Rensei Kotoba: Difference between revisions

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Line 37: Line 37:
'''Dox''':  <br>
'''Dox''':  <br>
'''Damage''': [ ] -0 [ ] -1 [ ] -1 [ ] -2  [ ]-2 [ ] -4 [ ] Incap<br>
'''Damage''': [ ] -0 [ ] -1 [ ] -1 [ ] -2  [ ]-2 [ ] -4 [ ] Incap<br>
'''Willpower''': 5/5 <br>
'''Willpower''': 4/5 <br>
'''Exp''': 0<br>
'''Exp''': 0<br>

Revision as of 16:56, 25 November 2018

Drifting Tokyo

Sans Labcoat

Social Links


Ouka Orihime
Back when she went to Shingata, those students who were noted as being especially gifted (i.e. Awakened) were given an accelerated course, as well as a personal mentor from outside the school to help develop “personal interests and niche talents, as well as provide useful contacts in the working world” (i.e. Technocrat mentors to help develop spheres and loyalty). Ouka Orihime was Kotoba’s mentor for the three years she was awakened, a master Progenitor. A relaxed and carefree woman, she spent most of her time with Kotoba as time to relax, providing guidance, but also spreading gossip on fellow progenitors, the NWO, and basically anything that came to mind. As Kotoba’s abilities blossomed, however, so did their arguments. For all of her carefree nature, Orihime was a loyal technocrat, and Kotoba’s dissatisfaction with Control, the NWO, and the more heavy handed aspects of the Technocracy grated against her loyalty to the organisation. As personal favour warred with loyalty, Kotoba became more radical, and the decision became ever harder. Almost fifteen months ago, Kotoba showed her the results of her latest spate of research - communication with the republic of cells, direct verbal control of cellular machinery, and other things besides. It was radical, it was impossible, and it was the last straw. She told Kotoba she’d been too lax, too friendly with her, and that she was on a dangerous line to reality deviance. They haven’t met since.

Around and About

What does it take to leave the Technocracy? Beyond a willingness to live low, and a huge helping of guts, most of the time it takes outside assistance, unless you’re incredibly good. Re-JoIN was Kotoba’s assistance in her vanishing act. A Visual Adept, Kotoba did not meet him, but he contacted her, willing and able to help her in return for three favours, to be paid at a future date. She agreed, and together they plotted her escape into the alleyways and underside of Tokyo. Soon after orchestrating her escape, he left Tokyo for Seoul, for reasons unexplained to Kotoba. Currently, two favours remain unpaid, one having been paid off in helping to remove the kill switch in a Victor that arrived at her door one day, a message for her buzzing on her phone in time with the knocks at the door.
The Parents
One a standard japanese salaryman, the other a part time florist, Kotoba’s parents (although, they of course don’t know her by that name) were exceedingly pleased that she managed to get a place and scholarship at Shingata. While they noticed their only child drawing away from them as she enlightened, and became involved in the world of the Technocracy, they assumed it was typical teenage angst and behaviour, and didn’t worry much about it. After all, she was getting better grades than ever. Of course, the necessities that came with avoiding Room 101 meant that the break from her parents was clean and sudden. One day she was, as far as they were aware, being a normal - if gifted - child. The next, her room had been stripped of everything, and she was gone. The police were unusually interested in the case, but after a month went by without anything more than the discovery of significant parts of the taken items in the bay, they have given up hope. Kotoba, in turn, wishes she could let them know she is at least alive, but so far has limited contact to internet ordered birthday and anniversary cards.
Nishifune Nozomi
A Hermetic that Kotoba sells Methamphetamines too.


Uchiyama Yoga
From the year above her, Yoga has since graduated to the esteemed position of a low level Syndic, a money man who officially is an independent risk analyst, who busies himself in a range of up and coming companies who are anticipated to have great potential, should they not collapse horribly. They continue their contact due to an odd friendship formed during their time at Shingata, as well as Kotoba’s willingness to fuel Yoga’s habits.
Yamada Dan
The main clients of a backstreet doctor are criminals, of course, so it shouldn’t be surprising to find that Kotoba knows more than a few. One she has formed a fairly close bond with is Dan, who’s seeming inability not to get shot or stabbed at least once a fortnight has seen him be a regular staple on her table. While low ranking in whatever Yakuza organisation he’s in (Kotoba never asks clients why their at her door, to maintain some sense of neutrality), he seems to be well in tune with a flow of gossip in the underworld, and at some point his phone number ended up in her phone (sucks for him, she’s gay).
Hiroshige Yoji
The most impersonal of all of Kotoba’s contacts, Yoji is her man for getting pharmaceuticals, replacement medical instruments, biostock for her experiments, and he has implied heavily that he could get her a much wider range of items should she be interested. Neither of them know each other’s name, and communicate through the Web and the occasional physical meeting. Kotoba think’s he some kind of virtual adept, but has nothing more to substantiate it than the rather slick contact interface he uses.

Vital Statistics

Name: Rensei Kotoba
Legal Name: Tachibana Kamiko
Age: 18
Avatar: Dynamic
Nature: Mad Scientist (Regain Willpower when you successfully bend the rules of your technomancer sect while still applying something that seems oddly like science and manage to avoid invoking Paradox)
Demeanor: Rebel (Regain Willpower whenever you manage to score a victory against the forces of oppressive authority. )
Arete: 4
Damage: [ ] -0 [ ] -1 [ ] -1 [ ] -2 [ ]-2 [ ] -4 [ ] Incap
Willpower: 4/5
Exp: 0



Strength: 2
Dexterity: 3
Stamina: 3


Charisma: 3
Manipulation: 3
Appearance: 4 (Androgynous)


Perception: 3
Intelligence: 4 (Creative)
Wits: 4 (Iron Nerves)



Athletics: 2
Awareness: 1
Expression: 3
Streetwise: 1
Subterfuge: 2
Security: 2


Computers: 2
Disguise: 2
Ettiquette: 2
Melee: 2
Research: 3
Technology: 2


Esoterica [Progenitors]: 3
Linguistics: 1 (Native: Japanese, English)
Lore, Tokyo: 3
Lore, Yakuza: 2
Lore, Technocracy: 3
Medicine: 5 (Bare-bones facilities)
Science: Biology: 4 (Human)
Science: Chemistry 3


Life: 3
Matter: 2
Mind: 1
Prime: 2



Sanctum: 4

The Rogue’s Clinic
Found in a narrow alley in one of the more run-down parts of Tokyo, behind a door graffiti'd with several competing slogans, is Kotoba’s home for the last thirteen months. Filled with misappropriated lab equipment, a narrow waiting room, a surgery, and other more esoteric rooms, it’s kept to a frightful level of cleanliness for a back-streets doctor’s practice, if not exactly well ordered cleanliness. Beyond the series of electronic, memetic and nanotechnological bafflements designed to deflect attention, it holds a predictive filing computer, as well as an EDE detector hooked into the doorframes.

Resources: 1

Being a backstreet doctor of quality pays decently well. Just a shame so much of it goes into getting more of the expendable kind of drugs.

Genius: 3
Contacts: 3
Device: 2

Fieldwork Coat
Made for progenitors who by necessity must work in dangerous locations, or for just those who are a bit paranoid, this lab coat is made from specialised reinforced fibres, and coated with hyper-hydrophobic solutions. In game terms, it gives you 4 extra soak dice against lethal slashing or ranged damage. (It’s a refluffed Bulletproof hoodie)

Cloaking: 2

Some people say emitting prions to make people more likely to forget you is overkill and may permanently hamper the development of long term memories. Those people have been found by the NWO.



Age -1
Enemy (NWO) 4

The NWO would really like for a rogue progenitor with dangerous ideas to stop running around and get back to producing more MiB.

Addiction (Nicotine) 1

You’d think a Progenitor would know better, wouldn’t you?

Magic and Gear

Active Spells


While similar to the general Progenitor paradigm, Kotoba has deviated in several notable ways from the general schema.

The most notable difference is her belief in the ability to communicate with individual cells through verbally mediated chemical signalling, as well as the idea that most if not all multicellular being actions are the epiphenomenon of the so called republic of cells, especially sentient ones.

(Yes, it's basically Cells at Work)


Labcoat (See Devices) and stethoscope
Far too many Lancets
A collection of pharmaceuticals and medical equipment in a bag
Lots of Lab stuff in her sanctum.
Extensive scientific and medical training.



Short Run

  • Acquire a source of Primal Energies (read: a Node)
  • More stable source of income than treating random Yaks and Drug-dealing
  • Learn to ride a motorbike
  • (Currently OOC) Gib Amber Vamp

Long Term

  • Mend break with Technos/NWO/Progenitors
  • Master Life. At least.
  • (OOC) Snark off to the Council of Nine
  • Meet with Parents again.



  • Graduate school (why bother?)



  • Become a Progenitor in very good standing (on Hiatus until not under reformatting notice)




Primary Attributes: Mental. 64 XP Intelligence 4 (24), Wits 4 (24), Perception 3 (12), total cost 60. 4 XP left over, folded into Secondary.

Secondary Attributes: Social. 44 XP + 4 Saved Charisma 3 (12), Manipulation 3 (12), Appearance 4 (24), total cost 48.

Tertiary Attributes: Physical. 24 XP

Strength 2 (4), Dexterity 3 (12), Stamina 2 (4), total cost 20. 4XP left over, folded into freebie.


Primary Category: Knowledges 39 XP
Medicine 4 (9 XP), Science (Biology) 4 (9XP), Science (Chemistry) 3 (6XP), Lore (Technocracy) 3 (6XP), Esoterica (Progenitors) 3 (6XP), Linguistics 1 (English, Native: Japanese) (3XP), total 39
Secondary Category: Skills 27 XP
Research 3 (9XP), Ettiquette 2 (5XP), Technology 2 (5XP), Melee 2 (5XP), Disguise 1 (3XP), total 27 XP
Tertiary Category: Talents 15 XP
Athletics 2 (5XP), Expression 1 (3XP), Awareness 1 (3XP), Subterfuge 1 (3XP), total 14 XP, 1 folded into freebie


65 XP Life 3 (FAVOURED) (31XP) Matter 2 (17 XP) Prime 2 (17 XP) Total: 65 XP


Sanctum 4 (12 XP) Resources 1 (3 XP) Avatar 3 (9 XP) Contacts 2 (3 XP) Device 2 (6 XP) Cloaking 1 (3XP)


Age -1 (3XP) Enemy (NWO) 4 (12 XP) Addiction Nicotine (3XP)

Freebie Points

75 + 4 + 1 = 80 XP
Arete 4 (24 XP) Stamina 3 (12 XP) Medicine 4->5 (4XP) Lore (Tokyo) 3 (6XP) Lore (Yakuza) 2 (4 XP) Computer 2 (5 XP) Disguise 1->2 (2XP) Cloaking 1->2 (3XP) Security 2 (5XP) Subterfuge 1->2 (2XP) Expression 1->3 (6XP) Streetwise 1 (3XP) Athletics 2 -> 3 (4XP) All spent.


Session by Session

Session 1: 4xp. "Not all Reality Deviants have a choice in the matter."
Session 2: 4xp. "Reality is safer ossified."
Session 3: 3xp (FBH)

Total: 11xp


Mind 1 (10xp)

Total: 10 xp