Seifer Wilderstein

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Vital Statistics

Name// Seifer F. (Francisco) Wilderstein
Tradition// Chorister (Monists)
Concept// Angelic Singer
Image Song//
Nature// Gallant (Artistry/Flamboyance)
Demeanor// Caregiver (Compassion/Smothering)
Essence// Primordial

Things to Track

Willpower// 5
Temporary Willpower// 5
Health Levels// -0 x 1, -1 x 2, -2 x 2, -5 x 1, Incapacitated
Current Damage// 0
Arete// 4
Quintessence// 0/0
Paradox// 0


Strength 2//
Dexterity 3//
Stamina 2//
Perception 3//
Intelligence 3//
Wits 4// Empathic
Charisma 4// Radiant
Manipulation 1//
Appearance 6// Pure



Awareness 2//
Empathy 1//
Expression 3//


Animal Ken 1//
Drive 1//
Etiquette 3//
Meditation 1//
Performance (Vocalist) 4// Aria


Academics (Theology) 3//
Cosmology 2//
Enigmas 4// Gematria
Investigation 3//
Linguistics 3// English, Latin, French, Italian, Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew
Occult 2//
Science (Mathematics) 3//


Foci and Spheres

Correspondence 3//
Entropy 4//
Mind 2//
Prime 4//
Time 2//



Ally 2// Elizabeth Spring, a rescued college student who's been turned into a deadly killing machine by an unknown vampire.
Avatar 5// A yet-unnamed archangel, possibly Sandalphon or the Metatron.
Backup 2// A pair of quality bodyguards furnished by the Inquisition.
Influence 1// Has some pull as a somewhat popular Catholic opera singer.
Resources 3// Lives well but funnels much of his proceeds to charities.
Status 2// A powerful Chorister respected for his abilities, though his mixed loyalties limit the trust accorded to him by the Tradition.






Merits and Flaws


Church Ties// Has some connections to the Vatican as well many high-ranking figures in the Roman Catholic clergy of the Eastern United States and Canada.
Legendary Appearance// Ignores 1's and can make non-vocal social rolls with Appearance, even in cases where this shouldn't be applicable (like Instruction) and communicate complex ideas without speaking.
Soothing Voice// Add d2 to rolls that involve vocal charming, or reduce social difficulties by -2.
True Faith// God is real and wonderful.
Unaging// Stopped aging sometime in the late 1990s. Immune to crippling via age and certain forms of Time magic.


Bard's Tongue// Sometimes the divine gives him revelations of disaster.
Dependent 1// Oh noooooo! I have to share the apartment with a cute psychology major. What ever will I do?
Echoes 1// Has a subtle corona, as though he's very well lit by default that increases the difficulty of Stealth rolls by 1 at night. Birds, glass and divinely-inspired architecture sings faintly with his passing.
Hero Worship// Is a huge fan of the current Pope, insults against him require a successful Willpower test or Seifer will feel compelled to confront the person.
Primal Marks// Like a Renaissance painting of an angel. Androgynous on the side of male, slim and attractive, with skin like ivory and wavy hair like tousled spun gold.
Strangeness// Once per session, when using the Sphere of Entropy, the ST is allowed to roll for a non-harmful Coincidental effect that happens simultaneously or shortly after.



Attribute Points 64/44/24

Charisma 4 (24)
Appearance 5 (40)
Manipulation 1 (0)
Perception 3 (12)
Intelligence 3 (12)
Wits 4 (24)
Strength 2 (4)
Dexterity 3 (12)
Stamina 2 (4)


Knowledges 39/39

Academics 3 (6)
Cosmology 1 (3)
Enigmas 4 (9)
Investigation 3 (6)
Linguistics 3 (6)
Occult 1 (3)
Science 3 (6)

Skills 27/27

Animal Ken (3)
Drive 1 (3)
Etiquette 3 (9)
Meditation 1 (3)
Performance 3 (9)

Talents 15/15

Awareness 1 (3)
Empathy 1 (3)
Expression 3 (9)


Background Points 21/21

Avatar 5 (15)
Status 2 (6)


Sphere Points 65/65

Prime 3 (31)
Entropy 3 (34)

Freebie Points

Freebie Points 123/105 +18

Bard's Tongue (-3)
Echoes 1 (-3)
Primal Marks (-6)
Hero Worship (-3)
Strangeness (-3)
Unaging (6)
Soothing Voice (9)
Church Ties (9)
Legendary Appearance (15)
True Faith (21)
Time 2 (18)
Correspondence 3 (34)
Backup 1 (3)
Occult 2 (1)
Cosmology 2 (1)
Performance 4 (6)


Experience Gains

Experience Total/Spent/Unspent (87/85/2)

  • Bonus Chargen XP (50)
  • Altism (32)
  • Player: Session 1 (5)

Experience Spending

Experience Total/Spent/Unspent (87/85/2)

  • Entropy 4 (24)
  • Prime 4 (21)
  • Appearance 6 (20)
  • Resources 3 (9)
  • Influence 1 (3)
  • Backup 2 (3)
  • Awareness 2 (2)
  • Ally 2 (3)
