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Rules Errata

Since Blam! doesn't have very extensive rules to begin, there's a lot of space to work with. This section will list tentative revisions to make gameplay more enjoyable.


Instead of having an energy cost every round, characters pay Energy only at the end of combat, tallying up the cost for their weapons. This greatly reduces drain from battles. Characters can go into energy deficit, but must pay Structure or Ghost to make it up or fall offline.

Characters also pay one Energy per area transition rather than per day. In effect, every time a character climbs a level or spends a long time (100+ days) traveling between zones on a given level, they pay one Energy.

Energy can be recovered by consuming Energy or Structure from a downed enemy, or with a Recover roll at every area transition, adding 10% of the sum of the roll to Energy. Certain areas such as resource nodes can be rolled on multiple times.

Stress Dice

Characters can spend 1 Energy per ten points they have in an Ability (including bonuses from Modules and Weapons) to add an extra d10.

Likewise, characters may sacrifice Structure for physical actions such as Blast, Fight or Move, and sacrifice Ghost for mental actions like Hack, Build or Find. Stress dice gained by burning these two attributes do not count towards the cap, although they are likewise limited to 1/10th of the given attribute. A character willing to put everything on the line can do some very amazing things.

Recover cannot be enhanced with Stress dice for game balance and thematic purposes.


1) Declare ability being used.
2) Roll.
3) Declare action from lowest to highest.
4) Resolve from highest to lowest.
M.M. 06:15, 27 April 2011 (PDT)

Inferior Alternative Init

1) Declare ability being used.
2) Roll.
3) Resolve in this order:

  • Blast
  • Fight
  • Move
  • Hack
  • Anything else that comes up.

M.M. 06:16, 27 April 2011 (PDT)