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FBH fantasy adventure


A:Significant +1 all stats
B:Lineage: Classic +1 All Stats
C: Plate Worlder: +1 fighting in mega structures
D: Creche-born: +1 Rea, +1 Per, +2 Kno, +2 Cha
E: Rin +2 Kno, +2 Psy, -1 Cha
F: Advanced Learning +1 Rea, +1 Kno, +1 Cha
G: Military Pilot: +2 Rea, +1 Bod, +1 Psych, +2 Cha
H: Master Duelist: This is a Defining Event. +2 to all stats

Aresia (Barsoom)

Stats TBD


Aresia is inhabited by several different humanoid species. It can be theorized that they were introduced from earth at some point in the distant past, thus explaining their biological similarities to humans. Most of Aresia is desert, and is slowly running out of water, with only small enclaves of plant life and oasis where life continues. Much water is kept in canals, which are carefully crafted and preserved for the use of sapient inhabitants.

There are up to seven. Different subspecies of Aresians on various parts of the planet, each with a colour, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, White, Grey and Black, but the most common types are Red, Green and Grey. All Aresians are female, reproducing either in certain ancient temples where two lovers may both become pregnant or by pathogenesis.

Red Aresians are the most common type, a highly cultured group who build vast cities and maintain much of the planets Canal system. Now however their empire is in retreat in several parts of the planet in the face of imperial competition from various other races and smaller states, as well as the defection of several provisional governors and city states. Red Aresians look human but have redish skin and black, blond or red hair.

Green Aresians are tall and green skinned. Their major nation, ruled by a queen controls the area around the Travellers Crag. Green Aresians are the most dynamic kingdom of the Aresians, and the most combatative, with ritual duels to first blood settling many forms of dispute, even over policy. It was the Green Aresians who first awoke the gateway to Earth, and travelled to it in search of water and other precious things. Their raids set off the chain of events which eventually led to the transporter ending up in the Aeon Society vaults.

Grey Aresians are massive four armed beings up to twelve feet tall. Their bodies store water better than any other race, and they are extremely good at surviving in the deep deserts of Aresia. The Grey Aresians are raiders and nomads, often sky pirates, raiding other cultures for water and other resources.

The Aresians have relatively high technology in a number of respects, with guns that fire explosive bullets and large ray cannons. Melee weapons are also common for fighting in doors or to backup when ammo is scarce. Large airships ply the sky of Aresia, lifted on special engines constructed of a naturally occurring mineral lifnite, which makes airships less subject to gravity. Lifnite is thought to be a product of the ancient civilization of the Black and White Martians. Medicine is also advanced, with organ and even limb transplants, and a general freedom from disease.

Travellers Crag

The ancient red stone fortress of Travellers Crag was built in order to protect the entry point from earth during the Green Aresian's attempts to gain needed natural resources from Earth. Afterwards it was used by several 1920s adventuresses as a secure base of operations for adventurers both on Aresia and as a base beyond. Since the shutdown of the link in 1938 by the death of its owner Travellers Crag has been mostly abandoned, and still retains many dusty mementos of those who once owned it.

Travellers Crag is the actual physical fortress which will serve as the sanctum.


Limbo is a world very much like our own, its many states and nations strove for dominance as states do, and eventually they fought a global war over it. Unlike Earth however, Limbo fought this war with technology equivalent to the 1990s on Earth. Nuclear weapons were used, but proved far to unreliable to serve as a war winner. This led both sides to seek other avenues of research.

Magic had a long history on Limbo, but next to modern science its power was relatively weak. Small healings, lighting fires and inaccurate divinations where all the mage's of antiquity could manage. However what the scholars of old could not manage the scientists of the Intercontinental Alliance did with modern understanding of physics. Codenamed the Juno Project, The IA's scientists were able to perfect a ritual which would empower a person with vast magical abilities. The ritual worked only on a few set people: specifically girls between the ages of 15 and 25, with an escalating chance of failure for every year over 20 of a candidates life.

Called Glories by researchers, these young women possessed the power to fly at speeds three times faster than sound, and destroy cities with a single charged blast. By the time of the Juno Project's culmination, the Intercontinental Alliance was losing ground steadily, its members almost cut off by the naval power of its enemy, the Pan-Farmisian Union. At a stroke the Juno-Project turned the war on its head, as the Glories shattered everything set against them, sinking fleets, burning divisions and conducting strategic attacks on enemy cities deep in the Pan-Farmisian heartland.

Within a single year, the war was over, with the Intercontinental Alliance standing battered but victorious. The question remains however: how will they deal with the post war world... and the divisions that exist between them.


Genre: Progressive colonial experiment made good

History Paths

A1) Late National (+ Population)
A2) Dominant Baseline (+ Population)
A3) Garden World
A8) Xenomorphs (+ Military)
B1) Crisis Situation! (Raptors and Cavemen!) (+ Stockpiles)
B2) Get Help from Earth (+ logistics)
C1) Crisis Situation! (Raptors and Climate Change!)
C2) Innovate Madly (+ CIP)
D1) Catapulted (+Wealth)
D4) Trade Hub (+ wealth, + PIP)
E1) The EU Includes Us (- theta,)
I1) To Go Boldly (+ tech + military, + CIP, - wealth)
I2) Regulated Economic Market (+ CIP, ++ PIP, + Morale, - Wealth (Regulation))
I3)The Silent Service (+ stealth technology, + CIP, + dust, + ship technology)

++++ CIP
++ Population
+++ PIP
+ Stockpiles
+ Logistics
++ Wealth
+ Military
+stealth tech
+ship technology
+Naval Doctrine
++ Naval Technology
++ Warships

PL's suggestions: Garden World makes better propaganda. Gundam Counterattack and Centre for Research better evoke its position as the 'New Europe' that dynamically creates new ideas and developments for the great European project.

Reshina (Reshe) Sendris


  • Name: Reshina (Reshe) Sendris
  • Academic Ability: Not great
  • Athletics Ability: Superb
  • Blood Type: B
  • Favorite Food: crunchy french bred
  • Associated Animal: Cat
  • Hair: Red
  • Build: Tall, muscular but curvy


  • Dashing Rogue 4: Excellent at sneaking, fighting and the like
  • Shine 2: Sexy Waitress or Dashing Smug Rogue
  • Waitress 1: Okay at it
  • Cool 3: looks good doing it.
  • Geography 1: Traveled a lot in her youth


  • Accessory: Mother's gear. A dark leather cat suit armour with many thieves tools mounted in its numerous pocket. This belonged to her mother mother used. It's a little too small for Rashe.

Bonds and Afflictions

  • Bond: 2 Heart of Gold

Arc Traits

  • The Ace 3
  • Tireless
  • Cool 3
  • Push Yourself
  • Legendary Master
  • Anime Moment

XP and Quests

  • XP Emotion: "Smug."
  • Floating XP: 0
  • Recharge Tokens: 0
  • Issues:
  • BASIC QUEST: And endless succession of featureless days
    • Goof around being a normal waitress and doing everyday things
The End of my Carefree Everyday Life (30 XP)
    • Have Roguish happenings get in the way of being a normal waitress [5]
    • Compromise her principles to maintain being a normal person and feel bad about it [5]
    • Break out of being a Waitress and be a rogue to solve problems [5]


Changing Stats

  • MP 5/5
  • Will 8/8
  • Health
    • 2/2 Normal Health Levels
    • 1/1 Tough Health Level
    • 1/1 Divine Health Level