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[Carlyle] Sorcerer/Dracolexi

Maril Graccen

[Maril Graccen] Psion (incomplete but getting there)


Maril grew up as the daughter of a jeweller in [average Brelan city]. Her elder brother, Regar Graccen, is poised to take over the family trade once her father retires. This iss fine with Maril, since she doesn't really have the patience to sit still all day and cut lenses or polish gemstones.

Seeing herself destined for a more energetic lifestyle, she became fascinated with the graceful, acrobatic fighting styles of the local monks. She joined the cloister as a novice, expecting to soon pull off similar superhuman feats by blending their teachings with her own budding psionic powers.

She found herself less than enamoured with the strict discipline and the rigours of physical training required to attain such abilities.

After shirking her exercises one too many times in favour of exploring the cloister's archives, it was strongly suggested to her that she should consider a different career choice. Her father took her expulsion as a sign that he should take a firmer hand in the life of his now nineteen year old daughter, and he arranged a marriage with a minor scion of a Dragonmarked house.

Horrified by the idea, Maril searched for a way to talk him out of it. When it came to making her father back down, one person sprang to mind immediately: her grandfather. People tended to avoid arguing much with powerful wizards. Her own memories of him were a little unclear, since she had last seen him when she was eight. She mostly remembered him as a weird-smelling old man in gaudy robes who always had the most amazing toys when he appeared out of thin air unannounced – which didn't happen frequently. Clearly, she had to visit him and talk some sense into her father.

Maril saw the fact that gramps lived over in remote Salona as an opportunity to get lost, rather than get hitched. She would only have to save up enough money to pay for the journey overseas. Since she was reasonably fit, she decided to seek employment as a mercenary and fight in the War. Its sudden end put a bit of a damper on that plan, though. Fortunately, it seemed as if there was good money in the adventuring business, too.


Maril has short brown hair that reaches about halfway down her neck. She is athletically built, but not overly so. She usually wears a psicrystal that matches the sapphire colour of her eyes on her forehead, attached to a headband.