Cara Stang

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Probably not a Lasombra. Probably.
Add boobs. (Superceded somewhat)

The Wizard Inquisitor

As of November 18th 2011.

Aptitudes: Making Pancakes

Yet another picture: [1]

Vital Statistics

Seest thou a man that is diligent in his work? Before kings may he place himself; let him not place himself before obscure men.
--- King Solomon the Wise, Proverbs 22:29.

Craft Name: Cara Sévérine Stang bani Quaesitor
Shadow Name:Cara Jehanne Hardenberg Sévérine Stang bani Quaesitor; Praetor of Silence, Knight-Errant of Aletheia, the Sword of Determination, Liberati of the House Revenant, Intercessor of the Wrathful Fate, and the Second Soul of the Fallen Keymaster.
Personas: Camille Vasselin.
Player: Rex290/Andronicus
Affiliation: Council Mage (Order of Hermes)
Hermetic House: House Quaesitor (Guernicus)

Avatar: Pattern; the Castellum


Demeanor: Hermetic Deviant (Shatter Boundaries; Perversion) Not a chantry brat anymore.
Nature: Survivor (Perseverance; Lack of Trust)
Arete: 5
Willpower: 1/5
Quint: 2/4+0 (Overcharge) + 12 Dream Tass + 10 Shrooms (pending refinement) +9 Shrooms
Initiative: 7
Paradox: 4

Vancouver (Building)
Dolmen of Silence (Home) * This is most likely where Cara is normally based out of, as a Praetor.
Hermetic Chantry of Azkazia in the Sea of Storms (Guest)


Bruised (-0) [ ]
Hurt (-1) [ ]
Injured (-1) [ ]
Wounded (-2) [ ]
Mauled (-2) [ ]
Crippled (-5) [ ]
Incapacitated [ ]


Regular Speed: 16 yards
Running Speed: 32 yards

Side-Show Temp Stats

Willpower: 2/5
Quint: 4/4+2 (Overcharge)
hide Noethung: ( 4 2 9 4 ) Manip+Disguise ( 9 7 4 8 3 ) Arete
1 x Read Surface Thoughts

Standing Spells

Better Body: 4 pts bone plate, 1 pt APP [not active]


Strength: 2
Dexterity: 4 (Smooth)
Stamina: 4 (Tenacity)
Charisma: 2
Manipulation: 2
Appearance: 4 (Eerie) (Slightly longer cainines, paler, and doesn't tan)
Perception: 4 (Hunter)
Intelligence: 3
Wits: 3


Talents (Base 13)
Alertness: 2
Athletics: 1 (In the bedroom)
Awareness: 3
Brawl: 2
Dodge: 3
Intimidation: 4 (Voice of Cold Contempt)
Subterfuge: 2
Skills (Base 9)
Crafts: 0
Disguise: 2
Firearms: 3
Meditation: 0
Melee: 3
Stealth: 2
Performing: 3
Knowledges (5)
Occult: 2
Enochian: 4 (Words of Power )
Linguistics: 2 (Chinese, Russian)
Investigation: 4 (Collecting the facts)
Lore: 2 (Vampire)


Avatar: 4
Influence: 3
Legend: 2 (Lasombra? Hellsing? Godform of Dracula? Its a vampire!)

Allows overcharging.

Node: 4
Mentor: 3
Resources: 1 (Inheritance trust)
Resources: 4 (shared)

Ars Hermetici

Use your mind to its full extent and rise from the Earth to Heaven, and then again descend to Earth and combine the powers of what is above and what is below. Thus you will win glory in the whole world, and obscurity will leave you at once.
--- Eighth Precept of Hermes Tresmegitus

Everything has a True Name. By commanding the True Name one has Power. Words, especially the magickal language Enochian, Forms, and Gestures have three-fold significance which can be manipulated through Reason. These all exist in order to manipulate/command the Great Forces of the universe and form the basis of Hermetic Thaumaturgy. And beyond this is the knowledge that the Magus IS Magick, that the Wonders worked by the Mage come from within.

Ars Hermetici Stang

Ars Animae (The Refining Fire): 4 (Magick Specialty: Wounding)
Ars Conjunctionis (Similitude): 0
Ars Essentiae (The Gateway): 2
Ars Fati (Venom): 0
Ars Manium (The Pharaoh's Army): 1
Ars Materiae (Clay): 0
Ars Mentis (The Watcher): 4 (Specialty Sphere) (Magick Specialty: Mind Control)
Ars Temporia (All Men Know): 0
Ars Vis (the South): 2


Ars Hermetici Stang

General Foci: Runes (Enochian), Sympathetic Laws, Geometric Designs, sometimes themed with Ma'at. Theurgy, power over and of the godforms.
Ars Animae: Drawn pentagram, or words of power. The numbers 3 and 11.
Ars Essentiae: The Iron Key of the Elements. The number 8.
Ars Manium: Hood, black eyebands, spirit pentacles. The number 5 and 6.
Ars Mentis : Nothung, Enochian runed sword. Unique for Ars Mentis via Sword Forms. The key element is truth and the cutting towards it. The number 14
Ars Vis: Tree of Life, Liquids prepared or not to represent the flow of magick (Waters of Magic/Life), geometric designs, or sword forms (which are akin to the Forms of Truth). The number 1.

Magickal and Mundane Equipment

Noethung (Sword of Mars)(Foci for Ars Mentis) Dam: Str[2]+3 (Arete 2; 10/10 Quintessence)
Noethung is a powerful rune sword inscribed with enochian runes inlaid with silver along its blade with Cara's true name inscribed within, in a manner befitting such a relic.
Attack, Parry, Damage @ Difficulty 3.
Sword Arete 2, @ Difficulty 5, to add Forces damage (Arete+1x2) to a attack. Pool of 10.
As with all Swords of Mars, Noethung carries a geas. If the following rules (in order of priority) are not followed, the sword loses all its magickal powers and will botch on any failed attack roll:
Obey all orders from the Justicars of House Quaesitor as if their will were your own;
Do not act against the Traditions, or by failing to act allow others to do so;
Let your eyes weep tears of justice - wherever they fall let them wash away the darkness and expose those who would destroy the Traditions from within to the light;
Act always in a manner that brings credit to the Houses of Hermes.
Ryomou's Eyepatch (Arete 3; 13+2/15 Quintessence)
[Defence]When activating the eyepatch, which does not require lifting it, and spending 1 quint, and it reduces the damage of the next incoming attack. When on and active in defense mode the patch glows with a arcane eye with a Pentagram of Hermes within. Functions as an interrupt; as long as Cara can see the attack she can activate the Eyepatch. [Up to 6 HP of damage soak]
[Attack]When in attack mode the pentagram turns in revolutions until the lines of the pentagram are a spinning pit of darkness. The attack does half the damage of a normal Ars Essentiae attack (which is: Arete+1x2) but extended (per turn).
Time Charm/Mordant's Advice
one reroll on a failed stealth or subterfuge roll, and one on the first party casualty - either wounded or killed
Glock-17 (Hit Difficulty: 7, Dmg: 4, Range:20, Rate:4, Clip:17+1)
Officer Chucks Service pistol (Hit Difficulty: 7, Dmg: 4, Range:20, Rate:4, Clip:17+1)
Borrowed Sisters Shotgun (Hit Difficulty: 7, Dmge: 8, Range 20, Rate 3, 8+1Clip)
X-5 Pistol. 11 Rounds in the clip. 6L damage, rate ?, range 40.
Primium Claw. Str+1
Poison coated suicide dagger


Astral/Psychic Forms (Default) Blob of evil.

Shapeshift Forms Very large constrictor. Str 4, Dex 3, Stam 4, 10 HLs, 1 point of armour (from Bygone Bestiary)
Vampire Dire Owl

Disguises Assassin/Hitman (vaugely based off of Westin's archtype of such)
Camille Vasselin
Cara Marvel. Cara in a Dark Mary Marvel outfit.


Its Judgment Day. Our Shelter Horizon, the World beyond the clouds. Our final stand, The Council of the Nine Mystic Traditions.

Merits and Flaws

Iron Will (-3)+3 dice against mind control powers, or spend 1 WP to automatically defeam mind control effects
Insensible to Pain (-5)
(Echos) No Reflection/Vampire Mythos (+4)
Vampire Tell (Paradox)


"There are the monsters we are, and the monsters we *become*. Child, you will find that what nature makes, in all its forms and failings, cannot match the horrors we can forge with our own higher reason."--- Josephine Mordant

Born in Canada. After the untimely death of her parents and close family in a "freak gasline" explosion she was brought into the Order of Hermes, where some surviving relatives abode. From a young age Cara was under the tutelage of Josephine Mordant in her Chantry, which was characterized by somewhat harsh days due to the other children. . . of no fault of Cara's own. Currently Cara is a Praetor of House Quaesitor having been sworn in by the Magistrati of Jove. For a number of years Cara acted directly under Mordant as one of her assistants in the Magistrates tireless work to ensure the survival of the Order, and the Traditions, through law and justice. This all changed when one day the Doleman of Silence received a request for a Quaesitor . . . . As a Mage Cara has proved herself as one possessing considerable talent having climbed from a relatively average Adept to the Seventh Degree in less then a year. Cara appears to be either 19 or 20. She's a sandy blond by birth, and sports pale green eyes.
Camille Vasselin, of no relation to Praetor Stang, is a young raven-haired woman whose features suggest a Mediterranean origin, whose enrolled in a Albertan college. Recently she's taken a trip to Cuba.

Related NPC's

Josephine Mordant Cara's mother-figure and Hermetic master.
Lussentelay (dead)
Red May. Calling Cara a bitch isn't conductive for your health.
Steve Fong. Met at a casino bar. Hooked up. Possibly working for the Technocracy.

The Mark of Cara

Vulk Dragovic


  • Session 1 - Cladwell Estates 7 XP
  • Session 2 - Hobocide 4 XP
  • Session 3 - Fireball on Fire 5
  • Session 4 - Return of Cara 5 XP
  • Session 5 - Casino Reynolds 6 XP
  • Session 6 - Pedo House (Or How Found My Stalker Girl) 5 XP
  • Session 7 - Red May 3 XP
  • Session 8 - Haunted House 9 XP
  • Session 9 - Team Strange 3 XP
  • Session 10 - Vampire Catchers 5 XP
  • Session 11 - Rescuing the Judo Queen (1base+1lesson+1danger+1consistency+1wisdom) 5XP
  • Session 12 - Chateau of Evil 4(base)+1(lesson)+1(rp)+1(consistency)+1(danger)+2(idea) = 7XP
  • Session 13 - Chateau of Evil 5(base)+1(wisdom)+1(danger)+1(last) +1(ass kicking) = 5XP
  • Session 14 - Taming the Dog RP, Lesson, five base = 7
  • Session 15 - Dojo on Fire (Oh, Ozu-sama!)= 9 XP, +1 influence
  • Session 16 - Winnipeg 2.5 (15 Jan 2010) 1+(base)+1(Lesson)+1(Consistency)+1(RP)=4XP
  • Session 17 - Fillbert's Right. (7 Feb 2010) = 4XP
  • Session 18 - Exploding the Posse's Hideout (7 Feb 2010) = 4XP
  • Session 19 - Goddamn Werewolves (12 Feb 2010) = 6XP
    • 20 XP for Mentis 4, 7XP for Spirit 1. New Knowledge 3XP (Chinese) Save 1XP from Instruction, 2 XP spent. 33XP remain.
  • Session 20 - The Dolmen of Silence (Off to Chicago) (21st Feb) = 4XP
    • Investigation 2 to 3 (2XP), Investigation 3 to 4 (3XP).
  • Session 21 - Cara, in the Bedroom, with a Sword. (5XP)
  • Session 22 - Tran, in the Lab, with the Bugs. (7XP)
    • Arete 5 (-32XP)
  • Session 23 - Into the Construct (9XP)
    • Dex to 4, Stamina to 4 (-12XP)
  • Session 24 - Cara the Maid (4XP)
  • Session 25 - Twenty-Five Minutes at the Front Door (Alt: Paging John Kerrin (guest starring the Nephandi)) (3XP)
  • Session 26 - Cara in the Crew Cabin, with Two Russians. (4XP)
    • Athletics 1 (3XP)
    • Linguistics 2 (1XP)
  • Session 27 - Man Proposes Dice-god Disposes (4XP)
  • Session 28 - The Origin of Captain Cavitation! (Escape from Cuba) (6XP)
  • Session 29 - Cara's Faith in the Council +1 (3XP)
    • Lore (Vampire) 1 (3XP) (1XP saved) (2XP)
    • Ars Vis 1 (10XP) (1XP saved) (9XP)
  • Session 30 - Cara's Undeath (4XP)
    • Vampire Lore to 2 (1XP)
  • Session 31 - Captain Cavitation... IN LOVE! (4XP)
  • Session 32 - The Changeling Children Quandary (6XP)
  • Session 33 - Legend of the Roach Mage (5XP)
    • 31XP Open
  • Session 34 - The Legend of the Chinese Hulk. (6XP)
    • 37XP Open
  • Session 35 - Session the Sleeping, and Boatacide (Blowing up Castar's Boat) (10XP)
    • 47XP Open
  • Session 36 - New Orleans Noir - Men and Dogs (6XP)
    • 53XP Open
  • Session 37 - The Tragedy of Starborn (6XP)
    • 59XP Open
  • Session 38 - Dory of Tommorrow September 18th 2010 (3XP)
    • 62XP Open
  • Session 39 - Swamp, Sex, and the Swamp Boat November 9th 2010 (4XP)
  • Session 40 - MY airship! 14th November (8XP)
  • Session 41 - "....can't trust those goddamn nazi Void Engineers." November 23rd (6XP)
  • Session 42 - Tree of Life, Tree of Death. November 27th (3XP)
    • 83XP Open
  • Session 43 - Chantry Builders December 4th (CHANTRY)
    • Ars Vis 2 (8XP) - 2 saved
    • Ars Animae 4 (21XP) -2 saved
    • Enochian 2 to 3 (2XP) -0
    • Enochian 3 to 4 (3XP) -2 saved
    • Intimidation 3 to 4 (6XP)
    • Peforming 1 (3XP)
    • Appearance to 4 (6SP)
      • 40XP Open
  • Session 44 - Dancing with War Criminals December 29th 2010 (3XP)
    • Performance 1 to 2 (2XP)
    • 1 XP open (40 XP For Arete)
  • Session 45 - Jane Anger January 21th 2011 (+6XP)
    • Manipulation to 2 (4XP)
    • 3 XP open (40 XP For Arete)
  • Session 46 - Roadtrip Chicago: Paranoia April 5th 2011 (+4XP)
  • Session 47 - Countess Links up with the Mandarin April 5th 2011 (+3XP)
    • 10 XP open (40 XP For Arete)
  • Session 48 - Return to the Jade Demon's Hall April 19th 2011 (4XP)
    • 14 XP open (40XP for Arete)
  • Session 49 (Side-Show) (4 XP)
    • 18 XP
  • Session 50 (5XP) Phantom of the Cubby Bear
    • Performing to 3 -4XP
    • 19XP Free

Possible Plans

  • Lore (Nephandi) 1 (3XP)
  • Ars Vis 3 (16XP)
  • Ars Manium 2 (8XP)
  • Ars Manium 3 (16XP)
  • Performing 4 (6XP)
  • Linguistics to 3 (+German, +Greek?) (2XP)

Life Lessons

Its harder to fit into sleeper society being a chantry brat. I mean its not like she's had to kinda make up a story/use the cover story with sleepers before like she had to do with Steve.
Beware Wilders. They might possess respectable power.
"Supernaturals" or other magickal folk, even if allied, are liable to abandon a little girl in the woods asleep.
It is possible to use the misguided and wrong superstitions and beliefs of demons, such as the KJ, and their followers to work magick without the bothersome interference of a Paradox. Tolerate their paradigm and way of thinking in accordance to ones need.
Magikal artifacts can be quite dangerous for the unready. Tom completely changed in a such short time, but he's a dreamspeaker without discipline.
Cara learned of the... More, of the places beneath the earth and the heavens. She's had a vision of the darkness she's imagined or read obscure bits of from the eyes of something that had seen it directly. She learned of something called 'the Wyrm', which apparently Garou serve, or fallen Garou serve, whichever. Which might be the reason why they all seem to embody the oh so 'noble' virtues of stupid aggression, treachery, and base savagery. Most importantly she learned that she might have something to worry about, considering what Mari told her about what happened as Luss was killed.
Cara learned that she seriously underestimated how mentally feeble and corrupt the Dreamspeakers are to endorse Tom's insane Plan. On the flip side if they're being manipulated that's even worst. Also, Cara learned, on a personal note, that she should be MORE decisive. She came to Winnipeg to seize the crown. Instead of giving Tom the handshake of death when they were face to face and completely her mission he waffled. These so called "ancient and powerful" Dream Speakers and Verbana know exactly what's going on. And that's unforgivable since what Tom's doing does not HELP the Traditions. And they've made it personal by attacking HER.
Chantry's need to be strictly organized with clear lines of command and responsibility. The loss of the Chantry Master should not be the excuse for a chantry to splinter like Chicago's did. Somebody needs to whip them back into shape. . .
Cara's first time possessing somebody utterly felt good. It also highlighted that its stupid to stand around gloating when you know a mind mage is on opposing you. Don't wallow in hubris, win THEN gloat and torment your opponent.
Just because you have Arete 5/Ars Mentis 4 doesn't mean you should feel obligated to use it at maximum when hitting some drunk Russians in the back of the head would work just as good.
Vampires have their own version of dirty Orphans. It feels pretty terrible to be one, is that what Mage Orphans feel when confronted by the Traditions? Prince Lodin and co also have no idea of what they're facing in Chicago aganist the Technocracy.
Even the poster-boys of the ENEMY are human and have human weaknesses. It makes them vulnerable.
Cara learned that the more "performing" arts have some serious validity as a line of personal development, offering valid and fruitful additions to her Hermeticism, despite what Mordant implied!

Sleepers (like a ex-croat) can be very useful in fighting the Ascension War. Perhaps some (SOME) are worthy enough for her to respect.

Cara's Note Book