Aberrant 2.0
Rebuilding Aberrant to deal with some of its most eregrious flaws.
Aberrant 2.0 Rules Alterations
- Alterations to core system elements.
Aberrant 2.0 Combat Alterations
- Alterations to elements of the combat system.
Aberrant 2.0 Character Generation
- How to build a Nova character.
Aberrant 2.0 Abilities
- Alterations to the Abilities found in Aberrant.
Aberrant 2.0 Mental Systems
- Science, gadgeteering, and mental combat.
Aberrant 2.0 Social Systems
- Social Combat, Sway, and other ways to win friends and influence people.
Aberrant 2.0 Quantum and Mega-Attributes
- Alterations to Quantum, Mega-Attributes, Quantum Pool, and other facets of Nova superiority.
Aberrant 2.0 Power Errata
- Changes to many of the powers available to Novas.
Aberrant 2.0 Equipment Errata
- New rules and fixes for armor, vehicles, weapons, and chemicals of all sorts.
Additional Rules
Aberrant 2.0 Body Modifications
- New and improved body modifications for Novas (and baselines alike, with the new system for cybernetics)
- The Chrysalis Trait revamped
- Rewritten weapons and armor section, with tags and other things.
- Optional rules for additional enjoyment
- Powering up the last member of the Inspired trio.
- Alternative settings
- Psions
- A reimagined Trinity setting by yours truly.
- How to change society for fun and profit.