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[[The Vanguard]]<br>
:'''Significant:''' +1 all
[[New Illumina Republic]]<br>
:'''Idoru:''' +2 Per, +1 Kno, +1 Psy, +2 Cha
[[Mage: The Ascension in Arcus Prima Arena]]<br>
:'''Plate Worlder:''' +1 structure environment
[[Escape from the Abyss]]<br>
:'''Important:''' +2 Per, +1 Kno, +3 Cha. '''Defining Event: Clout.'''
[[Project Codename: Orenji]]<br>
:'''Otaku:''' +2 Kno +10 MBP
[[Hell's Garden REDAMNATION]]<br>
:'''Duel Court Page:''' +2 Rea, [+2 to a weapon style of choice, +1 Hard to Kill]
[[Mage: Garden of Forking Paths]]<br>
:'''Socialite:''' +3 Cha, +2 Per, +1 Kno
[[Mage: Drifting Tokyo]]<br>
:'''Noble:''' Noble: +2 Cha, +2 Kno +20 MPB
:'''????:''' Yet to be unveiled!
[[Paris Aberrant]]
:Bod:  1
::+1 Hard to Kill
:Rea:  3
:Per:  7
::+2 Trick Shot
:Kno: 8
:Psy:  2
:Cha:  11
:Plus floating points
==General WoD Notes==
:+30 MBP
[[Inferno Project]]
Rather than being a particular clan or bloodline of vampires, this term refers to vampires that truck with the infernal in general. They are rare as most vampires have no ability to interact with the spirit world, if they even believe in it, but as vampires are more common than mages they make up an (un)healthy proportion of infernal servants.
==League Blurb==
The Camarilla forbid demonology and prefer that it not be spoken of at all, both to ensure the exclusive power of the Princes is maintained and from genuine moral revulsion. The Sabbat frown on it like a bad drug as they promote freedom of vampires from control, but the Lasombra fall from their ironic religious posing into actual devil-worship far more often than they are willing to admit. The nature of the 'Set' of the Setites is a matter of dispute even among followers, but the Serpent heirarchy does not ban traffic with demons - only subservience and 'excessive' behaviour.
'''The League''' is a smaller faction in an isolated region of space called the Sea of Solomon. It was isolated during the Breakdown but brought together by the need to oppose the invasion of the [[Magnates]]. The defence lasted two decades of crash industrialisation, ruthless warfare and tremendous sacrifice, but was ultimately successful and the Magnates were forced to retreat. The League was left staring across the lines, with a mighty war machine and war governments painfully converting to civilian life. The naive idealism of space colonisation is theirs no longer. They know the alien dangers that lurk beyond their tiny bubble of civilisation, and the sacrifices that are required to deal with them.
Currently the League is stranded somewhat distant from the affairs of the Inner Sphere, on the very edge of the Rim. Their defining policy issue is their cold war with the Magnates, but the riches and mysteries of the Rim beckon in a much more imminent sense than for the inner factions, and eventually the League will be forced to respond in some way to the political upheavals and encroaching might of the Interior.
Contact with demons can be achieved by forbidden rituals of Thaumaturgy or Necromancy, by astral projection, or by the secret discipline of Daimonion that is passed down among Baali from master to student. Not all Baali have the use of any of these powers themselves, but rely on access to a more capable Kindred master, a terrorised or controlled mortal sorceror, or even some item or location into which a demon has been bound.
The League has in general the weakest technical base of any major bloc, but can get a lot out of 'primitive' technologies, and has the greatest body of theoretical and practical knowledge of xenotech. Nevertheless, they are generally qualitatively inferior. Their equipment tends to be simple, rugged and mass-producible, with a design heritage running back to civilian and pre-breakdown designs. However, long-serving machines will have been extensively patched and modified, and systems incorporating significant Velan-derived elements may have an almost cybernetic appearance.
==Exalted: Eclipse==
What if the Usurpation was done by ''Lunars''? The Solars are slain, their Sidereal cronies sent fleeing to hide in Yu-Shan, and now the Thousand Streams River encircles Gaea. Dragonblood and Beastman populate the world. But all is not well. More and more knowledge is lost in the shifting tides of history, the Lunar elders and their experiments are becoming ever more degenerate, and once-Lunar monsters threaten to invade from the edges of Creation. And the Ebon Dragon just tricked the Raven into coughing up the Sun...
'''Inspirations:''' Stalin's USSR, Afghan insurgents, the ''Alien'' series, ????
====Lunar Charm/Knack Concepts====
*Open up Chimaera charms to all lunars, with whatever caveats.
*'''Circle of Life Technique:''' Those the lunar kills and eats always reincarnate (including ghosts) <- needs more oomph.
*'''Chimeric Chrysalis:''' When threatened with mutation, instead enter a chrysalis and emerge radically transformed.
*'''Eyeball-Swallowing Approach:''' Eat a sense organ and receive memories of what it perceived over the last [essence] days.
*'''Hungry Cuckoo Method:''' The Lunar plants themselves into an organisation and siphons off a proportion of its turnover/profits <- maybe too Siddie.
*'''Myriad Hairs of the Monkey King:''' Release bits of body as independent entities.
*'''Raven Steals the Sun:''' Prereq. ''Golden Widow Method'', ess 6+. After hunting and killing ones solar mate, imprison their exaltation and learn Solar charms (with limitations/drawbacks/side effects).
*'''Raven-as-Writing-Desk Technique:''' Transform into inanimate objects?
*'''[Something about tapeworms]:''' Hide inside someone else's body, with or without their awareness.
*'''Protean [Attribute Type] Ingenuity:''' Move attribute dots around inside one attribute type (physical/mental/social).
*'''Silent Owl's Patience:''' The lunar creates a shell personality to function socially and be affected by UMI leaving a dormant core personality unmolested.
==Solar System Generator==
==Magical Pathologies==
Note: If you roll up a garden or terraformable world, roll again unless you have a particularly good reason why it wasn't colonised.
These are presented from a materialist perspective based on the pioneering research of Herr Klogius and his group. More spiritual mages may have more metaphysical explanations. And of course, their rendering as 'pathology' is a subjective value judgement and categorisation. Different mages and groups of mages manifest different pathologies, in different ways.
*A conventional solar system has 2d6 bodies (including your planet)
*Planets: rocky planets may be asteroid belts
:1-3: rocky
:4-6: gaseous
*Mass: gaseous planets add 4 to the die roll
:1: Sublunar (Asteroid belt, 0.0005)
:2: 0.01 Earths (the Moon, 0.0123)
:3: 0.1 (Mars, 0.107)
:4: 1 (Venus, 0.815)
:5: 5 (5 Earths)
:6: 10 (Uranus, 15)
:7: 50
:8: 100 (Saturn (Saturn, 94)
:9: 500 Earths (Jupiter, 318)
:10: Superjovian (HAT-P-2b, >2500)
*Composition (gaseous):
:1-3: Hydrogen/Helium (Jupiter, Saturn)
:4-5: Methane/Ammonia (Uranus, Neptune)
:6: Hydrogen/Water
*Atmosphere (rocky):
:1-3: Carbon Dioxide (Mars, Venus)
:4: Nitrogen/Oxygen (Earth)
:5: Methane/Ammonia (Titan)
:6: Hydrogen/Helium (Mercury)
*Atmospheric density (rocky):
:1: None/trace
:2: Very low
:3: Low (Mars)
:4: Moderate (Earth)
:5: High (Venus)
:6: Extreme (Titan)
*Temperature: planets with thinner atmospheres have greater temperature variation
:2-4: Deep Frozen (Pluto, <100K)
:5-6: Frozen (equator dozens of degrees below freezing point)
:7: Icebox (Mars)
:8: Temperate (Earth)
:9: Hothouse (Terranova)
:10: Severe (water boils on the equator)
:11-12: Extreme (Venus)
:1-5: No
:6: Yes
:1: Tidally locked
:2: Tidally locked
:3: Fossils
:4: Xenolife
:5: Commercially inviable precursor dust
:6: Posthuman structure (or possibly Velan ruin)
==Snail (final statblock)==
No confirmed cures have been found.
Race: Classic (+1 universal)<br>
Occupation: I-tech (+1 education)<br>
===Externalised Delusion===
Traits: Obsessed (research) [+3], Dark Past [+5], Obscure Knowledge (AI programming, xenopsychology, esoteric computing, mindstate engineering) [4]<br>
One of the more common pathologies. The sufferer percieves reality in a radically different way to others and, within certain limits, it alters to match. This may occur based on physical, social or metaphysical proximity. Enlightened beings are not significantly altered but the sufferer will nevertheless percieve them as fitting into her world model.
Physical 1 [0]<br>
Sufferers from externalised delusions are mostly immune to paradox, but may still be ejected into the umbra if their disruptions become particularly extreme. This immunity however gives them great power and their delusional perceptions give them unusual drives. These two factors together have given them the traditional name 'marauders'.
Smarts 11 [55]<br>
Education 6 [10] specialise Systems Theory 4 [10]<br>
This sad disease is thought to be related to the 'internalised delusion' paradox sometimes inflicts, but is permanent, and far more dangerous.
Integrity 4 [6]<br>
Perception 2 [1]<br>
===Externalised Fragmentation===
Charisma 4 [6]<br>
Rare and terrifying. What evidence exists suggests this is similar to marauderdom, but involving a total breakdown of world-picture coherency rather than mere substitution. They lose the ability to engage meaningfully with the world, but none of their power. The result is the alteration of themselves and the world around them into catastrophic chaos.
===Ontological Megalomania===
Conditioning [0]<br>
The ability to change the world does, in some cases, metastasise into the compulsive desire to do so and bring it into line with an imagined perfected state. This could be considered similar to externalised delusion, but with the imaginary world as target, rather than situation. However as sufferers are still subject to paradox, they tend to me more low-key than the aforementioned.
Intrusion 2 [3]<br>
Technology 2 [3] specialise Computers 5 [15]<br>
===Hashimoto-Appelbaum Syndrome===
Cacophony Tech 1<br>
In the East, called `karma demons'.
===Raman-Klogius Syndrome===
Sometimes called `widderslaintes' or `fiends', and found frequently among the Nephandi, infernalists, or the merely unscrupulous and daring.
===Transcendental Suicidal Ideation===

Latest revision as of 08:20, 24 June 2018

The Vanguard
New Illumina Republic
Mage: The Ascension in Arcus Prima Arena
Escape from the Abyss
Project Codename: Orenji
Mage: Garden of Forking Paths
Mage: Drifting Tokyo

Paris Aberrant

General WoD Notes

Inferno Project


Rather than being a particular clan or bloodline of vampires, this term refers to vampires that truck with the infernal in general. They are rare as most vampires have no ability to interact with the spirit world, if they even believe in it, but as vampires are more common than mages they make up an (un)healthy proportion of infernal servants.

The Camarilla forbid demonology and prefer that it not be spoken of at all, both to ensure the exclusive power of the Princes is maintained and from genuine moral revulsion. The Sabbat frown on it like a bad drug as they promote freedom of vampires from control, but the Lasombra fall from their ironic religious posing into actual devil-worship far more often than they are willing to admit. The nature of the 'Set' of the Setites is a matter of dispute even among followers, but the Serpent heirarchy does not ban traffic with demons - only subservience and 'excessive' behaviour.

Contact with demons can be achieved by forbidden rituals of Thaumaturgy or Necromancy, by astral projection, or by the secret discipline of Daimonion that is passed down among Baali from master to student. Not all Baali have the use of any of these powers themselves, but rely on access to a more capable Kindred master, a terrorised or controlled mortal sorceror, or even some item or location into which a demon has been bound.

Exalted: Eclipse

What if the Usurpation was done by Lunars? The Solars are slain, their Sidereal cronies sent fleeing to hide in Yu-Shan, and now the Thousand Streams River encircles Gaea. Dragonblood and Beastman populate the world. But all is not well. More and more knowledge is lost in the shifting tides of history, the Lunar elders and their experiments are becoming ever more degenerate, and once-Lunar monsters threaten to invade from the edges of Creation. And the Ebon Dragon just tricked the Raven into coughing up the Sun...

Lunar Charm/Knack Concepts

  • Open up Chimaera charms to all lunars, with whatever caveats.
  • Circle of Life Technique: Those the lunar kills and eats always reincarnate (including ghosts) <- needs more oomph.
  • Chimeric Chrysalis: When threatened with mutation, instead enter a chrysalis and emerge radically transformed.
  • Eyeball-Swallowing Approach: Eat a sense organ and receive memories of what it perceived over the last [essence] days.
  • Hungry Cuckoo Method: The Lunar plants themselves into an organisation and siphons off a proportion of its turnover/profits <- maybe too Siddie.
  • Myriad Hairs of the Monkey King: Release bits of body as independent entities.
  • Raven Steals the Sun: Prereq. Golden Widow Method, ess 6+. After hunting and killing ones solar mate, imprison their exaltation and learn Solar charms (with limitations/drawbacks/side effects).
  • Raven-as-Writing-Desk Technique: Transform into inanimate objects?
  • [Something about tapeworms]: Hide inside someone else's body, with or without their awareness.
  • Protean [Attribute Type] Ingenuity: Move attribute dots around inside one attribute type (physical/mental/social).
  • Silent Owl's Patience: The lunar creates a shell personality to function socially and be affected by UMI leaving a dormant core personality unmolested.

Magical Pathologies

These are presented from a materialist perspective based on the pioneering research of Herr Klogius and his group. More spiritual mages may have more metaphysical explanations. And of course, their rendering as 'pathology' is a subjective value judgement and categorisation. Different mages and groups of mages manifest different pathologies, in different ways.

No confirmed cures have been found.

Externalised Delusion

One of the more common pathologies. The sufferer percieves reality in a radically different way to others and, within certain limits, it alters to match. This may occur based on physical, social or metaphysical proximity. Enlightened beings are not significantly altered but the sufferer will nevertheless percieve them as fitting into her world model.

Sufferers from externalised delusions are mostly immune to paradox, but may still be ejected into the umbra if their disruptions become particularly extreme. This immunity however gives them great power and their delusional perceptions give them unusual drives. These two factors together have given them the traditional name 'marauders'.

This sad disease is thought to be related to the 'internalised delusion' paradox sometimes inflicts, but is permanent, and far more dangerous.

Externalised Fragmentation

Rare and terrifying. What evidence exists suggests this is similar to marauderdom, but involving a total breakdown of world-picture coherency rather than mere substitution. They lose the ability to engage meaningfully with the world, but none of their power. The result is the alteration of themselves and the world around them into catastrophic chaos.

Ontological Megalomania

The ability to change the world does, in some cases, metastasise into the compulsive desire to do so and bring it into line with an imagined perfected state. This could be considered similar to externalised delusion, but with the imaginary world as target, rather than situation. However as sufferers are still subject to paradox, they tend to me more low-key than the aforementioned.

Hashimoto-Appelbaum Syndrome

In the East, called `karma demons'.

Raman-Klogius Syndrome

Sometimes called `widderslaintes' or `fiends', and found frequently among the Nephandi, infernalists, or the merely unscrupulous and daring.

Transcendental Suicidal Ideation