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====Special Orders & Manuevers====
====Special Orders & Manuevers====
Acceleration can be spent to perform Maneuvers:
Acceleration can be spent to perform Maneuvers:
:'''Evasive''': Roll TN 8 against incoming fire, 2d10 per Acceleration spent + Helm. Reduce damage by number of successes.  
:'''Evasive''': Roll 2d10 per Acceleration spent + Helm at TN 8 against incoming an incoming weapon battery. Reduce damage by number of successes.  
:'''Stabilization''': Roll number of d10 equal to Acceleration spent + Helm @ TN 8 to stabilize gunnery. On success Ship gains -1 TN to hit but can be hit at -1 TN in turn.  
:'''Stabilization''': Roll number of d10 equal to Acceleration spent + Helm at TN 8 to stabilize gunnery. On success Ship gains -1 TN to hit but can be hit at -1 TN in turn.  
:'''Dead Stop''': Roll Helm at TN 8. On success ship drops to speed zero regardless of its current speed.
:'''Dead Stop''': Roll Helm at TN 8. On success ship drops to speed zero regardless of its current speed.

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:'''Rebubble''':  Restore shield power. Half restored right away, and the full value start of next turn (minus any new damage on it while its being rebubbled)
:'''Rebubble''':  Restore shield power. Half restored right away, and the full value start of next turn (minus any new damage on it while its being rebubbled)
:'''Reflag''': Spend a turn moving to a new flagship
:'''Reflag''': Spend a turn moving to a new flagship
:'''Silent Running''': A ship goes dark.  
:'''Silent Running''': A ship goes dark.


Revision as of 16:12, 21 February 2016

If this system prove to be fatally flawed I reserve the right to change it.

Ship to Ship Combat


Movement is determined by Speed. A ship's speed is set at the start of a scenario by the GM and by ship's Acceleration. Every Ship must move its current Speed in a straight line, barring a Special Order. Speed is constant from round to round if not acted upon.

Ships have an Acceleration rating which they spend to change their Speed, make major course corrections (up to 45 degrees), and perform Maneuvers.

  • Changing Speed by one costs one Acceleration. Each course correction costs one Acceleration.
  • If a ship changes course at 0 Speed, the first course correction can be up to 90 degrees.
  • Acceleration can also be used to perform Maneuvers or some Special Orders (see section).

Combat Rules

Ship captains roll their Command Values plus ship Init value (Flagships give bonus to all ships in the fleet)
Init is rolled again every 5 turns, if ship enters range a reaction shot of who shoots first is rolled via command
Ships move and fire or fire and move, if you want to move fire and then move again, requires a command roll.
Each hit reduces the shield by one
Requires 2 success to destroy a single piece of armor
Rule Patch 1: Each time a ship is hit, the DV for hitting it with another ship increases by 1 up to a maximum of 9
Rules Patch 2: For each enemy ship a weapon bolt/laser/missile has to pass through to get to its target it raises the TN to hit by 1 up to a maximum of 10.

Electronic Warfare

Ships have two passive sensor radii: the distance where they can accurately & clearly fix the position of non-cooperative ships (Detection), and the distance where their fire control systems can guide weapons effectively (Fire Control). Beyond the detection radius, ships may have a vague awareness of the number and type of ships, but can be easily spoofed.

There are three kinds of sensor packages: Basic, Superior, and Advanced.

  • Passive Spotting: Ships normally provide telemetry data and vector corrections for friendly ships on targets within its own Fire Control radius.
  • Active Search: A ship extends its Detection radii by +3, it however becomes visible to all enemy ships.
  • Distortion Fields: The radius of the distortion field bubble a ship passively projects is equivalent to its EW score.
  • Silent Running: See Special Orders. No active Fire Control.
  • Low Observation Hullform: A ship in silent running can remain invisible within the Detection radius of a ship.
  • Jamming: Target an enemy ship to counter its spotting. Rolloff E-War+IQ+

Special Orders & Manuevers

Acceleration can be spent to perform Maneuvers:

Evasive: Roll 2d10 per Acceleration spent + Helm at TN 8 against incoming an incoming weapon battery. Reduce damage by number of successes.
Stabilization: Roll number of d10 equal to Acceleration spent + Helm at TN 8 to stabilize gunnery. On success Ship gains -1 TN to hit but can be hit at -1 TN in turn.
Dead Stop: Roll Helm at TN 8. On success ship drops to speed zero regardless of its current speed.

Special Orders:

Damage Control: When a ship is in the Damaged or Crippled states, the Captain may order every non-critical hand to fight fires and make hasty repairs. The ship can not fire any weapon pools or use reactor power. Every success restores either sensors, weapons, or drives to full efficiency.
Rebubble: Restore shield power. Half restored right away, and the full value start of next turn (minus any new damage on it while its being rebubbled)
Reflag: Spend a turn moving to a new flagship
Silent Running: A ship goes dark.


Plasma Cannon: 10-20 Range (1 damage) 10-5 (2 Damage) 5-1 Range (4 damage) 0 Range (5 damage).

Plasma guns may be overclocked to fire a second time in a turn; each turn of overclock inflicts 1 point of damage directly to the structure of the host ship and all 1s on the to-hit roll inflict 5 damage as the plasma generation chambers detonate explosively.

Guided Missiles: 15 Range (infinite with spotter), limited ammo (most imperial ships carry three reloads)
Anti-Ship Lasers: Primary anti-ship weapon, range 10, these are bendy beams.

ER type: Refined vector beam control, introduced to the LMC by Ventris. Range 15

Heavy Laser: Massive beams far too powerful for snap vectoring. Range 20, Base TN 6 + Target Hull Type.

ER type: Range 25

Antimatter Gun: Fires bolts of suspended Anti-Matter, range 1-5, destroys both armor and hp on the same damage roll on unshielded hulls

  • Antimatter guns may enhance their containment, doubling their range.

Antimatter Accelerator: Nicknamed "Mauler" devices, these giant antiproton cannons originally seen on Republic and League fortifications accelerate bolts of contained antimatter to tremendous velocities. Range 15, Base TN 6 + Target Hull Type, 3 AM Damage

  • Mauler Devices may consume 5 power to inflict 5 damage instead of 3.

Antimatter Torpedoes: Fire a super heavy bolt of AM guided by a vector field to pierce into the heart of the enemy ship and explode. Range 10, Accuracy 5, 5 damage destroyer version, 10 cruiser and 15 battleship, can only be fired once per session (due to safety reasons) and hits on TN6, splatters against shields.
Lances: High power lasers that have range 0-3, murderously effective in destroying armor, however base-to-hit is 8. Each unit of speed a ship moves in a turn brings the target number to hit down by one.
Siege/Spinal cannon: Technically known as "High Stream Keelmounts". Single shot weapon seen specialized anti-fortress ships and occasionally battleships. 5 accuracy, TN 6 + Hull Type, 30 damage to armor/shields if hit, 8 Turn Recharge

Light Siege Gun: A version which non-capital ships can mount without compromising fighting capability. 6 Accuracy, TN 6 + Hull Type, 20 damage to armor/shields if hit, 6 Turn Recharge
Improved: +10 Damage to both varieties of Siege weapons.

Shields: The vector field around a Ship can also deflect incoming fire.

Fortress Shield: Extend the field out to 3 hexes to cover other ships.

Armor: 2 Damage is required to destroy one point of Armor.

Superheavy Plating: 3 Damage, prevents use of the Dysjunction Drive.

HP: At 1/2 HP, you halved in efficiency in everything, similar affect at 1/4

Shrike's Additions

Hellbore Cannon: An early fruit of Jardini experimentation into captured Ur-Real plasma weaponry, hellbores generate and fire metastable toruses of plasma out of modified AMG turrets. Hellbores hit Dreadnoughts on TN5, TN6 for battleships and TN7 for smaller ships. At range 6-15 they inflict 1 damage per hit, at range 2-5 they inflict 2 and at range 0-1 they inflict 3 - however, as they 'splash' over shields the amount inflicted per hit against shields is reduced by 1. Hellebores may not overclock, as they do not feature a self-sustaining plasma generator.
Massdriver Cannon: An archaic but still common weapon, massdrivers fire solid projectiles at high velocity. Massdrivers ignore shields and are twice as effective at destroying armor (ie, destroying regular armor on a 1:1 basis, destroying 2 points of heavy armor with 3 hits, etc). They hit dreadnoughts on TN5, battleships on TN6 and smaller ships on TN7 - additionally, for every 2 hexes of range they suffer +1 TN.
  • Power may be used to overcharge all laser weapons, heavy cannons and massdrivers. Other weapons may not be overcharged.
  • Spinal mounts may consume extra power to reduce recharge time; Standard 5 power, Enhanced 10 power, cruiser 3 power.


Warbook: Visual Ship Identification
Spreadsheet Warriors: Ship Costs
Jane's Astroforces of 5328 Ship Upgrades Quick Reference Table below:

Standardized Imperial Warships

Battleship: 8 Armor, 12 Lasers, 5 Missiles, 10 Shields, 1ECM, 2AA, 20HP, 1 Speed (Hull Type: 0)
Fast Battleship: 7 Armor, 10 Lasers, 5 Missiles, 9 Shields, 2ECM, 2AA, 17HP, 3 Speed (Hull Type: 1)
Heavy Cruiser: 4 Armor, 4 Lasers, 3 Missiles, 6 Shields, 2ECM, 1AA, 10HP, 3 Speed (Init 2)
Command Cruiser: 3 Armor, 3 Lasers, 5 missiles, 6 Shields, 4ECM, 4AA, 8HP, 1 Speed (Init 2*) +1 Fleet/Squadron Command, (Give init bonus in tactical combat)
Heavy Cavalry: 8 Armor, 5 Lasers, 8 Lances, 6 Shields, 3ECM, 2AA, 14HP, 4 Speed (Init 2)
Cavalry Cruiser: 3 armor, 3 Lasers, 5 Lances, 4 Shields, 2ECM, 1AA, 10HP, 4 Speed (Init 2)
Destroyer: 1 Armor, 3 Lasers or 3 Missiles or 2 Lances, 1 Shield, 6ECM, 1AA, 6HP, 5 Speed (Init 5)
Standard Dragoon: 1 Armor: 3 Lasers or 3 Missiles or 2 Lances, 1 Shield, 2 ECM, 1AA, 6HP, 5 Speed (Init ?)

Non-Standard Imperial Ships including Flagships

Command Battleship Vidar: 8 Armor, 12 Lasers, 6 Missiles, 10 Shields, 2ECM, 2AA, 20HP, 2 Speed (Init: 2) +2 Fleet/Squadron Command, (Give init bonus in tactical combat)
Command Battleship Midas: 8 Armor, 12 Lasers, 5 Missiles, 10 Shields, 1ECM, 2AA, 20HP, 1 Speed (Init: 1) +2 Fleet/Squadron Command, (Spinal Cannon)
Command Battleship Jeanne De Arc: 10 Armor, 10 Lasers, 5 Missiles, 9 Shields, 3ECM, 3AA, 17HP, 3 Speed (Init 2) +2 Fleet/Squadron Command, (Give init bonus in tactical combat)
Star Doom: 6 Armor, 10 Missiles, 5 Lancers, 6 Shields, 2ECM, 2AA, 15HP, 2 Speed (Init: 1) +3 Fleet/Squadron Command
Elite Custom Dragoon: 1 Armor, 3 Lasers, 3 Missiles, 3 Shields, 2ECM, 1AA, 5HP, 4 Speed (Init 3)
Modernized Predreadnought: 5 Armor, 10 Lasers, 4 Missiles, 8 Shields, 1ECM, 1AA, 15HP, 1 Speed (Init: 1)

Jardin Ships

Dreadnought: 12 Armor, 15 Lasers, 10 Antimatter Cannon, 15 Shields, 0ECM, 4AA, 40HP (Always last on Init) Speed 0.5
Jardin Battleship: 8 Armor, 10 Lasers, 5 Antimatter Cannon, 10 Shields 1ECM, 4AA, 25HP, 1 Speed (Init: 1)
Jardin Cruiser: 5 Armor 4 Lasers, 2 Antimatter Cannon, 6 Shields, 2ECM, 3AA, 15P, 2 Speed (Init: 2)
Jardin Destroyer: 1 Armor, 2 Lasers, 1 Antimatter Cannon, 2 Shield, 5ECM, 2AA, 8HP, 4 speed (Init: 4)

Non-Standard Jardin Ships including Flagships

Battleship Mira: 8 Armor, 10 Lasers, 5 Antimatter Cannon, 10 Shields 1ECM, 4AA, 25HP, 1 Speed (Init: 1)
Rifter Battlewagon Lux Res Publica: 12 Armor, 1 Cosmo Smasher Cannon, 15 Fort Lasers, 15 Lasers, 5 Lances 12 Shields, 3ECM, 5AA, 30HP, 4 Speed (Init: 1) +3 Fleet/Squadron 3

Minor State Ships


Maurader: 12 Armor, 12 Lasers, 12 Shields, 3ECM, 1AA, 18HP, 4 Speed (Init: 2)
Corsair: 2 Armor, 5 Lasers, 3 Shields, 1ECM, 1AA, 8HP, 4 Speed (Init: 3)


Omni-Cruiser: 3 Armor, 4 Lances, 4 Missiles (Reload: 8), 4 Shields, 1ECM, 1AA, 10HP, 5 Speed (Init: 4)
Lancers 0 Armor: 4 Lancers, 2 Shield, 3 ECM, 1AA, 4HP, 6 Speed (Init 4)

Non-Standard Minor State Ships including Flagships

Enmity Road : 14 Armor, 15 Lasers, 5 Missiles, 14 Shields, 3ECM, 2AA, 14HP, 4 Speed (Init 2)

CoDominium & Free Star League Warships

Free Star League Navy

League Battleship: 6 Armor, 15 Lasers, 12 Shields, 1ECM, 1AA, 18HP, 2 Speed (Init: 1)
League Arsenal Ship: 4 Armor 15 Missiles 10 Shields 1ECM 1AAA, 15HP, 2 Speed, (Init 1)
League Cruiser 3 Armor, 6 Lasers, 5 Shields, 1ECM, 2AA, 8HP, 3 Speed (Init: 2)
League Destroyer 0 Armor, 3 Lasers, 5 Shields, 1ECM, 2AA, 5HP, 6 Speed (Init: 4)

Royal Ventrian Starforce

Fast Battleship: 15 Armor, 15 ER Lasers, 15 Shields, 2ECM, 2AA, 15HP, 4 Speed (Init: 2)
Assault Cruiser: 2 Armor, 7 ER Lasers, 5 Lances, 8 Shields, 2ECM, 1AA, 8HP, 4 Speed (Init: 2)
Fast Destroyers: 0 Armor, 5 ER Lasers, 5 Shields, 7ECM, 2AA, 5HP, 8 speed (Init: 4)

Yvnes Self Defense Force

Dreadnought: 12 Armor, 10 Lasers, 10 Fort Cannon, 15 Shields, 0ECM, 2AA, 40HP, (Always last on Init) Speed 0.5