Michael Ovid: Difference between revisions

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=== Merits ===
=== Merits ===
: Fame 1 (Divers &c)
: Fame 1 (Divers &c)
: Language 3 (French, Malay, Spanish)
: Language 3 (''English'', French, Malay, Spanish)
: Ally 1 (Juliet Eden, mediocre heptathlete, nova)
: Ally 1 (Juliet Eden, mediocre heptathlete, nova)
:: His diving lessons helped her relax and qualify for the Olympics in Rio. Unfortunately she failed to deliver as part of Team GB and has been in a slump ever since. They had a fling last year; it didn't work out but they remain close.
:: His diving lessons helped her relax and qualify for the Olympics in Rio. Unfortunately she failed to deliver as part of Team GB and has been in a slump ever since. They had a fling last year; it didn't work out but they remain close.

Revision as of 08:33, 8 July 2018


  • Codename: pardon?
  • Alias: pardon?
  • Allegiance: Independent
  • Concept: The Next Form of Life
  • Eruption: Threatening Situation


  • Self-Improvement ?
  • Scientific Experimentation ?
  • Exploration ?
  • Genesis ?

Vital Statistics

  • Quantum: 5
    • Quantum Pool: 30
    • Max Spent per Turn: 20
    • Stress Quantum: 5
  • Willpower: 5
  • Health:
    • [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]: -0
    • [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]: -0 (-1)
    • [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]: -0 (-2)
    • [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]: -0 (-4)
    • [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] -5 (-10 (Incapacitated))
    • [ ] Dead
    • Heals at 14x speed, reduces healing times by 4 categories, see also Regeneration II MSta enhancement
  • Taint: 1
    • Temporary Taint: 0
    • Aberrations: 0


  • Initiative: d9
  • Dodge: d
  • Parry: d +[]
  • MAP Reduction:
  • Soak (Total): 2A/13L/22B
    • Natural Soak: 2A/13L/22B
    • Power Soak: 0A/0L/0B
    • Equipment/Other Soak: 0A/0L/0B




Strength 5 Potent
Dexterity 5 Vigorous
Stamina 5 Alive
Mega Stamina 6
Health: Subtract 6 from the potency of any poison, disease or similar bio/chemical intrusion.
I'll Be Back: +12 Incapacitated health levels. While Incapacitated and unable to act, halve all damage, rounded down, to a minimum of 1 health level.
Regeneration II: Instantly heal B/L damage at 1Q/level or A at 6Q/level to a max of 6/turn. Passively heal 14B/L/hour or 6A/day. Regrow missing organs in 5 days.
Robust II: + 2x duplicates of basic health levels.


Wits 4
Intelligence 4
Perception 4


Charisma 3
Manipulation 2
Appearance 5 A Beautiful Creature



Athletics 5 (Swimming 2)
Endurance 5 (Breath 1)
Might 3
Boat 3


Literature 1
Sculpture 2
Awareness 2
Medicine 2
Biology 5
Survival 1


Etiquette 1
Leadership 2
Rapport 2
Style 1

Merits and Flaws


Fame 1 (Divers &c)
Language 3 (English, French, Malay, Spanish)
Ally 1 (Juliet Eden, mediocre heptathlete, nova)
His diving lessons helped her relax and qualify for the Olympics in Rio. Unfortunately she failed to deliver as part of Team GB and has been in a slump ever since. They had a fling last year; it didn't work out but they remain close.
Contacts 2 (Admiral Larue, Professor Ohms (tattoo artist and bodymod fetish blogger), Divers &c)


Augmentations and Aberrations


Long-Lived III (biologically immortal)
Encryption (+1 mind reading difficulty)
Ambidexterity (+1d multiple actions when dual wielding)
Improved Kinaesthesia (+[1] to all non-dodge Athletics rolls based on movement or precise positioning)
Environmental Adaption: Aquatic (gills, drink salt water)
Regenerator (healing times -1 category)
Biohazard Resistance II (+[1] to resist poisons/diseases, immune to potency <2 toxins)
Hard To Stop II (-2 wound penalties, incap levels are -10 levels)



Quantum Powers

Biomanipulation 5

  • Level 3

Form Manipulation

  • Pool d9 (man + power)
  • Touch
  • Grant or remove 4xp bodymods or raise or lower physical attribute by 1 per success. Difficulty is Willpower + 1. Resist with Stamina + Resistance.

Shapeshift 1

  • Level 3
  • Pool d6+[6]
  • Scene
  • [+Duration -Slow]
  • Gain up to 7 augmentations per use. 1 augmentation allows moving 2 physical dots or adding one physical dot.
  • Maximum increase of 3 dots.


  • Armour Implants IV (+4B/4L soak)
  • Reinforced Armour II (+2B/2L soak, -2 armour penalty)
  • Protected Vitals (soak lethal, -1 attacker success)
  • Net effects: +8B stamina soak, 6B/6L armour soak, -2 armour penalty, -1 success to successful attacks


  • Augmented Strength III
  • Superhuman Strength II
  • +2 Strength
  • Net effects: Strength 7(+[3])


  • Superhuman Appearance III
  • +3 Appearance
  • Enchanting Feature
  • Net effects: App 8+[1]




Spending Log


Elite Human

7/5/3 attributes
Str 3 Dex 3 Sta 4
Per 3 Int 3 Wit 3
Cha 3 Man 2 App 3
30 abilities
Might 3, Athletics 3 (Swimming 2), Pilot (Boat) 3, Endurance 3 (Holding Breath 1), Awareness 2, Academics (Literature) 1, Medicine 2, Science (Biology) 3, Art (Sculpture) 2, Survival 1, Style 1, Rapport 2, Etiquette 1, Leadership 2
7 merits
Fame 1 (Divers &c), Language 3 (French, Malay, Spanish), ??? 3
4 WP
2 influence

BP (0/15)

  • +1 Int, Cha, App (12)
  • +1 WP (2)
  • +1 Holding Breath (1)

Exemplar Nova

+1 physical
+6 attributes (athletics 2, endurance 2, science (biology) 2)
+1 influence
Quantum 3

NP (0/50)

  • +7 Attributes (+1 str, +1 sta, +1 per/int/wit, +2 app)
  • Quantum 5 (10)
  • Biomanipulation 5 (15)
    • Form Manipulation
  • Shapeshift 1 (3)
    • +Duration, -Slow
  • Mega-Stamina 6 (12)
    • Health
    • I'll Be Back
    • Regeneration II
    • Robust II
  • Augmentations 24xp (3)
    • Long-Lived III (3xp)
    • Encryption (2xp)
    • Ambidexterity (1xp)
    • Improved Kinaesthesia (4xp)
    • Environmental Adaption: Aquatic (4xp)
    • Regenerator (3xp)
    • Biohazard Resistance II (2xp)
    • Hard To Stop II (5xp)




Mundane Spending

Transhuman Spending
