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Ryo-K-01 "Ryoko", Hyper Intelligent Technologies Mark Vc 1.0.5 Release Candidate Variant (Close Combat Modification)
- Design Facility: California Nano Systems Institute Amalgam, Los Angeles, California
- Production Location: Tokyo
- Last Mission: Localize and Terminate Rogue Agent Olivia Wilson
- UNION TACNET UPDATE PRIORITY GREY 4 IMPULSE HEX 6: Unit was lost and subverted by unknown Reality Deviants. Assume hostile and extremely dangerous.
- Image Song:// The Light Before We Land (Gunslinger Girl OP)
- Alternate Image Song// COOL EDITION, Kuwatani Natsuko
- Nature: Machine (well duh)
- Demeanor: Entertainer? Child? Something.
7/5/3 Phys/Ment/Soc
- Strength 4 + 1 (Efficient)
- Dexterity 4 + 1(Like Clockwork)
- Stamina 4 + 1 (Terminator)
- Perception 3
- Intelligence 2
- Wits 3
- Manipulation 1
- Charisma 1
- Appearance 4 (~Moe~)
13/9/5 Talents/Skills/Knowledges
- 4 FP for MA 5
- Drive 2
- Etiquette 2
- Firearms 3
- Stealth 2
- Alertness 3
- Athletics 3
- Dodge 3
- Intuition 1
- Martial Arts 5 (Panzer Kunst)
- Computer 1
- Investigation 1
- Linguistics 3
7 BG + some shitload of FP
- Enhancements 6 (18 upgrade points), 6 permanent paradox
- Cybersteroids: Cyborg-Only "Hypermed Injection System" (Arete 4, Self Heal, Accelerate Time, Better Body) [8 pts]
- Skeletal Reinforcement: 1 -0 HL, can use heavier equipment [2 pts]
- Physical Structure Enhancement: Stamina +1, Dexterity + 1, Strength + 1, 1 Bruised HLs, can soak lethal/agg with full Stamina [8 pts]
- Devices 4 (8 points)
- Biomesh Armor (+4d soak) [8 points]
- Devices 3 (6 points)
- G42 Raptor Vibroblades (Arete 3, Damage Str + 4A melee) [6 pts]
- Devices 2 (4 points)
- Primium CM (2d countermagic) [4 pts]
Systems Status Display
Structural Integrity
-0 x 3/-1 x 2/-2 x 2/-5 x 1/Core Function Survival Mode/Critical System Failure
Permanent Willpower 5
- Temporary Willpower 5
Paradox 6 (Permanent)
Freebie Points
21 FP (soulless) + 5 FP (flaws)
- Stamina + 2 (10 FP)
- Martial Arts 5 (4 FP)
- +8 Background Dots (8 FP)
- Construct (2 FP)
- Rotten Liar (3 FP)
4 FP unspent for final customization