Talk:More Robot Wars system mechanics

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Possible Aleph Powers

Mind-Machine Interface: The ability to control and interact with machines and computers using your mind. Assists with Aleph piloting and computer-based skills

Body Control: The ability to control one's physiology on a micro level. Can be used for healing, hibernation, and surviving in extreme situations.

Telepathy: The ability to interface directly with other minds. Ah higher levels, allow for telepathic scans of thoughts, mental blasts, and limited mind control at the highest echelons.

Telekinesis: The ability to move matter and energy with mental power. Can be used with electricity, throwing solid objects, and flight at the higher levels.

Aura: The ability to enhance one's personal charisma with mental energy - different from telepathy in that it's a passive effect rather than directed. Can be used to inspire teammates, demoralize foes, and intimidate, or conversely to hide one's presence psychically, making people not notice you.

Newtype Flash: Precognitive flashes that allow a person to notice attacks they wouldn't normally. At higher levels, may function as a near-radar, allowing players to navigate their way through dangerous areas or to a nearby, unseen person or object.

Limit Break: The ability to supercharge oneself for a brief period. Lasts longer the better you are, and higher levels may allow for additional feats, including new Aleph powers and miraculous alterations.

--Bossmuff 14:40, 27 February 2011 (PST)