RPG Solomon

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Basic Info

Other names:
Demonym: Soloman
Faction/Block: Independent
Government Type: Consitutional Oligarchy
Economic model: Capitalist
Relative Economic Strength: Moderate
Relative Industrial Strength: Weak
Relative Military Strength: Weak
General Political Stance: Political Dealmaker

Adventure Seeds

Ghost Protocol (Action): Solomon is ruthless at keeping the rest of the Solomon Sea from becoming a threat, be they foe or friend.
Cardinal of the Seal (Intrigue): Behind closed doors the politicking and influence-peddling in the upper echelons of Solomon is downright byzantine.
Faith Finds a Way (Wildcard): A Solomonic cardinal hires a ship to spread the faith among the unsaved.

The World

A couple paragraphs describing the physical nature of the world, with things like climate, geography, biosphere, etc.


Several paragraphs touching on the history of the world, such as the (major) points of origin for its inhabitants, any conflicts, crisis or otherwise exciting events, etc.

The Nation

This section is the most important and is where important things go in, such as culture, today's politics, their place in the galaxy, etc.

Additional Section

In case you have a national component that demands its own section, you can add sections!