Kirie Millard Tecklenburg

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Kirie Millard Tecklenburg

Concept: The only sane person in a group of Technomancers.

The Odd Man Out
The Fimbulwinter approaches. It cannot be stopped but the runes say the approach might yet be prolonged. Sometimes you don't pick your compatriots. ("What?! Why are you shooting the Plutonian flying moths?")

Primary: You get a powerful magic artifact (Talisman 5), Lore (Your Tradition) at 3, and Lore (Something Supernatural) at 3. You probably have Spirit instead of dimensional science. Everyone thinks you might stab them in the back and they don't trust you much (effectively the "Probationary Member" flaw).

The Badass
I escaped the Sphere of Swallowed Darkness. Never again.

Secondary: +2 Willpower, either Prodigy (any combat ability) and +1 to a physical attribute OR Legendary Attribute (any physical)


For she who knows not the way she must walk
Life is sweet but with little reward
She who wields a sword
Must be prepared to shed her blood
Pain she must endure
And know too well that she must be strong
--Power Symphony, Way of the Sword.

Born to Rolf Teckleburg, an minor official in the German embassy in Tokyo, and Sachiko Toki. Immigrated, or returned for Rolf, back to the mountains of Bavaria where summers were spent in sport and winters in the mountains of Norway skiing. For her initiation into the Keepers of Yggdrasil Kirie hung for nine days and nights at the threshold of life and death listening to the whispers of the beheaded Mimir.

Vital Statistics

To this Law, O fool, there's no retort. Your Life hangs by a thread and your time is short.
--- The Seventh Seal.

Name: Kirie Millard Tecklenburg
Player: Andronicus
Affiliation: V-COM
Tradition: Euthantos, Yggdrasil's Keepers.
Avatar: Questing
Nature: Survivor (Perseverance; Lack of Trust)
Arete: 5
Willpower: 5 + 2
Quint: 4/4 + 0 (Overcharge)

Avatar [1][1][1][1] + Free Quint [0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0]+ Paradox [0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0]

Initiative: 0
Paradox: 0


Bruised (-0) [ ]
Hurt (-1) [ ]
Injured (-1) [ ]
Wounded (-2) [ ]
Mauled (-2) [ ]
Crippled (-5) [ ]
Incapacitated [ ]


Regular Speed: 0 yards
Running Speed: 0 yards

Standing Spells


Physical 8
Strength: 4
Dexterity: 4
Stamina: 3
Social 4
Charisma: 1
Manipulation: 3
Appearance: 3
Mental 6
Perception: 3
Intelligence: 2
Wits: 4



Talents (15)
Alertness: 3
Athletics: 2 Free
Awareness: 3
Brawl: 1 Free
Dodge: 2 Free + 3 (5)
Intimidation: 2
Subterfuge: 3
Style: 1
Skills (20)
Crafts: 1 (Rune-Carving)
Disguise: 0
Drive: 1
Fast-Draw: 2 Roll Dex+Fast Draw. Three successes mean it was already in your hand.
Firearms: 2 Free
Meditation: 2
Melee: 1 Free + 3 (4) (Swords)
Heavy Weapons: 2
Stealth: 3
Pilot: 1 Free
Performing: 3
Technology: 3
Hypertechnology: 0
Knowledges (10)
Cosmology: 3
Occult: 3
Linguistics: 2 (Native: Japanese) (English, German)
Medicine: 1 Free + 2
Lore (Euthantos): 3 Free
Lore (Umbrood): 3 Free

Backgrounds (12)

Avatar: 4
Blessing: 5; 5d Countermagick. Non-permanent. Must be activated with [Action] ? + Blessing.
Talisman: 5 (Free) + 6
Shiroki Tsuki no Henshoku 11 pts. (Base: Sword d3+Str) d6+str. (Arete: 6, 30/30 Quint). -3 difficulty for Damage rolls. Upon unsheathing Shiroki Tsuki-no-Henshoku Kirie rolls Arete and on a success appears behind a hostile target and launches an melee attack. In its forging this blade was imbued with a desire kill, and so whenever drawn Shiroki Tsuki no Henshoku must kill somebody or it satiates its need for blood by cutting its wielder, dealing 1 unsoakable aggravated damage. As such it is only drawn to deal with those deserving to be plucked from the wheel of life. It's final function is to call upon the powers of the kami Kagutsuchi, creating a inferno. (Arete, Forces 5/Prime 2)
5 BG reserved for ship

Merits and Flaws

Calling Card: (+2) Must leave a sign of her presence wherever she doesn't wish it. (Euthantos Revised 70)
Nightmares (+1)
Mistaken Identity: (+1) Be it that she was in a dress the last time it happened - or that she was coming off accidentally on purpose poisoning by her mentor that made her sluggish - Kirie at times has the most aggravating misfortune to be confused with somebody that needs rescuing quite possibly (disturbingly) after being kidnapped with the aim of marriage. So far it's happened once. Faust's Burden (+3) Kirie made a contract that was not to her advantage. Still, life was had. (Blood Treachery, 88)
Probationary Member (Effective, from The Odd Man Out)
Legendary Attribute (Dex) Free.

Freebie Points


Arete 5 (-10)
Spirit to 4 (7 FB)
Prime 2, 3 (4+4)
3 BG (Talismen)
5BG - Ship, reserved.


Freebie Points: 25

Attributes cost 4/dot.
Abilities cost 1/dot up to 3.
Willpower costs 2/dot instead of 1/dot.
You can buy +1 Arete for 10 freebie points.
Spheres cost 4/dot up to 3, and normal cost for raising spheres to 4 or 5.
Maximum 7 points of flaws.


Normal: 3/3/3/2/1 (Spirit, Forces, Matter, Life, Prime)

Correspondance, Anyawin (The Whole): 0
Entropy, Tamas (Dark Inertia): 0
Forces, Teias (The Shining Power): 3
Life, Prana (Life Breath): 2
Matter, Pakrm (Form): 3
Mind, Manas (Mind): 0
Prime, Vac (Speech): 3
Spirit, Cit (Consciousness): 4
Time, Sat' (Being): 0


Kirie's style is that of thanatoic sorcery driven by a burning duty to the wheel of fate, the end of which is the twilight of the gods.

Foci: Drugs (hallucinogenics and otherwise), Poisons, Weapons. Runes, rune-carving, Singing the galðr (songs of power; singing the charms), weaving, mantras.
Life: Drugs (henbane, etc), Alchemical potions/chemicals

Specific Foci
A bone-wand made from her first good death.


Magickal Panoply

Regular Weapons




  • Session 1 - ??

Possible Plans

Life Lessons