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! style="text-align: left" | Population:  
! style="text-align: left" | Population:  
| 30,000,000
! style="text-align: left" | Population Breakdown:  
! style="text-align: left" | Population Breakdown:  
| >95% Baseline
! style="text-align: left" | Capital:  
! style="text-align: left" | Capital:  
Line 48: Line 48:
! style="text-align: left" | Wealth:  
! style="text-align: left" | Wealth:  
| 554
| 550 + 165
! style="text-align: left" | Industry:  
! style="text-align: left" | PIP:  
| 800 Domestic
| 900 + 165
! style="text-align: left" | Domestic He3:  
! style="text-align: left" | CIP:  
| 196
| 700 + 165
! style="text-align: left" | He3 Deliveries:  
! style="text-align: left" | Delta Dust:
| 500
| 650
! style="text-align: left" | Strategic Resources:
! style="text-align: left" | Theta Dust:
| Delta Dust: 100<br> Monopoles: 200<br> Condensates: 50<br> Computronium: 25
| 100
! style="text-align: left" | Military:  
! style="text-align: left" | Military:
| 37,500

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==Sphere 2==
==Sphere 2==

Tentative history paths:<br>
'''Final Stats'''
:SP: 43
Early National (+ CIP)<br>
:SP Limit: 25
:Population: 522 Base bonus: 261
:Trangene: 30
:Morale: 12
Dominantly Baseline (+ Pop, + logistics)<br>
:Wealth: 450 + 274.05
:PIP: 1000 + 261
:CIP: 800 + 274.05
:Fabbers: 0
Resource Rich World<br>
:Delta Dust: 830
:Theta Dust: 100
Relic Dust (+ Dust)<br>
:Military: 52500
:Doctrines: 25
:Logistics: 70
:Global Tech Level: 19
Artifact Find! (+ Dust)<br>
:Applications: 318
:Stockpiles: 0
:Debt: -2
Ancient Resources (+ Dust)<br>
'''SP Expenditures'''
:Additional Limit: 0
:Wealth: 0
Artifact Find! (+ Dust)<br>
:PIP: 0
:CIP: 0
:Dust: 15
:Theta: 0
:Pop: 12
:Mil: 0
:Tech Indices: 2
:Apps: 14
:Transgene: 0
:Doctrine: 0
:Logistics: 0

Ancient Resources (+ Dust)<br>
====Tech Indexes====

'''Global Technology Level:'''  19<br>
:Shipbuilding:                 16
:Parasite Construction:         19
:Carrier Construction:         19
:Aviation Warship Construction: 51
:Aerospace Construction: 22 (+3)
:Mecha Construction:         26
:Ground Construction:         29
:Projectiles:                 19
:Lasers:                 19
:Railguns:                 21
:Particle Weapons:         19
:Mega Particle Weapons:         51
:Missiles:                 19
:Propulsion:                 19
:Power:                         26
:Materials:                 26
:Shields:                 26
:Electronics:                 19
:Stealth:                 19
:Transgenics:                 20 (+1)
:Mass Production:         20 (+1)
:Civilian Technologies:         16
:Xenotechnology:         19
:Basic Theotechnology:         46
:Advanced Theotechnology:      19

Broken Down (+ PIP)<br>


Revolution! (+ Military, + doctrines, + morale, - pop)<br>

ZOCU standard<br>

Aerospace Construction III (90)<br>
Solidarity! (+ dust, - ToS, - debt)
Ground Construction III (80)<br>
T-Forced Fusion Cells II (85)<br>
Iridium Forging (50)<br>
Theta Jumpdrive (10)<br>


10% Omoikane template (+2 Intelligence, +1 Reflexes, +1 Social)
Internal Collapse (+ Military, + SP, + logistics, + stockpiles, - morale)<br>


Need to finish this<br>
Postwar Depression (+ Logistics, + Military, + CIP, ++ PIP, -- Wealth)<br>

General Ground Template + 10 points<br>

Line 1, Superiority 1, Strike 2, Combined Arms 2, Partisans and Patriots 2, Ramparts 2, Recruitment 2, Reserves 1 <br>  
Fort Up (+ Military, + defensive stuff, + ground doctrines, + ground tech)<br>


<s>Reganomics</s> Keynesian Economics (+ wealth, - debt)<br>
:Public Order: 4
:Diplomacy: 2
:Military Discipline: 6
:Societal Closure: 3
:Taxes: 0

Space Monarchy (Autocratic): +3 Military Discipline, +3 Societal Closure, -2 Public Order, -2 Diplomacy<br>
Internal Collapse: -2 Public Order <br>
++++++ Dust<br>
Fight in the Jungle: +2 Military Discipline <br>
++++ Military<br>
+++ Logistics<br>
+++ PIP<br>
++ CIP <br>
+ SP<br>
+ Doctrines<br>
+ Ground Doctrines<br>
+ Defensive Stuff<br>
+ Ground Tech<br>
+ Mecha Tech<br>
+ Mega Particle Tech<br>
+ Shield Tech<br>
+ Propulsion Tech<br>
+ Hangarize<br>
+ Stockpiles<br>
-- Debt<br>
- Shipbuilding<br>
- Wealth<br>

===General Information===
===General Information===

The planet of New Mercia is a frigid world, somewhat larger than Earth, at the extreme outer edge of the liquid water zone of the star Mintaka. The surface temperatures are generally extremely low; fully  90 percent of the surface is glaciated, in higher latitudes with carbon dioxide glaciers at higher latitudes and methane ice present at the poles. Of the remaining 10 percent, more than nine is covered with water. What land there is that is not covered with ice is permanently frozen. An already unpleasant climate is made worse by extremely violent weather. New Mercia has only two seasons; 'summer', effectively the time of year where there are no storms, and 'winter', the period where storms that are commonly more violent than category five hurricanes batter the non-subterranean portions of the arcologies scattered about the surface.<Br>
New Mercia is one of several moons of the gas giant Deria in the Mintaka system. It is well known as a source of delta dust, owing to significant precursor deposits all over the planet, and for an extremely erratic climate with variations from extreme cold to tropical heat owing to the elliptical orbit of Deria and the tidally locked nature of New Mercia and it's planet. More recently a civil war, running concurrently with the larger ZOCU war, has made New Mercia infamous for extremely high civilian and military casualties, use of WMDs (particularly what has become known as the Mercian Zombie Plague), political extremism and disastrous overreaction.
Radar surveys under the ice reveals that the planet possesses a pair of supercontinents, one at each pole, with the northern continent being the largest. Only the southern tip of the roughly triangular northern continent is not located below several hundred meters of ice, and this area is divided by two mountain ranges.<br>
Despite possessing climactic conditions as extreme as it is possible to have and still be considered 'habitable', the planet is host to a considerable industrial, technical and military base. Although considerably damaged in a recent civil war, and currently in the midst of a severe depression, the planet is a major source of delta dust, and other exports include manufactured goods of all types, in addition to raw materials.<br>
Politically, the planet is divided between the Kingdom of New Mercia, the government that arose from the original UN/EU chartered colony, and the Federal Republic of Albion, the breakaway polity that is the result of the New Mercian Civil War. The Kingdom is a ZOCU member state, while the FRA is an EU affiliate. Also present is an ARROWs peacekeeping force, intended to enforce compliance with the ceasefire that brought an end to the Civil War. As both sides are well supplied with advanced weapons, and the UN force small and under-equipped in comparison, the effectiveness of this attempt is low; raids by both sides are commonplace, although the forbidding mountain chains that for the boundary between the two polities make any large scale attempt at military action effectively impossible, and the well developed aerospace and orbital defence infrastructure of either nation makes leapfrogging their natural boundaries difficult, at best.<br>

Politically, the moon is divided between the Kingdom of New Mercia, the government that arose from the original UN/EU chartered colony, and the Federal Republic of Albion, the breakaway polity that is the result of the New Mercian Civil War. The Kingdom is a ZOCU member state, while the FRA is an EU affiliate. Also present is an ARROWs peacekeeping force, intended to enforce compliance with the ceasefire that brought an end to the Civil War. As both sides are well supplied with advanced weapons and the UN force small and under-equipped in comparison, the effectiveness of this attempt is low; raids by both sides are commonplace, although the forbidding mountain chains that for the boundary between the two polities make any large scale attempt at military action difficult and the well developed aerospace defence infrastructure of both nations makes leapfrogging their natural boundaries difficult, at best.<br>

Line 176: Line 197:
====Early History====
====Early History====

The origins of the New Mercia Colony are found in Britain, in the late 21st century. Despite long membership in the EU, a portion of the population still disapproved of British membership in the bloc. Efforts to secure a colony to which to emigrate began in the 2060s, when the first wave of longshot colonies was leaving, but a lack of funding and political resistance delayed an expedition until nearly 2082. From the point of view of a Briton wishing to leave the grasp of Brussels behind, this was undesirable, but the delay was fortunate for the colony; they received slightly more detailed survey data on their destination than many colonies, and could therefore adequately prepare for the harsh climate of their new world.<br>
New Mercia is one of the youngest colonies in the expanse, settled at the tail end of the last gasp of the EU's colonial expansion policy. Initially, the moon that would become New Mercia was passed over for colonisation due to it's extreme and variable climate; the gas giant Deria has an elliptic orbit, with two summers and two winters per year at perihelion and apehelion respectively.  
On the 5th of July 2182, the New Mercia Colony Expedition was launched. Although mechanically identical to more far flung longshot colonies, their destination was significantly closer to Earth than many, so much so that while it was decades before any ship from what would become the Core reached the colony, the administrators were in almost constant contact with Earth via hyperwave. This was, while not the ideal situation of complete isolation from the EU the colony members desired, still a significant improvement over remaining on Earth in everybody's opinion. It was also, everybody agreed, a shame about the weather.<br>
Well prepared for the problems of their new world, the colonists completed the construction of their initial shelters at the site of what was to become the unimaginatively named city of Landing before the start of the first stormy season. It was during the construction of these underground shelters that the first cache of precursor materials was discovered. The possibility of such caches had not even been considered by the colony planners, much less the discovery of intact, functional delta dust manufacturing plants several years later.<br>
The discovery of delta dust caches continued as the colony was developed, and was uninterrupted by the reorganisation of the colony's political structure along 'traditional' lines, with a bicameral parliament and a figurehead monarch for purposes of morale. Likewise, when physical recontact brought a more firm Core control over the colony, the rate of new finds was barely affected. If anything, with the backing of Core industrial consortiums, they actually increased.<br>
The relatively peaceful, orderly growth of the colony at this point continued with minor grumbling about EU control for almost another two decades before the first mistake was made in the comedy of errors that would lead to a nuclear war and several million dead.<br>

====EU Mismanagement, the Breakdown, and the January Revolution====
While New Mercia is tidally locked to Deria, and thus warmed by infra red radiation from the gas giant, less than a third of the ice-free land area is directly exposed. Known now as 'planetside,' this is an area of permanent tundra and taiga throughout the year with minor shifts in climactic conditions depending on the season, excluding the massive storms that occur throught the equatorial areas of the entire moon in the summer. The rest of the plant shows an extreme variance in weather patterns depending on the season; in the warmer months, large areas of land - most notably the Fuller Plateau - are almost tropical in termperature and experiance massive rainfall. In the winter, the majority of these areas freeze solid, leading to the creation of 'ice jungles' and other unique features as the local flora freezes and enters a hibernation phase. As a result of Deria's orbit, a single planetary year is almost 28 Earth years in length. Without altering the orbit of Deria itself, something not fesable, terraforming would have been impossible.

The EU administration from official recontact until the Breakdown and the subsequent toppling of the Colonial Administration was characterised, in general, by well meaning ineptitude and increasing corporate rapaciousness. Combined with EU policies on Earth that were out of the hands of the colonial government and unpopular in the outworlds- specifically, in this case, official incentives and encouragement to emigrate to various colonies- this resulted in a slowly increasing resentment of the EU in general, and the Administration in particular. A resentment that was extended to immigrants from the EU.<br>
Nevertheless, in the late 2090s, interest in settling the moon grew as speculative mineral surveys has revealed a geologically rich world ripe for exploitation. A colony expedition was eventually assembled and dispatched, but the nature of the original colonists would emerge as a permanent problem and the source of much of the trouble that followed over the next century. At the time, it was obivous that the colonisation drive was starting to lose steam if one knew where to look. As a result, many of those who wished to escape the grasp of the EU were joining any expedition they could find a place on. As a result, the expedition was considerably larger than expected, and the majority of the original colonists were leaving Earth specifically to escape the authority of the EU.

Mostly, those immigrants were brought in to further develop the delta dust production facilities. In a deeply unpopular move, almost every factory and cache had, upon recontact, first been nationalised by the EU, and then sold off to various well established corporations who were, in the eyes of Brussels, in a better position to develop such important strategic resources. Blame for this was attached firmly to the Administration who's task it was to expropriate the relevant properties from their New Mercian owners and the immigrants who came to the planet to work for the megacorps that now owned the dust factories.<br>
At the time, this was not a large problem; the business of setting up a colony occupied the attention of all the settlers. The wild climate and weather of New Mercia had been well plotted before the colony left Earth, and many architects and designers had taken the opportunity to put their own pet theories and ideas as to how cities and colonies ''should'' be built into practice. The result was eventually a world of scattered arcologies linked with high speed maglev lines, but in the early years of the colony, the majority of the population lived inside prefab undergound shelters that had been prepared by automated drones despatched beforehand.

The immigrants, for their part, quickly realised that they were unwelcome, and within a decade, most arcologies has a 'European Tower' or something similar, wherein EU citizens and their children or grandchildren could live without facing constant anger over having 'stolen' New Mercian property and jobs. The Administration, for it's part, recognised what was happening very early, and embarked upon numerous schemes with which to alleviate the 'understandable resentment long-term residents of the planet felt,' with an extensive economic stimulus and development package.<br>
The discovery of delta dust deposits was initially not of great import; many worlds possessed some seams of the precoursor nanocomputers. As more and more was discovered, however, it was clear that there were major deposits on New Mercia, and this was compounded by te discovery of a working posthuman data core in an otherwise dead spire. Interstellar companies and government agencies descended on the moon in droves, and the result was ultimately catastophic.

It was during this period that the planet's orbital elevator was constructed, as well as the first large scale orbital infrastructure and small civilian shipyards. The diversification of the economy helped somewhat with the problems facing the planet, but megacorp involvement in all stages of the project meant that most of the new industries were dominated by Core world concerns rather than under local ownership. The perception remained, therefore, that the EU, through the Administration, was 'stealing New Mercian prosperity,' and anti-EU demonstrations were commonplace, although always peaceful in nature.<br>
====EU Administrative Period====

The Breakdown proved unfortunately timed for the Colonial Administration. New Mercia's effective isolation from the EU- certainly enough to make deployment of troops an impossibility- coincided with a number of extremely high profile scandals involving corrupt Administration officials and EU megacorps, some of which had resulted in deaths. In particular, the asphyxiation of thirteen dock workers due to faulty vacsuits provided by the European Starport Authority, and the refusal of the ESA not only to pay out their standard contractual obligation upon the death of one or more workers, but to comply with a New Mercian court ruling finding them at fault and ordering them to pay punitive damages to the families of the dead workers, was causing an upwelling of anger and anti-Core sentiment.<br>
Although theoretically the EU had always been the legal authority on the colony, they had been content to allow New Mercia to be relatively autonomous - the Colonial Assembly effectively appointed the Governor through 'reccomendations' to the EU, native concerns were mostly responsible for expanding resource exploitation and most Transtellars were involved as partners to local firms rather than in their own right. When the large corporations moved in proper after the dust find, they rapidly diversified their operations into more mundane mineral extraction and quite apart from denying local industries access to the new resource, actually drove many of them out of business. At the same time, the EU, having decided that such an important resource base required more scrutiny, began asserting it's legal authorities more strongly. The colonial Assembly was greatly reduced in power, and the Governor position filled with men and women more suited to creating a favourable environment for businesses, and less willing to listen to the requests of the colonists themselves.

What started as simple street protests in major areas of a handful of arcologies swiftly escalated into a general strike. When the EU and the megacorps failed to respond, and it emerged that reinforcements were not forthcoming, the teetering Administration and frightened corporate security forces deployed to the streets in an attempt to qush the protests before they grew any further.<br>
As a result, New Mercians saw little benefit from the dust discovery, and many of them were actually worse off as the 'natural' local economy was crushed beneath the EU and it's corporate juggernaughts. The outcome was a vicious guerilla war, as the impoverished, disaffected and radical, finding that doing things the 'right way' simply resulted in them being ignored, decided to take matters into their own hands. Despite the enthusiasm of the 'freedom fighters,' they lacked skill and modern weapons. While the conflict was loud, very visible and attention grabbing, it was contained with relatively few troops, and public order was never threatened, despite the private sympathies many New Mercians held with the revolters.

Exactly what happened is unclear, but a combined team of Administration and corporate personnel were involved in a shooting incident in Landing that left three people dead. This proved to be the straw that broke the camel's back, and what had been extremely angry but generally non-violent protests mutated into a wave of street violence focused on the Administration, the megacorps, and their visible instruments. A tide of shouting and screaming people pulled members of the security forces off their feet, beating many of them to death. Administration offices were stormed all across the planet, and the workers therein assaulted and detained. By the time the riots subsided, the Colonial Administration had effectively been destroyed.<br>
Then came the Breakdown.

The next day, Oliver Pierce, the Prime Minister and until this point as much a figurehead for the Administration as the King, made a declaration from the steps of Stanley House, the administrative centre of the New Anglia Arcology. Hastily printed on a single sheet of paper, the Stanley House Declaration announced that the Kingdom of New Mercia was an independant state, with all the rights and responsibilities that entailed, the His Majesty's Government assumed for itself all the powers and responsibilities of the EU Colonial Administration, and that the political ties between the Kingdom and the sections of the Colonial Charter outlining the political ties between the Kingdom, the EU and UN were suspended indefinitely.<br>
Initial hopes that the cause would quickly be found and rectified faded within the first several months, leaving the EU administration and security forces isolated and spread thin. At the same time, New Mercians who has privately been sympathetic to the insurgents but unwilling to take direct action under the threat of an EU response started to participate openly. In early 2153, an open revolt siezed Whelworth arcology, subduing the EU security troops through sher wieght of numbers and sanding off a hastily organised attempt at recapture from teh authorities in Landing. A similar revolt in Highfoss failed, but only just, and it was increasingly clear that the colonial administration would be unable to maintain order. With attacks on EU troops increasing in intensity and number, and casualties mounting, the governor could see the writing on the wall.

The January Revolution, as the ousting of the Colonial Administration became known, neatly redressed many of the perceived problems with Core interests on New Mercia; delta dust factories were again seized, and this time sold to domestic operators. It still left, however, the problem of the EU immigrants and their descendants, who were trapped on the planet with nowhere else to go, and suddenly facing a majority populace in a position to take revenge for years of perceived slights, real or imagined.<br>
There was no telling how long the Breakdown would last, and New Mercia would have been in a precarious situation in the best possible scenario; the outbreak of a civil war would have been disastrous. Three months aftr the Whelworth Revolt, Governor Galtierei summoned the Coloial Assembly to a constitutional convention intended to provide an interim, stable governmental structure until contact could be reestablished with the EU. The ultimate form that said constitution took was rather more extreme than Galtierei had expected, establishing a ceremonial monarchy - with the popular guerilla leader John Wooltorton sitting on the throne as John I - and an appointed aristocracy, as well as a bicameral parliament divided into Lords and Commons. Commentators at the time joked that the framers of the constitution had deliberately set out to re-create the British political structure of the early 21st century.  

As it turned out, said 'revenge' failed to materialise in any significant way, although many highly paid immigrants lost their jobs in favour of native New Mercians. Still, the sharp divide between EU immigrant and native was carved deep by the violent overthrow of the Colonial Administration, and the fear amongst the immigrant communities that they might be the next victims of the mob.<br>
Whatever the case, the new government, free of the taint of association wtih the EU, was able to take the drastic actions required to prevent complete economic collapse. Widespread application of keynsian economics and inventic tax legislation went some distance to converting the economy from a nearly pure primary industrial resource base and an industrialised economy. While nobody was rich, nobody starved, and some areas of growth became self sustaining.

by 2162, however, the policy of robbing Peter to pay Paul was becoming unsustainable. New Mercia had demonstrated impressive growth figures, but large sectors of the economy had been created out of whole cloth over teh preceeding decade; compared to nothing, any growth would have been impressive. The tax base had expanded, but not enough to plug a massive hole in government finances, and internal credit markets were scraping the bottom of the barrel. The previous colonial administration had not held any foriegn currency reserves - and they would have been worthless in isolation in any case - and the whole house of cards was creaking alarmingly.

The Breakdown was unexpected, and, beyond leading to the panicked decision to deploy soldiers to attempt to squash the brewing civil unrest, had played little part in the January Revolution. Certainly, in the aftermath, it allowed the independant government to establish itself and get the nation organised without the inconvenience of an EU battlegroup turning up in the system, but there had never been any planning or, indeed, conscious decision to topple the Administration.<br>
Thus, when the ZOCU diplomatic boat ''Kepler'' made the jump to the New Mercia system in 2163, ZOCU became the obvious solution to the problem. At the time, concern was already growing ovr the Magnates, and ZOCU had taken the decision to assemble a dedicated military command beyond the purely local units needed to deal with feral drones. New Mercia had not had even that problem, and was compeltely de-militarised, but the prospect of being even tangenitally involved in a war prompted the creating of a national military - the Royal Mercian System Defence Force - initially based heavily on those EU troops that had been stranded on the planet a decade before. More importantly, Mercian economic policies had created a large pool of industry that had been underutilised, and was available to supply the Combined Militia and ZOCU in general. Limited shipping was a problem, but with ZOCU technical help, New Mercia dedicated the majority of it's theta dust production to interstellar transportation. Although still not exactly healthy, this shot in the arm revivified the nearly moribund New Mercian economy until recontact with the EU.

There was, therefore, no preparation or planning on what exactly was to be done in the aftermath of the Revolution. The Government ended up in charge not because of any serious qualification- it had been little more than a rubber stamp for Administration policies during the EU era, rather than an actual legislative body- but because it was already in existance immediately after the Revolution, and possessed at least a facsimile of the proper apparatus to control a nation, something that the various demagogues and popular ringleaders lacked. Elected effectively on the basis of who could blow the most hot air, the post-Revolutionary Government- termed the Stanley House Parliament, after the declaration made by Pierce- was in the unenviable position of attempting to deal with a sudden and apparently complete isolation. With no theta dust drives available, there was no way of traveling outside the system.<br>

The New Mercian economy until that point had largely relied on exporting dust to the EU, with conventional industry taking a much smaller second place. Many manufactured necessities were imported from the EU, and although the capability to produce the needed items existed, the ability to produce them in quantity did not. Likewise, with no transport, there was no way to sell dust.<br>
New Mercia was the first ZOCU world to be recontacted by the Core, when the EUS ''Galapagos'' made transit from Lylat in 2177. Initially, there was panic, but no invasion force followed, and EU officials seemed willing to tolerate the status quo, at least for the time being, even going so far as to ask the permission of planetary authorities to construct a catapult. The prospect of being tied into the lucrative trade network of the Core's catapult chains and subsequently the massive markets of Earth and the first stage colonies was too good an opportunity to pass up. Indeed, the majority of the delta dust used in the construction of the two catapults in the New Mercia system was locally sourced.

The effect, unsurprisingly, was an economic meltdown.<br>
As time progressed, however, initially favourable relations began to break down. Neither side was the sole cause of the problems, but both suffered from a fundamental misjudgement of the other side and how far their opposite numbers were willing to go- a situation that was a microcosm of the entire ZOCU conflict. The EU seemed unable to shift away from a solution that would return New Mercia to it's pre-breakdown status of a directly administered resource colony, makign only minimal allowances for the 'unplanned' economic development that made such a course difficult, if not impossible to implement, while New Mercia was unwilling to contemplate surrendering much, if any, sovreignty back to the EU, at least as a colony. At the time, there were semi-serious suggestions of applying for EU membership as a full state, although any plans for such a radical course were obliterated by the outbreak of the civil war.

The new owners of the dust factories, with almost no income, imploded within months. Likewise, the companies that did buisness with imports from the EU and elsewhere died almost instantly. The only spark of light in the economic darkness was the explosive expansion of the domestic industrial sector to fill the void left by the unwilling departure of their Core world competitors. Unfortunately, neither the money or the production capacity to support the necessary expansion existed, and living conditions quickly slumped.<br>
More practically, the reappearance of the EU changed the political situation radically. Those who had favoured the EU before the Breakdown but had reluctantly aggreed to the new constitutional framework because they had had no other choice, saw an opportunity to set the situation aright. It took less than a month for the first bomb to explode in a busy shopping district of Landing Arcology, killing more than a hundred people and wounding five times that many. Although the perpetrators calimed allegance to the EU, the Europeans attempted to distance themselves from teh architechts of what became a series of ever more destructive attacks. Direct EU support to the Mercian National Liberation Front was never proven, and EU and UN security troops actually took an active role in combatting the terrorists, in addition to providing specialist training to RMSDF Ground Command troops who had almost no institutional or personal experiane in counter insurgency operations.

Eventually, the Stanley House Government itself fell victim to the depression, losing decisively to an opposition coalition composed almost entirely of economists, senior ex-military officers, and other specialists in organising and directing complex organisations. Rachel Collins, celebrated political activist and lecturer at the Royal University, was sworn in as Prime Minister on the 9th of July 2158.<br>
Nevertheless, public perception linked the EU with the MNLF, and as opinion in the street soured, so too did the prospects of a substansive settlement between Europe and the colonial government.

The Collins Government immediately set to work in enacting it's plans to kick start the economy, starting an ambitious programme of public works, expanding the orbital infrastructure and constructing the basis of what is today the high speed rail network that links the arcologies of both the Kingdom and Albion. Other companies, those not directly involved in the works projects but clearly viable and limited only by a lack of liquid cash, were given loans at low or zero interest rates. This did have an effect; the seemingly unstoppable economic decline actually halted, and the economy grew by tiny amounts during the early sixties. Unfortunately, the economic lifeline that was sustaining the economy was becoming increasingly strained. With a shrinking tax base and ballooning expenses, the integrity of the Treasury became increasingly uncertain.<br>
====The April Fools Coup - War Begins====

Nevertheless, the economy showed signs of definite recovery in 2162 and 2163, in large part due to increased domestic Dust demand in space based non-FTL systems, allowing the government to break even on their nationalised Dust production, effectively taking the industry off of direct life support. As a result, Collins was reelected in the 2163 general elections against an opposition candidate running on a platform of inviting the EU or the newly formed ARROWs into the country in return for economic aid. It was into this situation that the ZOCU stepped in 2165.<br>
The situation at the turn of 2181 was tense, but not so extreme that most observers expected the outbreak of widespread violence. Indeed, the economic situation on New Mercia was improving rapidly - to the point emergency measures had to be taken to prevent overheating - and the general consensus accross the Sphere was that New Mercia, and ZOCU in general, would eventually back down and submit to those that legally controlled their worlds, albiet with a great deal more autonomy than they had possessed before the Breakdown.  

Although in hyperwave contact with the rest of the Sphere, the Kingdom had been effectively ignored in the aftermath of the fall of the Administration. Beyond an official protest by the EU, and a refusal to recognise the new regime, there had been no response by any of the Core powers, and the post-revolutionary governments had felt little need to broadcast news of New Mercia's fragile situation far and wide. Thus it was that the theta dust drive equipped jumpship ''Canavan'' arrived in the system with a party of diplomats from the young ZOCU, and a mission to attempt to get the planet to join. By this point, it was clear that a solution to the problems with delta dust based FTL drives was possible, if not imminent, and ZOCU wanted to ensure that, when a solution was at last found, they would have access to an abundant supply.<br>
The security forces on New Mercia had been made aware of a major MNLF attack being planned, but were unaware of the detail when on the 1st of April, the pro-European fighters made their move. Equipped with surplus EU military gear smuggled in from Earth through a customs service that was still trying to adjust to a hugely increased volume of traffic, the MNLF militants attacked the palace, Parliament, the Ministry of Defence, Home Office and Foreign Office, as well as a number of RMSDF bases in Landing, internal train stations and the arcology's fission plants.

The Collins Government jumped at the opportunity. In return for promises of economic aid and a guaranteed market for dust, New Mercia joined the bloc on the 25th of March 2166. The economic effects were immediate and profound; demand for dust based technology throughout ZOCU was high, even without any need for delta dust FTL drives, and the factories on New Mercia, while not at full capacity, were at least turning a reliable profit for the government, despite the uneconomical policy of maintaining excess dust production capacity. Before the first aid payment had been made, ZOCU membership had provided the shot in the arm the New Mercian economy needed to stage a real recovery.<br>
Surprise was total; nobody had believed that the MNLF had the capability to mount such an attack, especially in light of the fact that, up until that point, they had restricted themselves to bombs left in public places. The militants secured Parliament and most of the government buildings in the capital very quickly, but poor timing led to the attack on the palace goign in late, and the defenders had had time to make at least some preparations. Fighting reduced the compound to ruins, and by the end of the day, most of the defenders, including a company of EU infantry who had been in a position to render assistance, were dead, along with the entire Royal Family on the planet at that time.

Despite the improving economic situation, New Mercia contributed little to the Magnate War. Beyond manufacturing equipment and a small ground based expeditionary force, the Kingdom was completely absent from the conflict. In large part, this was because the New Mercian economy, although recovering at an impressive rate, was still too fragile to sustain a 'proper' war. The most important result of the Magnate War, as far as the Kingdom was concerned, was the establishment of a viable domestic arms industry. Although initially manufacturing only licensed equipment like OMF-4s, by the time of the 'official' second recontact with the EU, companies like Royal Arms, General Ordinance and Stanmore Fleet Systems were putting their own internally developed designs into production for the by that time officially established New Mercian Armed Forces. <br>
The militants also succeeded in securing control of the internal train system and the external maglev stations, effectively isolating Landing from outside support. By the time a joint RMSDF/EU/UN response force could be assembled and aireal transport arranged, the MNLF fighters had succeeded in killing 482 out of 500 MPs, most of he head civil servants and a fair proportion of the central government's administrative and management personnel and destroying huge quantities of electronic and physical data. It was an atrocity that shocked the Sphere, and engendered a blistering wave of hatred towards the EU on New Mercia. Almost every major public figure, from news broadcasters to children's television hosts raised their voices in furious condemnation, and it rapidly became unsafe for EU and UN troops to leave their bases in anything below platoon strength.

====The Path to War====
Moreover, violence against anybody percieved to be a 'Yurp Sympathiser' skyrocketed. In the planetside arcologies, the violence was limited; there were fewer pro-EU inhabitants in the oldest settlements, and those that had once lived that had moved to newer sunside arcologies where there were more immigrants and thus a friendlier attitude to Europe. In the newer sunside arcologies, the population was much more severely split; immigration immediately before and after teh breakdown had mostly been funneled into the newest settlements with the most free space, and the riots that exploded throughout the region were so violent that the military was deployed to cointain them.

====The Black Thursday Coup: War Begins====
In the confusion immediately after the coup attempt, it was not immediately clear who was responsible for the violence, and the assumption was that MNLF agitators were orchestrating the violence to take advantage of the coup and force the Core to send a 'police force' to remove what was left of the sitting government. To many enlisted men and women, and a smaller but still significant number of officrs, it seemed like they were being told to hold their family and friends down for the mob to kill. MRSDF units in the sunside arcologies tore themselves apart as thsoe from pro-EU backgrounds fought to protect 'their' civilians from the anger of the mobs and equally incensed comrades. Had the central government reacted immediately to send fresh units with clearer orders, the situation might have been salvageable, but the damage done my the coup meant that swift response to any situation was impossible.

====Brother Against Brother====
The pro-EU factions eventually emerged in control of msot of the sunside arcologies, and as it became clear what was happening, EU-leaning officers and men in so far intact MRSDF ground and air units mutinied. Several units defected to the rebels almost entirely intact and marched on loyalist arcologies. Petershaven Arcology fell on the 14th of December 2180, and New Anglia - along with it's vital orbital elevator - was saved only by the suicidally determined stand of General Grossman and what was left of the First Army's 2nd Corps in Stirling Pass. Foreign news crews who had come to the moon to cover the coup attempt foudn themselves instead covering it's collapse into civil war.

====Partition and the Present Day====
[[Voodoo Patrol]]

Latest revision as of 13:39, 8 October 2011

Kingdom of New Mercia
System Info
World Name: New Mercia
Map ID: R 19
Surface Gravity: 9.96 m/s2
Climate: Frozen
Atmosphere: Oxygen-Nitrogen
Population Breakdown:
Capital: Landing
Type of Power: ZOCU
Wealth: 550 + 165
PIP: 900 + 165
CIP: 700 + 165
Delta Dust: 650
Theta Dust: 100
Military: 37,500

Sphere 2


Final Stats

SP: 43
SP Limit: 25
Population: 522 Base bonus: 261
Trangene: 30
Morale: 12
Wealth: 450 + 274.05
PIP: 1000 + 261
CIP: 800 + 274.05
Fabbers: 0
Delta Dust: 830
Theta Dust: 100
Military: 52500
Doctrines: 25
Logistics: 70
Global Tech Level: 19
Applications: 318
Stockpiles: 0
Debt: -2

SP Expenditures

Additional Limit: 0
Wealth: 0
PIP: 0
CIP: 0
Dust: 15
Theta: 0
Pop: 12
Mil: 0
Tech Indices: 2
Apps: 14
Transgene: 0
Doctrine: 0
Logistics: 0


Tech Indexes

Global Technology Level: 19

Shipbuilding: 16
Parasite Construction: 19
Carrier Construction: 19
Aviation Warship Construction: 51
Aerospace Construction: 22 (+3)
Mecha Construction: 26
Ground Construction: 29
Projectiles: 19
Lasers: 19
Railguns: 21
Particle Weapons: 19
Mega Particle Weapons: 51
Missiles: 19
Propulsion: 19
Power: 26
Materials: 26
Shields: 26
Electronics: 19
Stealth: 19
Transgenics: 20 (+1)
Mass Production: 20 (+1)
Civilian Technologies: 16
Xenotechnology: 19
Basic Theotechnology: 46
Advanced Theotechnology: 19



ZOCU standard

Aerospace Construction III (90)
Ground Construction III (80)
T-Forced Fusion Cells II (85)
Iridium Forging (50)
Theta Jumpdrive (10)


10% Omoikane template (+2 Intelligence, +1 Reflexes, +1 Social)


Need to finish this

General Ground Template + 10 points

Line 1, Superiority 1, Strike 2, Combined Arms 2, Partisans and Patriots 2, Ramparts 2, Recruitment 2, Reserves 1


Public Order: 4
Diplomacy: 2
Military Discipline: 6
Societal Closure: 3
Taxes: 0

Space Monarchy (Autocratic): +3 Military Discipline, +3 Societal Closure, -2 Public Order, -2 Diplomacy
Internal Collapse: -2 Public Order
Fight in the Jungle: +2 Military Discipline

General Information

New Mercia is one of several moons of the gas giant Deria in the Mintaka system. It is well known as a source of delta dust, owing to significant precursor deposits all over the planet, and for an extremely erratic climate with variations from extreme cold to tropical heat owing to the elliptical orbit of Deria and the tidally locked nature of New Mercia and it's planet. More recently a civil war, running concurrently with the larger ZOCU war, has made New Mercia infamous for extremely high civilian and military casualties, use of WMDs (particularly what has become known as the Mercian Zombie Plague), political extremism and disastrous overreaction.

Politically, the moon is divided between the Kingdom of New Mercia, the government that arose from the original UN/EU chartered colony, and the Federal Republic of Albion, the breakaway polity that is the result of the New Mercian Civil War. The Kingdom is a ZOCU member state, while the FRA is an EU affiliate. Also present is an ARROWs peacekeeping force, intended to enforce compliance with the ceasefire that brought an end to the Civil War. As both sides are well supplied with advanced weapons and the UN force small and under-equipped in comparison, the effectiveness of this attempt is low; raids by both sides are commonplace, although the forbidding mountain chains that for the boundary between the two polities make any large scale attempt at military action difficult and the well developed aerospace defence infrastructure of both nations makes leapfrogging their natural boundaries difficult, at best.



Landing Arcology
New Anglia Arcology
Highfoss Arcology
Tamwold Arcology
Whelworth Arcology
Windermere Arcology


Early History

New Mercia is one of the youngest colonies in the expanse, settled at the tail end of the last gasp of the EU's colonial expansion policy. Initially, the moon that would become New Mercia was passed over for colonisation due to it's extreme and variable climate; the gas giant Deria has an elliptic orbit, with two summers and two winters per year at perihelion and apehelion respectively.

While New Mercia is tidally locked to Deria, and thus warmed by infra red radiation from the gas giant, less than a third of the ice-free land area is directly exposed. Known now as 'planetside,' this is an area of permanent tundra and taiga throughout the year with minor shifts in climactic conditions depending on the season, excluding the massive storms that occur throught the equatorial areas of the entire moon in the summer. The rest of the plant shows an extreme variance in weather patterns depending on the season; in the warmer months, large areas of land - most notably the Fuller Plateau - are almost tropical in termperature and experiance massive rainfall. In the winter, the majority of these areas freeze solid, leading to the creation of 'ice jungles' and other unique features as the local flora freezes and enters a hibernation phase. As a result of Deria's orbit, a single planetary year is almost 28 Earth years in length. Without altering the orbit of Deria itself, something not fesable, terraforming would have been impossible.

Nevertheless, in the late 2090s, interest in settling the moon grew as speculative mineral surveys has revealed a geologically rich world ripe for exploitation. A colony expedition was eventually assembled and dispatched, but the nature of the original colonists would emerge as a permanent problem and the source of much of the trouble that followed over the next century. At the time, it was obivous that the colonisation drive was starting to lose steam if one knew where to look. As a result, many of those who wished to escape the grasp of the EU were joining any expedition they could find a place on. As a result, the expedition was considerably larger than expected, and the majority of the original colonists were leaving Earth specifically to escape the authority of the EU.

At the time, this was not a large problem; the business of setting up a colony occupied the attention of all the settlers. The wild climate and weather of New Mercia had been well plotted before the colony left Earth, and many architects and designers had taken the opportunity to put their own pet theories and ideas as to how cities and colonies should be built into practice. The result was eventually a world of scattered arcologies linked with high speed maglev lines, but in the early years of the colony, the majority of the population lived inside prefab undergound shelters that had been prepared by automated drones despatched beforehand.

The discovery of delta dust deposits was initially not of great import; many worlds possessed some seams of the precoursor nanocomputers. As more and more was discovered, however, it was clear that there were major deposits on New Mercia, and this was compounded by te discovery of a working posthuman data core in an otherwise dead spire. Interstellar companies and government agencies descended on the moon in droves, and the result was ultimately catastophic.

EU Administrative Period

Although theoretically the EU had always been the legal authority on the colony, they had been content to allow New Mercia to be relatively autonomous - the Colonial Assembly effectively appointed the Governor through 'reccomendations' to the EU, native concerns were mostly responsible for expanding resource exploitation and most Transtellars were involved as partners to local firms rather than in their own right. When the large corporations moved in proper after the dust find, they rapidly diversified their operations into more mundane mineral extraction and quite apart from denying local industries access to the new resource, actually drove many of them out of business. At the same time, the EU, having decided that such an important resource base required more scrutiny, began asserting it's legal authorities more strongly. The colonial Assembly was greatly reduced in power, and the Governor position filled with men and women more suited to creating a favourable environment for businesses, and less willing to listen to the requests of the colonists themselves.

As a result, New Mercians saw little benefit from the dust discovery, and many of them were actually worse off as the 'natural' local economy was crushed beneath the EU and it's corporate juggernaughts. The outcome was a vicious guerilla war, as the impoverished, disaffected and radical, finding that doing things the 'right way' simply resulted in them being ignored, decided to take matters into their own hands. Despite the enthusiasm of the 'freedom fighters,' they lacked skill and modern weapons. While the conflict was loud, very visible and attention grabbing, it was contained with relatively few troops, and public order was never threatened, despite the private sympathies many New Mercians held with the revolters.

Then came the Breakdown.

Initial hopes that the cause would quickly be found and rectified faded within the first several months, leaving the EU administration and security forces isolated and spread thin. At the same time, New Mercians who has privately been sympathetic to the insurgents but unwilling to take direct action under the threat of an EU response started to participate openly. In early 2153, an open revolt siezed Whelworth arcology, subduing the EU security troops through sher wieght of numbers and sanding off a hastily organised attempt at recapture from teh authorities in Landing. A similar revolt in Highfoss failed, but only just, and it was increasingly clear that the colonial administration would be unable to maintain order. With attacks on EU troops increasing in intensity and number, and casualties mounting, the governor could see the writing on the wall.

There was no telling how long the Breakdown would last, and New Mercia would have been in a precarious situation in the best possible scenario; the outbreak of a civil war would have been disastrous. Three months aftr the Whelworth Revolt, Governor Galtierei summoned the Coloial Assembly to a constitutional convention intended to provide an interim, stable governmental structure until contact could be reestablished with the EU. The ultimate form that said constitution took was rather more extreme than Galtierei had expected, establishing a ceremonial monarchy - with the popular guerilla leader John Wooltorton sitting on the throne as John I - and an appointed aristocracy, as well as a bicameral parliament divided into Lords and Commons. Commentators at the time joked that the framers of the constitution had deliberately set out to re-create the British political structure of the early 21st century.

Whatever the case, the new government, free of the taint of association wtih the EU, was able to take the drastic actions required to prevent complete economic collapse. Widespread application of keynsian economics and inventic tax legislation went some distance to converting the economy from a nearly pure primary industrial resource base and an industrialised economy. While nobody was rich, nobody starved, and some areas of growth became self sustaining.

by 2162, however, the policy of robbing Peter to pay Paul was becoming unsustainable. New Mercia had demonstrated impressive growth figures, but large sectors of the economy had been created out of whole cloth over teh preceeding decade; compared to nothing, any growth would have been impressive. The tax base had expanded, but not enough to plug a massive hole in government finances, and internal credit markets were scraping the bottom of the barrel. The previous colonial administration had not held any foriegn currency reserves - and they would have been worthless in isolation in any case - and the whole house of cards was creaking alarmingly.

Thus, when the ZOCU diplomatic boat Kepler made the jump to the New Mercia system in 2163, ZOCU became the obvious solution to the problem. At the time, concern was already growing ovr the Magnates, and ZOCU had taken the decision to assemble a dedicated military command beyond the purely local units needed to deal with feral drones. New Mercia had not had even that problem, and was compeltely de-militarised, but the prospect of being even tangenitally involved in a war prompted the creating of a national military - the Royal Mercian System Defence Force - initially based heavily on those EU troops that had been stranded on the planet a decade before. More importantly, Mercian economic policies had created a large pool of industry that had been underutilised, and was available to supply the Combined Militia and ZOCU in general. Limited shipping was a problem, but with ZOCU technical help, New Mercia dedicated the majority of it's theta dust production to interstellar transportation. Although still not exactly healthy, this shot in the arm revivified the nearly moribund New Mercian economy until recontact with the EU.


New Mercia was the first ZOCU world to be recontacted by the Core, when the EUS Galapagos made transit from Lylat in 2177. Initially, there was panic, but no invasion force followed, and EU officials seemed willing to tolerate the status quo, at least for the time being, even going so far as to ask the permission of planetary authorities to construct a catapult. The prospect of being tied into the lucrative trade network of the Core's catapult chains and subsequently the massive markets of Earth and the first stage colonies was too good an opportunity to pass up. Indeed, the majority of the delta dust used in the construction of the two catapults in the New Mercia system was locally sourced.

As time progressed, however, initially favourable relations began to break down. Neither side was the sole cause of the problems, but both suffered from a fundamental misjudgement of the other side and how far their opposite numbers were willing to go- a situation that was a microcosm of the entire ZOCU conflict. The EU seemed unable to shift away from a solution that would return New Mercia to it's pre-breakdown status of a directly administered resource colony, makign only minimal allowances for the 'unplanned' economic development that made such a course difficult, if not impossible to implement, while New Mercia was unwilling to contemplate surrendering much, if any, sovreignty back to the EU, at least as a colony. At the time, there were semi-serious suggestions of applying for EU membership as a full state, although any plans for such a radical course were obliterated by the outbreak of the civil war.

More practically, the reappearance of the EU changed the political situation radically. Those who had favoured the EU before the Breakdown but had reluctantly aggreed to the new constitutional framework because they had had no other choice, saw an opportunity to set the situation aright. It took less than a month for the first bomb to explode in a busy shopping district of Landing Arcology, killing more than a hundred people and wounding five times that many. Although the perpetrators calimed allegance to the EU, the Europeans attempted to distance themselves from teh architechts of what became a series of ever more destructive attacks. Direct EU support to the Mercian National Liberation Front was never proven, and EU and UN security troops actually took an active role in combatting the terrorists, in addition to providing specialist training to RMSDF Ground Command troops who had almost no institutional or personal experiane in counter insurgency operations.

Nevertheless, public perception linked the EU with the MNLF, and as opinion in the street soured, so too did the prospects of a substansive settlement between Europe and the colonial government.

The April Fools Coup - War Begins

The situation at the turn of 2181 was tense, but not so extreme that most observers expected the outbreak of widespread violence. Indeed, the economic situation on New Mercia was improving rapidly - to the point emergency measures had to be taken to prevent overheating - and the general consensus accross the Sphere was that New Mercia, and ZOCU in general, would eventually back down and submit to those that legally controlled their worlds, albiet with a great deal more autonomy than they had possessed before the Breakdown.

The security forces on New Mercia had been made aware of a major MNLF attack being planned, but were unaware of the detail when on the 1st of April, the pro-European fighters made their move. Equipped with surplus EU military gear smuggled in from Earth through a customs service that was still trying to adjust to a hugely increased volume of traffic, the MNLF militants attacked the palace, Parliament, the Ministry of Defence, Home Office and Foreign Office, as well as a number of RMSDF bases in Landing, internal train stations and the arcology's fission plants.

Surprise was total; nobody had believed that the MNLF had the capability to mount such an attack, especially in light of the fact that, up until that point, they had restricted themselves to bombs left in public places. The militants secured Parliament and most of the government buildings in the capital very quickly, but poor timing led to the attack on the palace goign in late, and the defenders had had time to make at least some preparations. Fighting reduced the compound to ruins, and by the end of the day, most of the defenders, including a company of EU infantry who had been in a position to render assistance, were dead, along with the entire Royal Family on the planet at that time.

The militants also succeeded in securing control of the internal train system and the external maglev stations, effectively isolating Landing from outside support. By the time a joint RMSDF/EU/UN response force could be assembled and aireal transport arranged, the MNLF fighters had succeeded in killing 482 out of 500 MPs, most of he head civil servants and a fair proportion of the central government's administrative and management personnel and destroying huge quantities of electronic and physical data. It was an atrocity that shocked the Sphere, and engendered a blistering wave of hatred towards the EU on New Mercia. Almost every major public figure, from news broadcasters to children's television hosts raised their voices in furious condemnation, and it rapidly became unsafe for EU and UN troops to leave their bases in anything below platoon strength.

Moreover, violence against anybody percieved to be a 'Yurp Sympathiser' skyrocketed. In the planetside arcologies, the violence was limited; there were fewer pro-EU inhabitants in the oldest settlements, and those that had once lived that had moved to newer sunside arcologies where there were more immigrants and thus a friendlier attitude to Europe. In the newer sunside arcologies, the population was much more severely split; immigration immediately before and after teh breakdown had mostly been funneled into the newest settlements with the most free space, and the riots that exploded throughout the region were so violent that the military was deployed to cointain them.

In the confusion immediately after the coup attempt, it was not immediately clear who was responsible for the violence, and the assumption was that MNLF agitators were orchestrating the violence to take advantage of the coup and force the Core to send a 'police force' to remove what was left of the sitting government. To many enlisted men and women, and a smaller but still significant number of officrs, it seemed like they were being told to hold their family and friends down for the mob to kill. MRSDF units in the sunside arcologies tore themselves apart as thsoe from pro-EU backgrounds fought to protect 'their' civilians from the anger of the mobs and equally incensed comrades. Had the central government reacted immediately to send fresh units with clearer orders, the situation might have been salvageable, but the damage done my the coup meant that swift response to any situation was impossible.

The pro-EU factions eventually emerged in control of msot of the sunside arcologies, and as it became clear what was happening, EU-leaning officers and men in so far intact MRSDF ground and air units mutinied. Several units defected to the rebels almost entirely intact and marched on loyalist arcologies. Petershaven Arcology fell on the 14th of December 2180, and New Anglia - along with it's vital orbital elevator - was saved only by the suicidally determined stand of General Grossman and what was left of the First Army's 2nd Corps in Stirling Pass. Foreign news crews who had come to the moon to cover the coup attempt foudn themselves instead covering it's collapse into civil war.


Voodoo Patrol