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**Terrorism 1, 3XP
**Terrorism 1, 3XP
*Session 11 (5XP)

===Possible Plans===
===Possible Plans===

Revision as of 12:39, 23 February 2014

Kirie Millard Tecklenburg

Concept: The Twilight Warrior

The Odd Man Out
The Fimbulwinter approaches. It cannot be stopped but the runes say the approach might yet be prolonged. Sometimes you don't pick your compatriots. So why complain? There's a job to be done! ("What?! Why are you shooting the Plutonian flying moths?") (The only sane person in a group of Technomancers)

Primary: You get a powerful magic artifact (Talisman 5), Lore (Your Tradition) at 3, and Lore (Something Supernatural) at 3. You probably have Spirit instead of dimensional science. Everyone thinks you might stab them in the back and they don't trust you much (effectively the "Probationary Member" flaw).

The Badass
I escaped the Sphere of Swallowed Darkness. Never again.

Secondary: +2 Willpower, either Prodigy (any combat ability) and +1 to a physical attribute OR Legendary Attribute (any physical)


For she who knows not the way she must walk
Life is sweet but with little reward
She who wields a sword
Must be prepared to shed her blood
Pain she must endure
And know too well that she must be strong
--Power Symphony, Way of the Sword.

Born to Rolf Teckleburg, an minor official in the German embassy in Tokyo, and Sachiko Toki. Immigrated, or returned for Rolf, back to the mountains of Bavaria where summers were spent in sport and winters in the mountains of Norway skiing. Affording a comfortable life style the couple raised their three children in relative peace. Lacking ambition she entered medical school at the urging of her mother where she excelled but spent nearly as much time in the fencing clubs on campus as doing actual medical studying.

It was on her last skiing trip that she tasted the wheel of fate for the first time. She awoke not in controlled circumstances, or rather not controlled by anyone benevolent. Kirie remembers little of the experience, the intensity of her first touch with the real workings of reality blotting out most of it. This much she remembers; hanging from a rope and swaying in the breeze for a moment stretching into eternity, the overpowering smell of troll, then sudden shouting followed by a crash and a snapping of rope. Unsure of if she walked in dream when Kirie stumbled into the nearest town she became fascinated about the boundary between life and death.

Gradually she became conscious of her budding ability in the breath of life- she cut herself once, by accident and just as easily healed herself when she carved the rune of Uruz into her flesh upon the subtle urging of her avatar. After her first experience with her Atman, coincidentally or not, she was contacted by the Euthantos mage who would be her mentor. This time when she hung it was for nine days and nights at the threshold listening to the murmurs of the beheaded Mimir. Thus was her induction into the Euthantoi sect of the Keepers of Yggdrasil. There they honed her uncommon ability as a medium (the classification of such giving a clear and definite answer to a life-long question of Kirie, one that was not 'insanity') into a knack for Cit, the consciousness of all.

But eventually the student learned all that she might and so she parted ways with her mentor Johann Solitris joining a traditionalist war cabal just in time to be involved in the Second Massassa War. The war did not go well for the Society of Steel (Kirie voted against the name). At times it seemed they were making progress only to be stymied by the manoeuvres of shadowy Kindred princes or by groups of kindred in expected spots. But, still, they went forward and reached the end of the fighting. The cabal split apart and Kirie was called to participate in the House Janissary ambush... turned massacre.

It was after those terrible early years after the Week of Nightmares, cut off from the Umbra as good sense suggested studying the avatar storm before blindly trying to force a way across, that she and her current partner was caught by a Nephandic group shortly after crossing into the Umbra on what was essentially a milk-run to Pluto. Or should have been. It rapidly turned into a mission gone wrong. Badly. After a time she managed to escape after heavily indebting herself with a Umbrood spirit.

The years of killing while enacting the will of fate mattered little to those torments- and so she vowed never again.

Eventually Kirie discovered "Threat Null" and its danger. In her eyes Threat Null dearly deserves their Good Death; and since working with V-Com isn't against the interests of her Tradition...

Kirie is a tall, somewhat pale, redhead with hair down to her back. She's used it as a garrote once. While of mixed ethnic origin she resembles her father more then she does her mother, so caucasian. She has a few minor scars that she kept for dramatic purposes. She's fairly friendly and upbeat, believe it! Kirie's quarters are pretty spartan; the important thing in it is a old battered portable CD player and a thick stack of CD's of various makes. She has a few pictures of old friends and old partners (all dead, so their images aren't compromised by the Technocracy). She has an old violin in a brand new case.

Vital Statistics

To this Law, O fool, there's no retort. Your Life hangs by a thread and your time is short.
--- The Seventh Seal.

Name: Kirie Millard Tecklenburg
Player: Andronicus
Affiliation: V-COM
Tradition: Euthantos, Yggdrasil's Keepers.
Avatar: Questing
Demeanor: Celebrant (Passion/Intemperance)
Nature: Masochist (Devotion/Self-Destruction) "So sorry your fate is written. Come, then, let us test each other. Please give me your best!"
Arete: 5
Willpower: 5 + 2 + 1 (8) (8/4)
Quint: 5/3 + 0 (Overcharge)

Avatar [1][1][1][1] + Free Quint [0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0]+ Paradox [0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0]

Initiative: 0
Paradox: 1


Bruised (-0) [ ]
Hurt (-1) [ ]
Injured (-1) [ ]
Wounded (-2) [ ]
Mauled (-2) [ ]
Crippled (-5) [ ]
Incapacitated [ ]


Regular Speed: 0 yards
Running Speed: 0 yards

Standing Spells

Better Body, 2 pts. +1 dex
BB, 2 pts [day] duration, +4 Stamina


Physical 8
Strength: 4 (Deceptively) [6]
Dexterity: 4 +1 (Swift) [8]
Stamina: 3 + 4
Social 6
Charisma: 3
Manipulation: 3
Appearance: 4 (Well-Built)
Mental 4
Perception: 2
Intelligence: 2
Wits: 3



Talents (15)
Alertness: 3
Athletics: 2 Free
Awareness: 3
Brawl: 1 Free
Dodge: 2 Free + 3 (5) (Twitch)
Intimidation: 2
Subterfuge: 4 (False Emotion)
Style: 1
Skills (20)
Crafts: 2 (Rune-Carving)
Disguise: 1
Drive: 1
Fast-Draw: 2 Roll Dex+Fast Draw. Three successes mean it was already in your hand.
Firearms: 2 Free
Meditation: 1
Melee: 1 Free + 3 (4) (Swords)
Heavy Weapons: 1
Stealth: 3
Pilot: 1 Free
Performing: 3
Technology: 3
Hypertechnology: 0
Knowledges (10)
Cosmology: 2
Occult: 2
Linguistics: 2 (Native: Japanese) (English, German)
Medicine: 1 Free + 1 = (3)
Lore (Euthantos): 3 Free
Lore (Umbrood): 3 Free
Lore (Nephandi): 1
Science (Chemistry): 1
Poisons: 1
Terrorism: 1

Backgrounds (12)

Arcane: 2
Avatar: 5
Blessing: 10; 5d Countermagick. Permanent. Kirie has delved into the world of the living and the dead and made pacts most fruitful. Turning songs of power into her own pattern... "A sixth I know; when some man would harm me, in runes on a moist tree's root, on his ahead alone shall light the ills of the curse that he called upon mine..."
Talisman: 5 (Free) + 2 = 7 (10 + 4 pts)
Shiroki Tsuki no Henshoku 14 pts. (Base: Sword d3+Str) d6+str. (Arete: 6, 30/20 Quint). -3 difficulty for Damage rolls, aggravated.
Reputedly forged by the master smith Zan-Zei for the retired Emperor Go-Toba with the express purpose of assassinating the regent Hojo Yoshitoki. Sadly the blade was never used for its intended purpose as the regent died of illness in 1224. Shiroki Tsuki-no-Henshoku thereafter passed through the hands of Zan-Zei's descendants until at some point coming into possession of the Janissary Adriana Burke-Sheffield under unknown circumstances (but perhaps during her travel to Hong Kong in 1995) and then into Kirie's hand after the massacre of House Janissary. The blade itself is an experimental essay in the art of sword-crafting; ahead of its time in every respect, forged with a deep understanding of what would become the sphere of matter, the sword of Fading Moonlight cuts beyond its apparent ability (Matter for the extra damage, and Prime 2 for aggravated). In its forging this blade was imbued with a desire to kill, and so whenever drawn Shiroki Tsuki-no-Henshoku must kill somebody or it satiates its need for blood by cutting its wielder, dealing 1 unsoakable aggravated damage. Upon unsheathing Shiroki Tsuki-no-Henshoku Kirie rolls Arete and on a success appears behind a hostile target and launches an melee attack. It's final function (and one not thought to have been imbued into the weapon by its original crafter) is to call upon the powers of the kami Kagutsuchi, creating a inferno which is shaped dependent on the intent of the wielder. Usually the intent is not to be fried by one's own attack. (Arete 6, Forces 5/Prime 2/Corr 2)

Merits and Flaws

Medium (-2) "Help me... help me..." Kirie looked over to where she was certain a old woman was sitting on a bench in the park. She saw nothing but felt and heard... "What is it, dear?" Asked her mother, giving her hand a squeeze. "Nothing..." She replied, looking away. (Kirie possesses the natural ability to sense and hear spirits, ghosts and shades. With the spirit sphere the difficulties of Spirit magick is reduced by two. BoS, 37)
Calling Card: (+2) Must leave a sign of her presence wherever she doesn't wish it. (Euthantos Revised 70)
Nightmares (+1) "I've seen things I can't ever forget."
Mistaken Identity: (+1) Be it that she was in a dress the last time it happened - or that she was coming off accidentally on purpose poisoning by her mentor that made her sluggish - Kirie at times has the most aggravating misfortune to be confused with somebody that needs rescuing quite possibly (disturbingly) after being kidnapped with the aim of marriage. So far it's happened once.
Faust's Burden (+3) Kirie made a contract that was not to her advantage. Still, life was had. (Blood Treachery, 88)
Probationary Member (Effective, from The Odd Man Out)
Legendary Attribute (Str) Natural maximum set to 6. One auto-success on strength related rolls.
Enemy: (Solid Snake -5)

Fashion Sense (Subtract 1 from the diff of Social rolls in situations where dressing appropriately is important.
Good Recognition "Of course I remember you. 1999. The Broomstick Club. Have another gin?"
Eye for a Bargain Medical school was paid for by the family, but that's about it. "Learn responsibility!" they said (in between expensive summer and winter vacations). Turned out if you check competing flyers and bought semi-used you could save so many Euros...
Robust Health Reduce the difficulty to resist illness or poisoning by two.


Normal: 3/3/3/2/1 (Spirit 3, Life 3, Matter 3, Prime 2, Entropy 1)

Correspondance, Anyawin (The Whole): 0
Entropy, Tamas (Dark Inertia): 1
Forces, Teias (The Shining Power): 0
Life, Prana (Life Breath): 3
Matter, Pakrm (Form): 3
Mind, Manas (Mind): 0
Prime, Vac (Speech): 3
Spirit, Cit (Consciousness): 4 (Binding)
Time, Sat' (Being): 0


Kirie's style of thanatoic sorcery ia based primary around the old norse arts with touches of the eastern and greek arts of the rest of the Euthanatos. Whereas for others the wheel leads to a new age, the threads of fate end at the twilight of the gods and the world. Her specific Keeper styles are, then:

Galdr, the eighteen songs of power of the High-One. Charm or Runecraft.
Spa-kona, the feminine art of spinning and weaving resonating with the Norn's threads of fate (the wyrd).
Sei-r, another art traditionally considered feminine... Shamanic. Calls up spirits and ghost, divines prophecy, curses and confuses. Traditional tools are a blue or black cloak, a cat-skin hood, staff and wand.

General Foci: Drugs (hallucinogenics and otherwise), Poisons, Weapons. Runes, rune-carving, Singing the galðr (songs of power; singing the charms), weaving, mantras. Chakra points. (One in the genitals, the stomach, the sternum, the heart, the throat, the third eye, and the crown of the head).

Entropy: Casting the runes, spinning to see the threads of fate.
Life: Drugs (henbane, etc), Alchemical potions/chemicals.
Matter: Rune-carving, smithcraft
Prime: Runes

Specific Foci
A bone-wand made from her first good death.


Magickal Panoply

Regular Weapons

Throwing Knives. (Strength +1L, P)
Brace of Shuriken (d2, P)
.44 Magnum (d6; rate 2; clip 6; J)


Reinforced Battle Outfit (Class, d1 armor)



  • Backstory (10XP)
    • Fashion Sense (4XP)
    • Good Recognition (2XP)
    • Eye for a Bargain (2XP)
    • Robust Health (2XP)
  • Early Adopter (4XP)
  • Session 1 - Sword meets Dragon (4XP)
    • 8XP
  • Session 2 - I'll Protect my Precious Bodily Functions to the Death! (6XP)
    • 14XP
  • Session 3 - Infiltration by Accident! (3XP)
    • 17XP
  • Session 4 (5XP)
    • 22XP
  • Session 6 (3XP)
    • 25XP
  • Session 7 (4XP)
    • 29XP
  • Session 8 (5XP)
    • 2XP, Medicine to 3.
    • 31 XP
  • Session 9 (7XP) Feb 02 2014
  • Charisma to 3 (8XP)
    • 30XP
  • Session 10 (4XP) Feb 09 2014
    • Terrorism 1, 3XP
    • 31XP
  • Session 11 (5XP)
    • 36XP

Possible Plans

Freebie Points


Arete 5 (-10)
Spirit to 4 (7 FB)
Prime 3 (4)
1 dots of wp (2 FB)
13FB Left
2 BG Arcane
2 BG (Talismen)
5 BG - Blessing Permanent
2 Medium
+1 Subterfuge

Life Lessons