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::'''Charisma:''' 2
::'''Charisma:''' 2
::'''Manipulation:''' 2
::'''Manipulation:''' 1
::'''Appearance:''' 3
::'''Appearance:''' 3

Revision as of 13:30, 9 March 2010

The Wizard Inquisitor

As of March 08th 2010 (Actually up to date this time).

Vital Statistics

Seest thou a man that is diligent in his work? Before kings may he place himself; let him not place himself before obscure men.
--- King Solomon the Wise, Proverbs 22:29.

Craft Name: Cara Stang bani Quaesitor
Player: Rex290/Andronicus
Tradition: Order of Hermes
Avatar: Pattern
Demeanor: Fanatic (Dedication; Stubbornness)
Nature: Survivor (Perseverance; Lack of Trust)
Arete: 5
Willpower: 5/5
Quint: 5/8 + 5 Tass
Paradox: 1

Vancouver (Building)
Dolmen of Silence (Home) * This is most likely where Cara is normally based out of, as a Praetor.
Hermetic Chantry of Azkazia in the Sea of Storms (Guest)


Strength: 2
Dexterity: 3+1 (Smooth)
Stamina: 3+1 (Tenacity)
Charisma: 2
Manipulation: 1
Appearance: 3
Perception: 4 (Hunter)
Intelligence: 3
Wits: 3


Talents (Base 13)
Alertness: 2
Athletics: 0 (What's a basketball?)
Awareness: 3
Brawl: 2
Dodge: 3
Intimidation: 3
Subterfuge: 2
Skills (Base 9)
Disguise: 2
Firearms: 3
Melee: 3
Stealth: 2
Knowledges (5)
Occult: 2
Enochian: 2
Linguistics: 1 (Chinese)
Investigation: 4 (Collecting the facts)


Avatar: 4
Influence: 3
Mentor: 3
Resources: 1 (Inheritance trust)
Node: 4
Resources: 4 (shared)

Ars Hermetici

Use your mind to its full extent and rise from the Earth to Heaven, and then again descend to Earth and combine the powers of what is above and what is below. Thus you will win glory in the whole world, and obscurity will leave you at once.
--- Eighth Precept of Hermes Tresmegitus

Ars Animae (The Refining Fire): 3
Ars Conjunctionis (Similitude): 0
Ars Essentiae (The Gateway): 2
Ars Fati (Venom): 0
Ars Manium (The Pharaoh's Army): 1
Ars Materiae (Clay): 0
Ars Mentis (The Watcher): 4 (Specialty Sphere) (Magick Specialty: Mind Control)
Ars Temporia (All Men Know): 0
Ars Vis (the South): 0


Ars Animae: Drawn pentagram, or words of power.
Ars Essentiae: The Iron Key of the Elements.
Ars Mentis : Nothung, Enochian runed sword. Unique for Ars Mentis via Sword Forms. The key element is truth and the cutting towards it.

Magickal Equipment

Noethung (Sword of Mars)(Foci for Ars Mentis) Dam: Str+3
Noethung is a powerful rune sword inscribed with enochian runes inlaid with silver along its blade with Cara's true name inscribed within, in a manner befitting such a relic.
Attack, Parry, Damage @ Difficulty 3.
Sword Arete 2, @ Difficulty 5, to add Forces damage (Arete+1x2) to a attack. Pool of 15.
Ryomou's Eyepatch (Arete 4; 14/15 Quintessence)
[Defence]When activating the eyepatch, which does not require lifting it, and spending 1 quint, and it reduces the damage of the next incoming attack. When on and active in defense mode the patch glows with a arcane eye with a Pentagram of Hermes within. Functions as an interrupt; as long as Cara can see the attack she can activate the Eyepatch.
[Attack]When in attack mode the pentagram turns in revolutions until the lines of the pentagram are a spinning pit of darkness. The attack does half the damage of a normal Ars Essentiae attack (which is: Arete+1x2) but extended (per turn).
White Jade Box (Used by Mari)
Stores 20 quintessence.
Time Charm/Mordant's Advice
one reroll on a failed stealth or subterfuge roll, and one on the first party casualty - either wounded or killed

Common Rotes

When someone stands in the light but does not give it out, then a shadow is created.

Break Upon My Will(Ars Mentis 3)

Taking the Sword Form of Truth and bringing the blade past the flesh and bone of the target directly to its mind, and soul, Cara forces it to accept her will.

Cutting to the Truth

Drawing a pentagram on a flat surface with chalk, one also must inscribe carefully planned arrangement of Enochian runes to focus the Refining Fire in conjunction with Ars Mentis, through the focus of Nothung, to search for the Mentis imprints of the feral hunger of the massassa and any unnatural life patterns; or rather the lack of a normal pattern associated with a mind. One then uses Nothung, by inserting it in the center of the pentagram with a vigorous thrust, to "cut" through false receptions and ego to the truth.

Can't Hit Me

Cara uses Ars Mentis and Ars Essentiae to make it harder for enemies to target her. Mentis to make them not mentally register her correctly, and Essentiae to support that by fiddling with light.

Azrael's Dictation

The Magi commands the obedience of Azrael, the Angel of Death, and stretches out a finger towards her opponents and with the Word upon her lips causes them to die.

Merits and Flaws

Iron Will (-3)

+3 dice against mind control powers, or spend 1 WP to automatically defeam mind control effects

Insensible to Pain (-5)
Poison Resistance (-1)
(Echos) No Reflection/Vampire Mythos (+3)


Glock-17 (Hit Difficulty: 7, Dmg: 4, Range:20, Rate:4, Clip:17+1)
Borrowed Sisters Shotgun (Hit Difficulty: 7, Dmge: 8, Range 20, Rate 3, 8+1Clip)


Born in Canada. After the umtimly death of her parents and family in a "freak" "gasline" explosion she was brought into the Order of Hermes, where some surviving relatives abode, from a young age and placed under the tutelage of Josephine Mordant.

Currently Cara is a Praetor of House Quaesitor.

Related NPC's

Allies Josephine Mordant


Lussentelay (dead)
Red May (dead)

Victims Steve Fong. Met at a casino bar. Hooked up. Possibly working for the Technocracy.


  • Cladwell Estates 7 XP
  • Hobocide 4 XP
  • Fireball on Fire 5
  • Return of Cara 5 XP
  • Casino Reynolds 6 XP
  • Pedo House (Or How Found My Stalker Girl) 5 XP
  • Red May 3 XP
  • Haunted House 9 XP
  • Team Strange 3 XP
  • Vampire Catchers 5 XP
  • Rescuing the Judo Queen (1base+1lesson+1danger+1consistency+1wisdom) 5XP
  • Chateau of Evil 4(base)+1(lesson)+1(rp)+1(consistency)+1(danger)+2(idea) = 7XP
  • Chateau of Evil 5(base)+1(wisdom)+1(danger)+1(last) +1(ass kicking) = 5XP
  • Taming the Dog RP, Lesson, five base = 7
  • Dojo on Fire (Oh, Ozu-sama!)= 9 XP, +1 influence
  • Winnipeg 2.5 (15 Jan 2010) 1+(base)+1(Lesson)+1(Consistency)+1(RP)=4XP
  • Fillbert's Right. (7 Feb 2010) = 4XP
  • Exploding the Posse's Hideout (7 Feb 2010) = 4XP
  • Goddamn Werewolves (12 Feb 2010) = 6XP
  • The Dolmen of Silence (Off to Chicago) (21st Feb) = 4XP
    • Investigation 2 to 3 (2XP), Investigation 3 to 4 (3XP).
  • Cara, in the Bedroom, with a Sword. (5XP)
  • Tran, in the Lab, with the Bugs. (7XP)
    • Arete 5 (-32XP)
  • Into the Construct (9XP)

Life Lessons

Beware Wilders. They might possess respectable power.
"Supernaturals" or other magickal folk, even if allied, are liable to abandon a little girl in the woods asleep.
It is possible to use the misguided and wrong superstitions and beliefs of demons, such as the KJ, and their followers to work magick without the bothersome interference of a Paradox. Tolerate their paradigm and way of thinking in accordance to ones need.
Magikal artifacts can be quite dangerous for the unready. Tom completely changed in a such short time, but he's a dreamspeaker without discipline.
Cara learned that she seriously underestimated how mentally feeble and corrupt the Dreamspeakers are to endorse Tom's insane Plan. On the flip side if they're being manipulated that's even worst. Also, Cara learned, on a personal note, that she should be MORE decisive. She came to Winnipeg to seize the crown. Instead of giving Tom the handshake of death when they were face to face and completely her mission he waffled. These so called "ancient and powerful" Dream Speakers and Verbana know exactly what's going on. And that's unforgivable since what Tom's doing does not HELP the Traditions. And they've made it personal by attacking HER.
Cara's first time possessing somebody utterly felt good. It also highlighted that its stupid to stand around gloating when you know a mind mage is on opposing you. Don't wallow in hubris, win THEN gloat and torment your opponent.

Old and MiscStuff

Xiumin's Swords (Traded)

Supremely balanced swords in a mental state of harmony which allows the wielder, when in the right state of mind and a lttle expenditure of power, to gain a godlike spiritual balance and focus. Can only be used by eastern forms, i.e. by a wielder steeped in the eastern karmic tradition.
Firstly, the difficulty to use them decreases by 1. Secondly, the user's WP increases by 1. Thirdly, when performing certain moves, the user's Dharma (for a Kuei-Kin) or Arete (for a Mage).


Chicago Liberation Plan