Talk:Itzel Durante

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The Priestess' Diary

You have graciously arrived, you have known pain, you have known weariness, now come on earth, take your rest, enter into your palace, rest your limbs; may our lords come on earth.

Day 1

Okay, so I got a weird dream today and my life seems to have turned upside down.

So I'm keeping this journal in case I've become schizophrenic and they find my boyfriend's arms and butt boiling in a cast iron stewpot in my basement or whatever, because I've totally lost it. If you're a cop or medical professional, I want you to know that I think your profession has systemic biases in it that lead it to discriminate against PoC, even if you are one. And if you're my mom, I want you to put the book down- this is actually a metafiction exercise I'm doing as part of my grad studies and it kinda ruins it if I know someone else is reading it.



So it all started with this dream I had. I was on top of a step pyramid (not the pointy kind) and I a voice on the wind led me to an altar, where stabbed myself in the heart over it.

Well INCEPTION, apparently that voice was the feathered serpent coiled around my bed.

And then I actually woke up.

Mom asked me to go to auntie's party, which I did because this way I can bail on a different shittier holiday when I want to do something with my UCLA queer association friends. (Sorry mama, but our relatives in South Side are horrible sometimes.)

Anyway the party was fun. I brought sopapilla cheesecake pie, which is super inauthentic but also very taste so who gives a shit. I'm whitewashed as fuck.

My... cousin's wife's... husband's... (I lost track) brother Juan is a tall drink who really needs to go to school. We talked. I think he's in a gang. Actually scratch that, he's super in a gang. He took me to a block party to his gang friends, where the oldest one was oogling me. And then some scary bald pale gangsters covered in creepy Aztec-style tattoos showed up and started getting grabby.

Surprise, they're vampires. Bigger surprise, bird attack!

I ran off, and almost got caught. I murdered the one who caught me with my blood (magic!) and drove away while an asshole snake who can turn into a telenova star explained the world I live in to me. Because he's been stalking me, and almost let that ass murder me or worse. So we get drunk. I get drunk. I don't actually get drunk, but it sure was expensive. We make a plan, and we go back to kill them all before they revenge-murder auntie and co gang-style, for obvious reasons.

I feed the birds a cow heart full of chilies and they go full-Hitchcock on two vampires. My telenova star turns into a man-snake and rips them limb from limb.

I save the Catholic college girl they had hostage, who explains to me that she's some kind of religion-wizard monster hunter. She got caught, and she's grateful I saved her from being branded and like... eaten I guess! I drive her home and I can feel her disapproval over my association with that cosmic bird-serpent guy.

But I guess I'll fit in with them? They're a bunch of cool gnostic unitarians who just cheer on their personal religious ideology the way some people shill for sports teams.


I know you're reading this Tovar, so yes. Next time I will definitely use all of the incriminating names, in case the cops find my journal.

Day 1, Continued

Met some people really into Jesus.

They explained a bit about the secret deep state government dudes.

There's a vampire hunter, a Jesuit and the girl I rescued, Mary. Apparently there's a whole group of people who draw their power from faith or god or... something? I don't really get it, but I suppose I'm stuck with them if I'm going to keep up the priestess routine a while longer.