Oceanian Slang

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General Slang

Australium/Spice: Extensive foreign investment from Australia or Indonesia, respectively.
Bigger Fish: Asteroids that are too large for typical mining skiff, or any substantial find that is lost after being beaconed improperly.
Bubble Boy: An outer system isolate from a Cole Bubble.
Commie(s): Fishers living in outer system communes.
Birdie(s): Non-atmospheric spacecraft with proper aerodynamics.
Diver: Any transgene with zero-gravity adaptations.
Extra: (Derogatory) A bioroid or cloned human.
Faith Child: Natural birth, especially among Baselines.
Fisher: An asteroid miner, or a hippie trying to imitate the culture.
Galvatron: A media term for an early PACT mobile suit, most which were produced in Sao Galvao before the technology was adopted wholesale.
Gasbag: A Helium-3 cargoship, or any vessel carrying volatiles.
Heavy: Any transgene with physical improvements or heavy gravity adaptations.
Hab: A space habitat.
Habitant: A first generation habitat dweller who emigrated from Earth.
Hive: A land-based arcology city.
Island: A habitat that features a reconstructed Earthlike biome.
Jonesy: A xenoarcheologist only visiting the system to examine the ruins on Barat.
Niet: (Derogatory) Transgene supremacist.
Ouster: (Derogatory) Anti-transgene activists or political bodies. Named after Jonathan Ouster, the Prime Minister of Australia during the early colonization period of Oceania.
Outback: An inhospitable planet or planetoid that isn't viable for terraforming. i.e.: Every planetoid in Oceania.
Pacific: Automated system, referring primarily to the Helium refineries in the Pacifica Lower Orbit.
Pelo: A dangerous gravity well. A linguistic corruption of PLO, the acronym for the Pacifica Lower Orbit.
Pothead: Someone who doesn't take their helmet off while inside of a habitat with a pleasant ecosystem.
Primadonna: (Derogatory) Someone who treats bioroids or clones badly.
Spacenoid: Anyone born in a space habitat.
Stagehand: (Derogatory) A biotech firm or specialist that creates bioroids or clones.
Slim: (Derogatory) A transgene with cosmetic modifications or a purified metabolisms
Toa: A transgene that emphasizes militarism and warrior culture, or someone who has military-grade cybernetics.
Thomas: An automated asteroid tugboat or mining ship.
Zeke: (Derogatory) A ZOCU sympathizer or peace activist.

Military Slang

Boys (The): Australian marines posted to Oceanian bases, or any PACT soldier that displays intense bravado, regardless of gender.
Bees: Aleph bits and other small drone systems.
Blackhawk: Stealth craft.
Buster: A unit with weapons that pose a significant risk to the integrity of a habitat.
Bull: Units razing the inside of a habitat. From the term bull in a china shop.
Cyclops: A PACT mobile suit that features a monoeye structure.
Duck: Atmospheric craft mistakenly deployed in vacuum.
Eagle: Transatmospheric craft.
Falafel: An ally. Shorthand for Foreign Allied Fleet.
Grind: Attritional combat.
Guncutter: Civilian ships fitted with weapons and pressed into combat.
Spook: An Aleph.
Tiger: Guerrilla fighters on their own territory.
Turkey: A space-use unit being used inside of an atmosphere.
Warpaint: Thermoptic camouflage, or ironically, battle damage.