Lords of Di-Electric Ether

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Lords of Di-Electric Ether

A character driven RPG, by Kerrus.

The Lords of Di-Electric Ether are a specific group- notable in that they're all electrokinetics. They can charge and channel electricity- and emit it for a variety of functions- especially to power various electropunk gadgetry and that sort of thing.

More importantly, they can polarize themselves- rendering an immunity to electrical attacks and that sort of thing. As there's also a class of electrokinetic commonly known to the world as a "Sparkling", this can be vital.

Sparklings can generate a meager amount of electricity- usually they have to siphon the stuff they use from existing power sources. They can throw it around like tesla coil bolts, but don't have much more specific control over it other than 'choose direction and distance.'

A 'Lord' (of Di-Electric Ether) is a much more powerful and comparatively unknown Electrokinetic, capable of actually consciously choosing where and how their electricity moves. They can activate devices remotely or even 'wirelessly', channel electricity through water or other conductors without losing it to every possible path and the like. Moreover, they can form electricity outside of their bodies- the aformentioned 'wireless' capability. Sparklings have to channel everything through direct contact.

However, a key part of the setting is that no Electrokinetic can actually 'take control' of another's electricity.

Even a lowly sparkling can throw a bolt that a Lord of DE Ether can't 'take control of'- the advantage the Lord has is that he can polarize, causing the bolt to rebound or ground or the like.

In this era of rampant electrokinetics, most people wear clothes that integrate portable faraday cages, grounds, and insulating gear to protect against electrical attack.