Mai Expanse

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Over two thousand years into the future, hundreds of thousands of light years away from the homeworld of humanity is the Expanse, a group of polities formed by transhumanist female separatists who left earth millennia ago. On one boarder of the Expanse, facing a great area of unclaimed space and vast and incomprehensible alien empires is Sakura, one of the biggest polities in the Expanse. Known for its military prowess, friendly citizens and rather libertarian approach to laws, Sakura stands as a beacon of light against the darkness of the frontier: or so it's citizens will tell you.

The Capital World of Sakura is New-Tokyo, and that is where our story takes place. More specifically, it begins some fifty kilometres from the planet's Capital city of Land Fall (or New-Tokyo city as some call it). The White Lilium Academy stands at the edge of a large bay, with a beautiful view of the azure sea beyond.

Our heroines are students at the academy who one day, receive a strange package in the mail: an item which awakens a strange power resting in their souls. . .

Character Creation

Your character's physical and mental (as opposed to magical) self are built on 20 CP. While the Expanse has several races at this power level it is assumed that these differences are relatively minor, and can be modelled with the points you get.

  • Physical: Running, jumping, shooting, etc.
  • Smarts: Thinking, general knowledge, etc.
  • Perception: Tracking the invisible, spotting clues, reading fine print, etc.
  • Integrity: Resistance to direct memetics, dominate person, etc.
  • Charisma: Persuasion, moe, bargaining with demons, etc. People won't take schoolgirls seriously, but you can always disguise.
  • 1: 0 CP - baseline
  • 2: 1 CP - peak baseline
  • 3: 3 CP - You are slightly above peak baseline, stronger, smarter or otherwise better
  • 4: 6 CP - You are impressively above a normal human, capable of feats that seem superhuman
  • 5: 10 CP - Wow, are you sure you're only an ordinary high school student?
  • Specialities cost the same as a stat of one level higher. They do not have to be linked to a particular stat.
  • Extra Sense: 2 CP. Radar, tremorsense, infrared, detect magic, etc.
  • Specialist Knowledge: 2 CP. You sperg out about some topic such as computers or piloting, giving you knowledge beyond your years.
  • Aristocrat: 5 CP. You have an important family and access to their resources and connections - within reason. But this can make secrecy harder.

Disadvantages maybe bought at a cost discussed with the GM.

Expanse Races

While races are not tracked by stats, they are included for fluff purposes.

Classic Humans

Classic model humans are, despite the name, not what they once were. The term classic human now refers to people with generally old style body plans and skin colour. Like all the Expanse’s inhabitants they are heavily augmented, most with both genetic and cybernetic upgrades to the original human body.

Most classic human families tend to be a little more conservative about upgrade than other clades, however, this conservatism allows classic model humans to gain a wide variety of upgrades rather than a specialist selection.

Classic model humans are still the most common type of person in the Expanse, making up about 55% of the total population.


It was perhaps inevitable, given humanities long love affair with the concept of Elves that once the technology of transhumanism became widespread, someone would decide to remake themselves and their children that way. Sidhe are an old combination, having been through countless upgrades over the years, and one that has reached a high state of maturity.

This age has also means many Sidhe families are forty second century equivalent of old money. Current generation Sidhe enhancements do not make them smarter than the norm for the Expanse but do give them better upkeep of education than most classic model human clades. Sidhe tend to have high levels of integrity and charisma, and their brains learn more quickly than normal.


The gap between humans and machines has narrowed over since its high point around a millennia ago. Now, biological citizens of the Expanse can compete with their mechanical sisters on a near equal level. Gynoids are mostly created to resemble one of the other clades of the Expanse, but some have distinctive features of their own, such as antenna or metallic skin.

Metal is still stronger than most flesh, and machine brains are easier to make smart and quick on the up take.


The first splices were the ever popular catgirls, but since then humans with moth antenna, dog ears or a whole host of other animal features have appeared from the genetic laboratories of the Expanse. As well as the cosmetic reasons, these modifications tend to give their user considerably enhanced perception. A side effect of the splicing process seems to be a much higher degree of personality integrity than the norm, which has found many splices a place in combat units.

Splices have high integrity, perception and charisma


The distant descendents of uplifted animals and humans who used far more animal genes than did splices, Anthromorphs are one of the least human looking of the Expanse’s clades. While humanoid in form many have digitigrade legs, and somewhat animal like faces. All have fur.

While they once had an advantage in survival, advances in biotech has eroded that, however, Anthromorph brain structure tends to take well to perceptual, intelligence and learning enhancements.


Tall, buxom combat models, Valkyries look a bit like classic model humans except somewhat taller, standing two meters tall. Valkyries were originally, and continue to be, a specialist warrior clade, many of them going on to join a military force, white flame mercenaries or the like.

While their mental augmentations are by modern standards limited, Valkyries are by far the physically strongest clade in the Expanse, and are also some of the best loved, making extremely good combat leaders if less brilliant staff officers.

Valkyries always have high physical and charisma and tend to have good initiation as well.


You have 30 magic points to generate your character's magical abilities and may divide them into 6 Categories:

Destruction: destroying things. Breaking machines, disintegrating objects etc. Much harder to do against living beings.
Creation: Creating energy or objects from nothing. Fireballs, swords pulled out of the air or certain kinds of illusions. Much harder to create living beings.
Alteration: Altering existing things to fit your will, including strengthening or weakening objects or people
Movement: Teleportation and Telekinesis, Movement can also be used for summoning
Mentalism: spells that effect living or electronic minds, Mentalism creates illusions, mind control and can be used for summoning

Magic is judged on a 1 to 10 point scale, with each point making harder tasks easier and effects bigger.

  • 1: 1 MP Cause a simple effect on a small objects like coins at close ranges
  • 2: 3 MP Cause a simple effect on a objects the size of a person at close ranges
  • 3: 6 MP Cause a simple effect on a an area the size of a dinner table at close ranges
  • 4: 10 MP Cause a simple effect on a an area the size of a room at close ranges
  • 5: 15 MP Cause a simple effect on a an area the size of several rooms at close ranges
  • 6: 21 MP Cause a simple effect on a an area the size of a house at close ranges
  • 7: 28 MP Cause a simple effect on a several score meter area at close ranges
  • 8: 36 MP Cause a simple effect on a several hundred meter area at close range
  • 9: 45 MP Cause a simple effect on a several kilometer area at close range
  • 10: 55 MP Cause a simple effect on a several dozen kilometer area at close range.

A simple effect is a minor, non-fatal one, such as creating a not to valuable or complex object, destroying the same, making small changes to something's shape, or moving an object at less than walking pace. Stronger and more complex effects or performing an effect at longer ranges requires higher levels.

Magical specialization work a bit different from normal specialities: each speciality lays down a set of circumstances in which your magic of that kind applies. The more specific the condition, the most bonus ranks you gain. A general specialization (like Necromancy) gives +1 ranks, a specific specialization (like Swords) gives +2 ranks, and a super specific specialization (Blond women) gives +3 ranks.

Magical Object

Each character has also received a magical object. This object has its own power separate from the character's magic. What this power is is up to the player, but should be ok'd with the GM before use.


The Expanse Orignal game setting and more infomation


Yamato Rin

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Concept: Straight-S student, IRL character optimiser. Rin has planned out her life to obtain wealth and influence, from a scholarship to a prestigious high-school through a marketable set of clubs on to a top-class university and directorship of a colonisation company.
Description: Tall, dark and bishoujo.
Clubs: Geology, Gymnastics, Kendo, Strategy, Student Council, Volleyball, Young Expansionists
Power: Authority over swords (creation, destruction, alteration, control)
Artefact: Magic sword 'Nine Sparrows'. A katana elegant in its simplicity save for the nine birds engraved in the blade.
  • Artefact Power: Transcendent sharpness
Stats: (20/20)
  • Physical 3 (3)
  • Smarts 4 (6)
  • Perception 3 (3)
  • Integrity 3 (3)
  • Charisma 2 (1)
  • Swording 1 (1)
  • Specialist Knowledge: Planetology & Colonisation (2)
Magic: (28/30)
  • Sword Creation 5 (6)
  • Sword Destruction 3 (1)
  • Sword Alteration 5 (6)
  • Sword Movement 7 (15)

Ragna Luchs

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A very unusual occurance
Player: Shrike
Concept: Blind girl with radar sense and the secret ability to borrow people's sensoria. Generally a failure by the exacting standards of the Lilium Academy for Young Ladies, she is nonetheless granted a scholarship for diversity and affirmative action reasons.
Description: A thin, unathletic young lady two years older than anyone else in the class with silver hair and a permanent closed-eyes -.- expression on her face. Somewhat emo, with generalized feelings of inadequacy. Probably the daughter of a (future space-) German bioengineer. Possibly an artificial Otome.
Clubs: Summer School :<
Power: Destruction. Destruction to end all.
Artefact: Exotic eyes (normally has eyes closed)
  • Physical 1 (0)
  • Smarts 1 (0)
  • Perception 1 (0)
  • Integrity 2 (1)
  • Charisma 1 (0)
  • Sensoria Hacking 5 (15)
  • Extra Sense: Radar (2), Exotic Energy (2)
Magic: (30/30)
  • Creation: 1 (1)
  • Movement: 1 (1)
  • Mentalism: 1 (1)
  • Destruction: 3 (6)
  • Destruction (limit break): 6 + 2 (21)

Kato Sei

Concept: Quirky, bookish girl with a weird personality and unflappable aura of innocence. She studies often, learning a wide variety of topics as she distances herself from others. Especially likes anatomy and medicine. Is very friendly and curious, though sometimes a bit less tactful than she should be.
Description: Short for her age (17), with long, black hair with little black ears poking out. Perpetual wide eyes and upbeat manner.
Race: Splice
Stats: (20/20)
  • Physical: 1 (0)
  • Smarts: 4 (6)
  • Perception: 3 (3)
  • Integrity: 3 (3)
  • Charisma: 4 (6)
Specialist Knowledge: Medicine (2)
Powers: Necromancy. Life and death are woven by Sei’s delicate hands, healing the ill, snuffing their lives, or raising them to a new shadow of being.
  • Necromantic Creation 4 (3+1) (6 CP)
  • Necromantic Destruction 3 (2+1) (3 CP)
  • Necromantic Alteration 6 (5+1) (15 CP)
  • Spirit Mentalism 5 (3+2) (6 CP)
Artefact: The Holy Oil. A bottle of limitless clear, viscous liquid that, when injested, purifies the mind and body of others.

Hayabusa Chikiko

Concept: Fantasy and history geek, more interested in fabulous fictional worlds and the past than boring and mundane reality...
Description: Short, red haired, 'underdeveloped' (and sensitive about it...)
Race: Classic Human
Artifact: The Book of Moon and Stars. A grimoire bound in black leather that provides a font of magical power. Chikiko hasn't managed to actually open it yet, however, so what it contains is something of a mystery.
Stats: (20/20)
  • Physical 2 (1)
  • Smarts 4 (6)
  • Perception 3 (3)
  • Integrity 3 (3)
  • Charisma 3 (3)
  • Extra Sense: Magic sensitivity (2)
  • Specialist Knowledge: Ancient Mythology (2)
Magic: (30/30)
  • Creation (Classical Elements) 5 (10)
  • Movement 4 (10)
  • Alteration (Magical Items) 5 (10)