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====Indian Posse====
====Indian Posse====
'''[[Tom Oneeagle]]''' - A Dreamspeaker who contributed significantly to keeping Kana alive against Winnipeg's Vampires. Leads a clowncar full of Indians.
'''[[Tom Oneeagle]]''' - A Dreamspeaker who contributed significantly to keeping Kana alive against Winnipeg's Vampires. Leads a clowncar full of Indians. As of episode 56, Tom appeared to have gotten his hands on the Crown of Gilgamesh and may or may not be suffering some effects from it.

'''Bobby''' - Some guy who got his neck snapped by Elvira. That bitch.
'''Bobby''' - Some guy who got his neck snapped by Elvira. That bitch.

Revision as of 22:20, 22 September 2009

For Mage: The Ascension being run by IXJac.

So yeah, create pages for your character. Or just link your userpage if you're lazy. Nobody cares.


Current Cast

Cara Stang (Andronicus)

Hermetic mage who's got an incurable case of vampire echoes. Really good at the whole mind control thing. Once stabbed a Master to death.

Kanako Kuga (Maloncanth)

A young Japanese-Canadian girl who looks even younger than she actually is. A prodigious matter mage, has difficulty relating to real life.

Christopher Westin (MJ12)

He's, um, a Euthanatos.

Catherine West (Norseman)

A silly librarian who thinks she's from the Victorian era. Talks to trees (they talk back).

John Nightingale (Screwball)

A buff action hero type from Val Verde. Currently MIA, might have moved on.

Proteus (Shrike)

C3I for the chantry. Is probably not as omnipresent as he should be. Learning to hate the supernatural.

Marilia Caldwell (Silence)

Fireball loli and sole heir to a Hermetic dynasty. Ressurection count: 1

Theodore Charleston (Ezekiel)

The Doctor, I presume? Is destined to someday be Sky Lord.

Rajaram Balagangadharanswami (Singh)

A very strange barbarian priest from the far East with an equally strange (and mysterious) agenda.

Annette Silverton (Ent)

Ent's mental exercise

Vali Bartal (Ralson)

Psycho werecat. Narrowly avoided death at the hands of a 300 Gigajoule plasma cannon and has a skull for a face now. Scary!


Beta - Proteus' AI computer familiar. Called Beta-chan by Kana. Like her master, she has no full name.

Pamela - An innocent loli who Kana rescued from the insidious clutches of a Vancouver pedoring. Rather than being groomed for CP, now she is being indoctrinated into the cel-shaded paradigm.

Kano - Former Yakuza midboss turned aspiring badass normal, now arguably turned genuine badass normal. He was, with some help from Kana, responsible for slaying Kang Zhang, a half Kuei-Ji half human dude mostly known as the man with the flaming hair.


James Reines (Shrike) - Void Engineer who got Nephandirized, bringing an end to Team Techno.

Marilia Caldwell (Silence) - Hermitic book loli of Team Fireball. Consumed by fire and paradox in an untimely botch while burning vampires. Currently not resting in peace. Alive again! And finally succeeded where she once failed!

Ren Dynler (Ralson) - Hermitic mage of Team Fireball who majored in Drinking and Driving. Consumed by fire and steel-beam-through-chest in glorious fashion while torching vampires. May he also rest in peace.

Reynolds (MJ12) - ItX traitor member of the shortlived Team Hacker with eight points in AAAA TECHNOCRACY. Killed by Contingent 10 and then baleeted himself. May he rest in peace.

Wilhelm Deimos (Ezekiel) - Anarchist Etherite. Destroyed by techno beamnuke fire during the disastrous awesome disastrome Shady Vale mission. May he rest in subatomic pieces.

Tia Mazu (Ent) - Hot Ninja Girl. Destroyed by techno beamnuke fire during the disastrous awesome disastrome Shady Vale mission. May she rest in subatomic pieces.

Cabal Cabal Cabal!

The teams of our glorious chantry.

Team Fireball - One of the dirtfort's two founding cabals, Team Fireball was largely responsible for scooping Uncle Caldwell out of trouble, getting Hontanat out of jail, and torching over a hundred vampires in what could best be described as an accidental suicide bombing. Nevertheless, their final action entirely foiled a dangerous plot against the Hermitic bigwigs and the high enemy bodycount means Fireball is undoubtedly the most successful cabal to date. Their adventures have passed on into legend, along with most of the members. In between the passing of most of the original lineup the Team's only survivor, Cara, worked briefly in cojunction with Team Kungfu in order to track down Master Noldos Vayne. The cooperation saw the death of Vayne and the death of Lucius Andari by being impaled by wooden stakes and beheading. Concurrently with the progression of Team Kungfu's kuei-jin arc, Cara Stang managed to time out a master mage sometime last thursday and managed to find Marilia's wraith as well. This, along with new blood, served as a rallying point for a renewed Team Fireball. As Team Evil Cara Stang, Mari Cladwell and Westin united after Mari's return from the grave to travel to Winnipeg for adventure and the quest of ancient and powerful relic which pertains to the murder of of Hermetic Master Noldos Vayne an associate of dear Uncle Cladwell by Lucius Andari. In these endeavors Westin nearly managed to have the Team attacked by Chorister Slayettes after some mistimed words but irrevocably proved his heroism by the pursuit of a massassa responsible for missing girls. A panicked escape from a school, with the standard Team Fireball practice of trying to set a building on fire, avoidance of any conjunction with like minded Technocracts and the battle against the massassa which ultimately saw the vampire struck from the sky a bolt of lightning. In episode 48, Team Fireball merged with half of Team Kungfu to form Team Girls.

Team Hacker - A shortlived team composed of resident VA Proteus and formerly resident ItX renegade Reynolds. Soon after forming, they departed on an ill-thought out excursion to some island Technocracy base and routed in the face of holographic laser bears. Though disbanded, they could be considered a valuable damcon bulkhead that prevented Reynolds' prodigious flaws from visiting the rest of the chantry membership.

Team Kungfu - The oldest cabal of the chantry, Team Kungfu was responsible for killing one very large vampire, preserving the marriageability of a loli and most recently, beating up random criminals. However, its primary mission so far has been to keep its default leader alive. Owing to a longstanding Kana-Tia dynamic, their missions and modus operandi are simplistic compared to the others and tends to devolve into a beeline to melee range. Through a combination of luck, timely assistance, and madness, managed to remain the only cabal in which no one has been killed. At one point, rumors had it that a Hollywood Gunman was about to join our Samurai Girl and Kungfu Maiden, threatening a rename from Team Kungfu to Team Action Genre. This, however, did not come to pass. After episode 48, the samurai girl half of Team Kungfu merged with the remains of Team Fireball, forming Team Girls, a team that went on to great success. The kungfu maiden half was absorbed into Team Flamesaw, which was promptly eliminated.

Team Girls - The fusion form of Team Fireball and Team Kungfu which appeared in the third episode of season 3. Quite appropriately, it contains most of the chantry's female membership. The team has proven highly capable in terms of teamwork, managing it to infiltrate a ski resort in relative safety and pass the stiff challenge of three kuei-jin opponents. With the passing of Team Flamesaw, Team Girls is now the cabal's only team.

Team Flamesaw - Notable for having a Werecheetah, a magic chainsaw, and a magic flamethrower between its two members, Flamesaw quickly became the team with the highest diceload in the entire chantry, though their shortcomings in other areas (such as stealth) were remarkable. Let's just say they had effective weaponry. Team Flamesaw was wiped out in episode 52.

Honorable Mention

Team Techno - A primordial team of technocrats consisting of James Reines and some guy nobody remembers. James Reines was subsequently consumed by Nephandi, placing consensual participation firmly on the side of the Traditions.


Hermitic Bigwigs


Edric Hontanat. Ren Dynler's master. Eccentric.

Victor Caldwell A Master of House Bonisagus and Mentor and uncle to Marilia Caldwell. Murdered during a magic dual, he was subsequently resurrected after his soul passed through the gauntlet during Team Fireball's first, confusing, mission. In cahoots with Noldos Vayne before Vayne's death.

Josephine Mordant - Magistrati of the Order of Hermes and part of House Quaesitor, Mentor to Cara. She gave a flower to Cara during her childhoold after viewing her future. The flower allowed Cara to defeat the Wilder Luss, a far superior Mage.

Noldos Vayne - Poor fellow who lost his soul to Lucius in a partial embrace. Committed suicide in a last ditch spit in the face of Lucius.

Winnipeg's Vampires

Lucius Andari - A serious business vampire. His inability to keep up with Kana's torrent of fictional culture led to his downfall.

Elvira - Lucius' hench-bondage-vampire lady.

Team Timeout

Lussentelay - Skeletal and emaciated heroin addict mage. His arrogance at his own power and some timely help from both Marilia Caldwell's wraith and Josephine Mordant allowed Cara to take him down, bringing Team Fireball out of the nadir of its fortunes.

Red May - Appearance 5 Asian bondage lady with short cherry red hair and blue contacts. Unfortunately, Cara seems to hate her a lot, putting a damper on her prospects at becoming a Kana cosplay model. Possibly a Ghoul in bondage to Ozu.

Cathy - Black girl who goes out with a skinhead.

Sieg - Skinhead who goes out with a black girl. A matter and mind mage, though a fairly shitty one.

Vancouver Gangsters


Kang Tze-Kung - Kuei-jin. Definitely a Kuei-jin.

Kang Zhang - Kang's son. Dead by Kano's blade with an assist from Kana.

Mr. Lao - Possibly some kind of a normal vampire. Is the Big Bad of the entire current storyline. Had a Black Spiral ally, who got roasted for his sins.

Chiju - Overall leader of the Shady Vale kuei-jin base. Overcome by Tia after a bit of stumbling and had his place taken by "Tiachu".

Bao Zhi - Incredibly nasty sword kuei-jin. Cut in half by Vali after a 3-on-1 battle.

Xiumin - The third midboss. An ice lady in leathers dual wielding broadswords and with an uzi at her hip. Blinded by Cara and burned to ashes by Mari with Kana backing up.

"Jimmy Dean" + 4 - Sat around the garage and was responsible for the location's four chih-mei. Slain by Vali in a single blow. Vali also mostly slew the chih-mei in a single blow each, with the balance cleaned up via the team German's flamethrower.

Franky and Little Li - Troublemakers apparently. Cheaped out when Tiachu threw them to the chih-mei.

Hsing and Fu - Those Two Guys. Kidnapped Tia and led to this situation. About to face Team Girls, so one could argue that this section is Under Construction. Blinded by Cara, entrapped by chains, hacked and burned to death by Team Girl.

Feng - Last of the Mochinkans. Survived because he was on sentry duty. Should be thankful.

Other Fuckers

Ozu - A vampire and a Yakuza. Is Kano's teacher. Just what he has at his disposal is uncertain though he was clearly losing to Kang before. As recent events unfolded, it rapidly became clear that he is at the extreme low end of the Conspiracy ladder.

Wang Jun - A Chinese arms dealer. Supplied guns to the Triads until he developed a severe case of Cheetahman.

Fat Freddy - Fat Freddy may be a reference to Fredek Bezelizin, a Russian gangster. Generally rather upscale, involved in gambling and laundering. No conflicts between him and the Tongs that you know of from the media reports.

Leo Tarhal - Reborn Garou for the Glasswalkers and servant of the Wyrm. Excellent hacker, althrough not quite good enough to shake off Proteus. After being trapped in "real" space by Catherine, targeted by Proteus, fireballed by Mari his mind was cut apart by Cara in a challenge of wills that saw the brute broken and its secrets given up, cut short only by the coming arrival of fire engines. A lackey of Mister Lao.

Nyima Tempai - A Tibetan shota who was really an over 100 year old Keuijin. Apparently was a destined goodguy of some sort despite being a corrupted, purulent dick previously in league with a huge crime boss and subsequently in league with a servant of the Wyrm. Tried to play chessmaster with a mahjong player - suffice to say his encounter with Kana probably didn't go as he expected. However, Kana also activated his trap card.


Amy Lee - Woman in Black out to capture Kana. Last seen in the Spy's Demise.

Apthalon - ItX cyber-hunter, out to chase down renegades. Like Reynolds.

Nimrod - Even Kana would tell you the chantry lacks the genres necessary to manage a team of hardsuit girls. The team exchanged one lost hardsuit to 2.5 lost members of dirtfort, which may or may not be favourable depending on perspective.

Guys Who Saved Our Asses

Master Kenshin Takezo

Indian Posse

Tom Oneeagle - A Dreamspeaker who contributed significantly to keeping Kana alive against Winnipeg's Vampires. Leads a clowncar full of Indians. As of episode 56, Tom appeared to have gotten his hands on the Crown of Gilgamesh and may or may not be suffering some effects from it.

Bobby - Some guy who got his neck snapped by Elvira. That bitch.

Izzy - A still-pimpled member of Indian Posse. Thinks he's all that with a butterfly knife. He and Kana found their worlds had little in common.

Contingent 10

They don't fuck around.

Notable Incidents

<IXJac> You have some vampire blood on your sword
<Kanako> it's covered in teflon remember? ;p
<IXJac> Drip drip drip
<Ralson> (No, keep it)
<Ralson> (it's useful)
<Kanako> (fuck no)
<Ralson> (It's full of essence!)
<Kanako> (are you serious?)
<IXJac> (yes)
<Kanako> !

<IXJac> Anyway, the conversation drifts off into other topics. Both of you roll Manipulation+Expression
<John_Nightingale> d1
<IXBot> John_Nightingale : ( 7 )
<Tia-> d1
<IXBot> Tia- : ( 8 )

<IXJac> OK, three attacks?
<Kana-> yup
<Kana-> d5
<IXBot> Kana- : ( 10 8 4 10 2 )
<Kana-> d2
<IXBot> Kana- : ( 9 6 )
<IXJac> Roll to hit the next?
<Kana-> no rolling damage?
<IXJac> Lets do the to hit rolls
<Kana-> okay next...
<Kana-> d4
<IXBot> Kana- : ( 10 6 10 5 )
<Kana-> d2
<IXBot> Kana- : ( 10 3 )
<Kana-> d1
<IXBot> Kana- : ( 10 )
<Kana-> d1
<IXBot> Kana- : ( 10 )
<Kana-> omg.
<Kana-> d1
<IXBot> Kana- : ( 10 )
<Kana-> ...
<Kana-> d1
<IXBot> Kana- : ( 8 )
<Vali> Wow.
<IXJac> OK, Kana kills the FUCK out of all three, slashslashslash
<beta-chan> Off with his head.

<IXJac> The reinforcements are standing there, shaking their radios as music blares, when suddenly, as if from nowhere. . .
<IXJac> Ral, you are racing forward in a fury

  • Vali crashes out a window and lands in their midst!
  • Vali crashes out a window, lands, and THEN gets in amidst them!

<IXJac> Well, the only window is the van they're beside, so Vali crashes through that