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- Str: 3
- Dex: 4 (sleight of hand)
- Sta: 2
- Cha: 3
- Man: 4 (bald-faced lies)
- App: 6 (ungodly icy beauty)
- Per: 3
- Int: 2
- Wit: 3
- Alertness 3
- Athletics 1
- Awareness 2
- Dodge 4
- Expression 1
- Intuition 5 (strategies from nowhere)
- Style 1
- Subterfuge 4 (acting)
- Drive 1
- Etiquette 2
- Fast-Draw 1
- Firearms 1
- Gambling 3
- Melee 5
- Martial Arts 4 (kuji-kiri)
- Stealth 5
- Cosmology 2
- Enigmas 1
- Linguistics 1 (English, Japanese)
- Lore (Figments) 1
- Occult 2
- Init 7
- Willpower 5 (8)
- Arete 3
- Quintessence 0/3
- Paradox 4
- Health Levels:
- Bruised (-0) [X][X][X][X][X]
- Hurt (-1) [X]
- Injured (-1) [ ]
- Wounded (-2) [ ]
- Mauled (-2) [ ]
- Crippled (-5) [ ]
- Incapacitated [ ]
Demon Powers
P'o: 6/8
- Black Wind 4: For one turn gain one extra action, arithmetic run speed increase, or brawl/melee damage success per level (4). Spend one P'o.
Yin: 8/10
- Bone Shintai: 3
- Corpse Skin: +2 bruised health levels per point of Yin spent
- White Tiger Corpse: Turn invisible for one Yin. Turn possessions invisible for one extra Yin + 3 turns smearing.
- Bone Obedience: Transform skeleton in various useful ways. Various cost.
- Jade Shintai: 2
- Stand Upon the Dragon's Back: May not be knocked back or down, or thrown.
- Tread the Thrashing Dragon's Tail: Walk on any surface, including water, walls and ceilings. Fall at half speed, jump twice as far as normal. -1 steath difficulty.
- Yin Prana: 2
- Shrouded Moon: Become invisible and inaudible if in shadows or concealment and moving no faster than walking pace. Can be detected with supernatural senses, diff 9. Spend one Yin.
- Yin mantle: Various effects on ghosts, yin spirits, and metal. Spend one Yin.
Yang: 1/0
- Entropy 1
- Prime 3
- Spirit 3
- Fireball card (talen) carrying 4d of zol static
- Hanafuda card carrying 1 mundane reroll
- Incense strips (burn and invoke Gods of Okunitama, Onamuchi, Sukunahikona for aid in emergencies)
- 10 flower tass
Cascade 23
- Technocratic laser pistol
- Forces 3, Arete 5 beam
- 18/20 quint battery (1 per shot)
- Holographic green laser sight (obvious, somewhat vulgar) adds 1d when firing, 3d when aimed, in which case it also functions as low-light vision.
- Very compact, collapses to small brick mistakable for flashlight.