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I am the eggman, I AM THE WALRUS


Vital Statistics

Name:Marisa Yomamura
Exp: 38/38

Virtue: Perfectionist: Gain WP when your painstaking perfectionism covers even an unforseen complication.
Vice: Expert: Spend WP to resist showing your expertise off in a valid situation. Regain WP if doing so is taking an unreasonable risk.

Willpower: 7
Quantum: 5
Quantum Pool: 50
Initiative: 12
Move: 9/18/34

Soak: B/L/A (total)
Natural Soak (quantum/stamina/m-stamina) 2A/9L/12B

Health Levels
• [ ]x7 Bruised: -0
• [ ]x8 Hurt: -1
• [ ]x7 Injured: -2
• [ ]x8 Crippled: -4
• [ ]x Incapacitated
• [ ]Dead


Strength: 3

Brawl: 2

Dexterity: 4

Athletics: 5 (Dodge)
Drive: 2
Firearms: 2
Pilot: 1
Stealth: 1

Stamina: 4

Endurance: 3
Resistance: 3

Perception: 4

Awareness: 3
Investigation: 3

Intelligence: 4

Academics: History (Political): 3
Academics: Economics: 4
Academcs: Law: 3
Academics: Politics: 4
Bureaucracy: 4 (Administration)
Strategy: 2

Wits: 4

Biz: 4
Rapport: 4

Appearance: 3

Intmidation: 1
Style: 4

Manipulation: 3

Subterfuge: 3

Charisma: 4

Command: 3
Etiquette: 4


Resources: 5
Node: 3
Influence: 4
Dormancy: 2
Contacts: 3
Allies: 4
Attunement: 2



M-Dex: 2 (Enhanced Movement)
M-Sta: 3 (Adaptability, Resiliency)
M-Per: 1 (High-End Electromagnetic Scan)
M-Int: 1 (Taint Resistance)
M-Wits: 2 (Enhanced Initiative)


Elemental Mastery (Electricity): 3


Bodymorph (Electicity): 5

Density Decrease: 5
Immolate: 5

Teleport: 1


Permanent Taint: 5

Body Modifications: 8 + 8 exp
Redundant Organs 3x -0, 3x -1 (6 exp)
Redundant Organs 2x -2, 4x -4 (4 exp)
Tentacles (Electric tentacles!) (6 exp)


Allergic Reaction: Copper
Aberrant Eyes: Glowing Irises

Transhuman Ascendence



7/5/3 (Social/Physical/Mental)
30 Ability Points
BP: 15
+1 Int: 4
4 Willpower: 8
1 Ability: 2
1 Background: 1

NP: 50
8 Attributes: 4
24 Abilities: 4
15 Background: 3
5 M-Atts: 10
2 M-Sta: 4
4 Tainted Quantum: 8
Elemental Mastery 2: 6
Tainted Elemental Mastery 1: 0
Bodymorph 5: 10
Body Modifications 8 exp: 1 NP

Biomorph 4: 15 exp
M-Wits 2: 5 exp
M-Sta 3: 10 exp
Teleport 1: 3 exp
Resiliency: 5 exp

Sphere 2

Late National (+60 Pop)

Dominantly Baseline (+60 pop, +logistics)

Resource Rich World: Simple Ores (+100 PIP)

Quiet (+100 Wealth, +60 Pop)

Artifact Find: Useful Finds (+100 Dust, +100 CIP)

Isolated (+2500 Stockpiles)

Strange Discovery: Ferel Drone Attack (+100 Dust, +2500 Military)

China is #1! (+60 pop, -200 Theta)

Breakaway System (+Non-Core relations, +100 CIP, +100 PIP, -Chinese Relations)

Military Industrial Zone (+100 CIP, +100 PIP, +Weapon Tech, +2 Global Tech Level, -100 Wealth)

Long March into Space (+ Navy, ++ Shipbuilding Tech, + Fleet Doctrines, + Logistics, - Debt)

+300 CIP
+300 PIP
+200 Dust
+240 Pop
+2,500 Military
+2,500 Stockpiles
+2 Global Tech Level
++Shipbuilding Tech
+Weapon Tech
+Fleet Doctrines
+Non-Core Relations
-Chinese Relations



Pioneers (+60 pop)
Baseline (+60 pop)
Garden World (+60 pop)
Quiet (+60 pop)
Digging (+100 PIP)
Nationalism (+Morale)
Open for Buisness (+100 Wealth, +FTL Applicaiton)
Crossroads (+60 Pop, +100 Wealth)
Death Spiral (+Tech, +200 Application, -100 Wealth, -Morale)

450 Pop
625 PIP
525 CIP
525 Wealth
150 Delta Dust
12,500 Military
+FTL Application
+200 Application

Nexus: The Nine Star League


Population: 4 (6 points)
Transumanism: -1
Infrastructure: 5 (3 points +2)
Growth Potential: 1 (1 points)
Military Support: 3 (3 points)
Space Fleet: 5 (3 points +2)
Diplomacy: 2 (2 point)
Espionage: 1 (1 point)
General Advancement: 2 (8 points)
Unique Technology: 4 (8 points)
Emergent Technologies: 0
Magic: 0


The League

When the first human ships left Sol on their voyages to other worlds, they were the start of a diaspora that exceeded any expectations. What started as a trickle soon became a flood, as ethnic and cultural groups, pioneers, nationalists and others fled an Earth increasingly blending into a single generic sameness. With the crude technology available at the time, it was clear that trying to exert control from Earth was an impossibility, and nobody even thought to try. The Nine Star League has it's roots in this era: Earth, and her eight closest colonies, collectively the largest human polity in a sea of hundreds or possibly even thousands of single system colonial nations.

Then the stutterdrive was developed, and everything changed. With stutterdrive equipped ships, orders of magnitude faster than the old style FTL craft which took years to travel between all but the closest systems, the League extended it's power over system after system. They brought with them good governance, civil rights, laws and investment. Not all golden ages last, however; in 2523, the League had it's first contact with another alien species. What resulted was a short, sharp war that shocked humanity out of it's complacent daze, and a wave of paranoia about what else might be lurking in the stars. In the century after, more starfaring races were discovered, and such paranoia seemed misplaced. There were a handful of limited wars, but the League was massively superior in size, wealth and technology to most of it's neighbours. It was a second golden age.

Until the Orglons found them.

The Final War

The Orglons possessed a massive fleet, technical superiority and a single mission; to kill or assimilate any sentient life they found. Who created them or where they came from was never discovered; the first evidence of their existence was a warfleet dropping out of stutterwarp in the Sentinel system. Shortly afterwards, all communication ceased. The League Starfleet task force sent to invastigate likewise dropped out of contact. The Orglons began moving across known space, a slow but inevitable tide of flesh and metal devouring world after world. The League and their allies fought, and fought hard, but the Orglons always seemed to have more and better ships; for every battleship burned from space, two more would take it's place, for every brigade routed, a division would move to the attack.

It took nearly a hundred years of conflict for the invaders to grind their way to the industrial heart of the League, the Old Colonies settled by the first generation colony ships. Despite desperate actions from human and those alien ships that had escaped their own species destruction, the Orglons moved where they would. There was nothing left to stop them. Then, they vanished, and the stars changed.


Metatype: Elf
Gender: Female
Karma/Total: 34/46

Street Cred:
Public Awareness:

Combat Info

Primary Armour:
Primary Ranged Weapon:

Primary Melee Weapon

Condition Monitor



Edge/Total: Magic: 6 Initiative:

Body: 2 (1+1)
Agility: 2 (2+0)
Reaction: 2 (1+1)
Strength: 1 (1+0)
Willpower: 5 (1+4)
Logic: 6 (1+5)
Intuition: 5 (1+5) Charisma: 4 (3+1)

Limit (Physical/Mental/Social:



Banishing: 2 (0+2) (8 dice)
Binding: 2 (0+2) (8)
Summoning: 2 (0+2) (8)
Spellcasting: 6 (5+1) (12)
Counterspelling: 6 (5+1) (12)
Ritual Spellcasting: 6 (0+6) (12)
Alchemy: 5 (11)
Artificing: 5 (11)
Disenchanting: 5 (11)

Arcane: 6 (0+6) (12)

Archery: 3 (0+2) Crossbows (5+2)
Pistols: 1 (0+1) Semi Auto (3+2)
Blades: 1 (0+1) Swords (3+2)

Running: 1 (0+1) (2)
Swimming: 1 (0+1) (2)
Gymnastics: 2 (0+2) Climbing (4+2)
Sneaking: 2 (0+2) Urban (4+2)

Navigation: 1 (0+1) (6)
First Aid: 1 (0+1) Gunshot (7+2)
Perception: 1 (0+1) (6)

Etiquette: 3 (0+3) Corporate (7+2)
Negotiations: 1 (0+1) Bargaining (5+2)


Dependents 1 (+3)
Corporate Limited SIN (+15)


Lifestyle: Nuyen: Licenses: ID:


Spells & Adept Powers




Magic:6, two rating 5 magic skills (Spellcasting, Counterspelling), 10 spells
16 Attribute points
36/5 skills (5 group points = Enchanting)
12/43 Karma
6 PP (-12 Karma)