing, maybe.


Linguistics (French, Japanese)
Medicine (Novas)
Science (Quantum Theory, Taint, Biology)