Seas of Magic

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Seas OF Magic

It is 1654 AEF and the world is in the midst of a great change that has reached around the globe. Technology and science have advanced at blinding speeds, led by the technocractic NWO council of New Avalon. These new advances have spread to many of the great powers of the world, and triggered a similar burst of magical development as magic centered powers race to keep up and develop their own equivalents and counters. While some of these new advancements have become widely spread, the majority of the world remains open to colonization and imperialism by the great powers as explorers go forth.


Coming Soon

Please note that there are also various flying islands floating around, though larger ones are pretty much stationary. Nations can be placed on the sky-lands.


This is intended to be a rules light SD, focused more on the cooperative story and interaction. All you need is a simple overview of your nation, as detailed below. However, the GM reserves the right to intervene, veto, etc if something is too over top or other wise a problem.

Nation Overviews

Focus: (Magic or Tech, no techno-magic please)
Type of Government:

Population: (Low, Moderate, High)
Economic Power: (Low, Moderate, High)
Industrial Power: (Low, Moderate, High)

Where did your nation come from, what is its history? What is the dominant race or races? What is your government, culture, etc like?

Magical/Technological Background
What kind of magic or technology is your nation good at? What are they bad at? Do they have something technological (such as vanships) that they specialize in? Is there a certain style of magic casting (such as rune magic) that you prefer to use?

Every power needs at least one serious weakness - such a lack of arable land or natural resources. Something that means you have to trade with other nations and gives you a vulnerability that others can use. It also gives you something to look for as you expand your reach throughout the world.

Just an general overview of your military, avoid hard numbers. Is your military made up of musket companies, elven rangers, etc etc.