Neon Blue

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Welcome to winter in Tunguska City, boomer.

A game set in the futuristic Russian metropolis of Tunguska City, built after rising sea levels have forced much of the previous first world into eco-refugee status and sparked a series of devastating world wars. A medium-dark setting with a focus on gritty combat, adventure and criminal capers.

Tags: cyberpunk and descendants, noir, 80's, transhumanism


The world of 2181 is a desolate, recovering world that has survived the rising of the oceans, a crash of the markets and two world wars. Most of the classic cities of the world have been swallowed by the ocean, with only the wealthiest and most relatively intact polities rebuilding above the floodline. Widespread immigration into space has been the major project of seven decades, vastly reducing the human population density on the planet. The climate has become hotter, wetter and more erratic, with irregular patterns of glaciation over some parts of the world as the effects of global warming begin to self-regulate in the face of dwindling human presence on the planet.

Tunguska city is one of the last great cities of the world and the capital of the New Siberial Republic, a successor state to a number of central-Asian states as well as the members of now-defunct CIS. It sits in what is now a temperate arboreal forest around a large artificial spaceport that wraps around the widened basin of the Podkamennaya Tunguska river and the adjoining lakes. It is split into twenty-seven wards, several of which are multi-terraced stacks of skyscrapers growing into one another, with a population density unlike anything seen in the 20th and 19th centuries.

As a mercenary living in a dense multi-ethnic city with a severe crime problem, there's never a shortage of work to do, sometimes paid and sometimes not. The GUVD Tunguska only maintains cursory control outside of the eleven central wards, meaning that the rest of the city is left to its own devices as long as business isn't interrupted and no NSR nationals are killed.

It's cold, it's dirty and the locals don't like you very much. But it's home.

Tunguska City

Living in Tunguska

Travel Around the City

Wards 1-11: The Peaceful Center

Wards 12-16: The Immigrant Cantons

Ward 12: Little Taiyuan

Ward 13: Little Sapporo

It's clean, quiet and quaint. Just be sure to have your papers after 10pm and don't drop anything.

Little Sapporo (мало Саппоро) also known as LS, is a primarily Japanese district north of Little Taiyuan, with most of its immigrants eco-refugees from the Hokkaido Disaster Zone after large fragments of the Indonesian orbital elevator station fell and caused multiple multi-megaton impacts that ravaged the northern Japanese countryside. The NSR opened refugee camps for Japanese citizens displaced by the disaster and later allowed mass-naturalization of most residents who had been living in Tunguska for more than ten years.

Little Sapporo is a mostly prosperous suburban district to contrast with the dense sprawl of Little Taiyuan, and mostly feels like pre-impact and pre-flood Hokkaido thanks to the cool temperate environment of the region. The local police force are GUVD-trained Japanese-Siberians with second-tier equipment, and the local language is mostly authentic Japanese with some Russian loanwords. It manages to be peaceful at the cost of draconian curfews and littering bylaws that drive its young delinquent population into neighboring wards- to the ire of other immigrant communities.

The yakuza have an informal agreement with the local bratva and the neighboring triads to self-govern and trade and handle disputes via proxy fighters such as mercenaries (or their own men in mercenary kit). Several decades of cultural exchange with the people in LT have eroded some homeland racism, although there are remaining tensions over the war wounds Japan and China inflicted on one another in WW4.

Wards 17-20: The Industrial Districts

Ward 21: The Military District

Wards 22-26: The Slums

Ward 27: The Ruins of the UNSV Muscowy


Moscow Police

The GUVD Tunguska (Главное управление внутренних дел города Тунгуска) is king.

Organized Crime


Local Organizations

The State of the Human Sphere


After the Third and Fourth World Wars, Earth has become an increasingly fractious and backwater place with regional power blocs bartering portions of the remaining livable temperate bands and competing on large-scale geo-engineering projects for national prestige. Polluted, half-drowned and ravaged by the deployment of atomics and the collapse of space infrastructure onto the planet's surface, it has seen major demographic shifts with the massive postwar migrations both across the planet and to space as coastal population centers were swallowed up by rising oceans.

Regions relatively untouched by the war, the collapse of the hydrocarbon fuel (oil) markets and ecological changes have meanwhile drastically changed global relations.

  • Andean Economic Co-Prosperity Sphere (AECPE):
  • Canada Arm (CA)
  • New Siberian Republic:
  • Oceanian Ecological Recovery Compact (OERC):
  • Pan-African League (PAL):
  • Pashtun Republic (PR):




The Asteroid Belt

The Outer System