Starship Rooms

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Starship Rooms: Starships are divided into “rooms” which contain various systems for running a ship. Most rooms are standard on all starships regardless of class and design however some starships have “modular” bays aside from their normal layout which allow for specialist rooms to be installed on the ship granting new abilities.

Standard Rooms: These are the rooms that are found on all starships regardless of class or nation of origin. Bridge/Command: The command center of any starship this room houses the captain’s chair and the command consoles for weapons, navigation, internal monitoring, security and stations for monitoring all important aspects of your ship. Bridge crews vary in size depending on size and class of ship.

Main Engineering: If the bridge is the brain of a starship engineering is its beating heart. Main engineering houses the reactors and propulsion systems of a starship. Engineering crews vary depending on the size and class of ship.

Basic Crew Quarters: These are the quarters for the rank and file enlisted men and women aboard ship. These cramped quarters consist of bunks, wash and restroom facilities for up to seventy crewmembers, with little concern for privacy or gender segregation on most nations’ ships. These facilities offer no morale boosts for the crew; though they can result in diminished morale if a ship has no layover at nicer facilities for a prolonged period of time.

Basic Barracks: Designed to house a ships’ infantry detachment these facilities keep the “ground pounders” separate from the ships operational crew. This is done for many reasons; in some nations it’s because these troops are expected to enforce discipline among a ship’s company should they get out of line. In the case of other nations it is out of the plain pragmatism that an infantry compliment has a different exercise and training requirement than a ship’s operational crew.
Basic barracks include bunks, wash and restroom facilities as well as a small gymnasium for up to forty infantry enlisted personnel.
Basic barracks have no morale boosts or penalties for the infantry compliment as they have somewhat more spacious arrangements than a ship’s crew quarters.

Basic Wardroom: The ship’s junior officers are expected by custom and tradition to have better quarters than those of the enlisted ranks. A wardroom offers private bunk rooms and restrooms for five junior officers as well as a small gym for them to work out in private and a basic entertainment system. Junior Officers will maintain good morale if their basic wardroom facility is well maintained. Basic wardrooms also offer storage for 5 exosuits or hardsuits, five primary and five secondary weapons and 1 type of grenade.

Basic Stateroom: On larger ships with senior officer postings beyond the ship’s captain a stateroom is a requirement as they cannot be expected to berth with the junior officers in the wardroom. Each stateroom is a small bedroom with an attached restroom complete with wash facilities as well as their own holo-projector. Staterooms often have their own small piece of gym equipment as well to ensure the officer stays fit and healthy. A stateroom offers storage for an exosuit or hardsuit a primary and secondary weapon and a single type of grenade.

Basic Captain’s Quarters: Even the captain of the smallest frigate is expected to have their own quarters with their own facilities. On a frigate sized ship a captains’ quarters are often the same size as a wardroom for five junior officers and includes a full bedroom, a small living room, entertainment systems, full bathroom complete with shower and tub, several pieces of exercise equipment and a personal computer complete with communications array. A captain’s personal quarters also allow for the storage of an exo or hardsuit, a primary and secondary weapon and two types of grenades.

Basic Armory: A basic armory is designed to provide weapons and full load out for the compliment of a basic barracks as well as providing 40 side-arms for operational crew.
40 exo-suits or 40 hardsuits
40 primary weapons
80 secondary weapons
8 heavy weapons
3 types of grenades.

Basic Gunnery: A basic gunnery room allows for the remote operation of any one battery of weapons should the crew be incapacitated or lose control of the system.

Communications: A ship’s com center keeps the various complex machines responsible for both standard and FTL communications running properly; if the Com center is hit a ship will lose most if not all of its ability to communicate effectively.

Mess Hall: As the old saying goes “an army travels on its stomach”; a ships’ mess hall is a never ending buzz of activity that operates around the clock as a ship’s crew is almost always eating as one shift wakes up to eat their breakfast before shift and another eats their dinner at the end of their shift. A well-stocked mess hall is vital to not only keeping your crew healthy but keeping their morale up.
Special: While a mess hall in and of itself does not improve morale a good captain can acquire some special foods here and there as treats for their crew which can improve morale.

Officer’s Lounge: This is a relatively small room on any ship but acts for the officers as a place where they can socialize with their own kind as well as have a quiet meal away from the hustle and bustle of the mess hall. In some national militaries it is also the only place aboard ship one can legally acquire alcoholic beverages. A well-stocked officer’s lounge can dramatically improve the morale of your officers which in turn can improve the morale and efficiency of the men and women under their command.
Special: Like a Mess hall an officer’s lounge can have special stocks acquired that will improve morale.

Gym: Unlike the officers’ who have workout gear in their wardrooms or staterooms the average enlisted man or woman must go to the ship’s gym in their off hours (except for PT). A ship’s gym ensures the crew is fit and keeps them busy.