Joachim Prenninger

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Name: Joachim Prenninger AKA Kristallnact AKA Joachim Kristall
Player: NPC
Nature: Visionary / Architect
Allegiance: Fascist / Nazi
Point Base: 30NP + 20XP + 15 Background Points


Strength: 3
Dexterity: 5 (Precise)
Stamina: 4 (Resilient)

Perception: 3
Intelligence: 5 (Discerning)
Wits: 5 (Creative)

Charisma: 4 (Charming)
Manipulation: 4 (Persuasive)
Appearance: 3

Academics (Law)(Int): 1
Arts (Wit): 4 (Sculpture)
Athletics (Dex): 1
Awareness (Per): 2
Biz (Wit): 2
Brawl (Str): 1
Drive (Dex): 1
Endurance (Sta): 3*
Engineering (Int): 4 (Glass Structures)
Etiquette (Cha): 1
Intimidation (App/Str): 1
Linguistics (Int): 1 (German; English)
Melee (Dex): 1
Perform (Cha): 3
Rapport (Wit): 1
Resistance (Sta): 3*
Streetwise (Man): 1
Style (App): 2
Subterfuge (Man): 1

Elemental Anima (Glass)(L3): 5

  • Elemental Shield
  • Lethal Blast
  • Movement
  • Shaping
  • Wall


Allies: 3
Backing: 1
Cipher: 3
Contacts: 2
Eufiber: 5
Influence: 3
Resources: 5

Devotion – The Cause (2)

Intolerance – Non-Westerners (1)
Overconfidence (1)
Minority – Far Right (1)
Enemy – Anti-Fascist / Anti-Racist Groups (2)

TAINT: 2 / 0 temp
HEALTH: Bruised, Hurt, Injured, Wounded, Maimed, Crippled, Incapacitated
EXPERIENCE: 0 (20XP spent)

MOVEMENT: Walk: 7 / Run: 17 / Sprint: 35
SOAK: Bashing: 5 (10 Eufiber) +10 Glass Wall / Lethal: 2 (7 Eufiber) +10 Glass Wall

Storm of Glass: 18d10L, Range: 90 meters

When he is working on a project he is methodical, precise, and conscientious, professional to his fingertips. In general he expects professionals to be professional, holding himself and others to a high standard of quality.

On the other hand when dealing with his friends, or what he sees as deserving whites, he is friendly, generous, genuinely gemütlich. Though he himself avoids illegalities he's perfectly willing to indirectly finance any "worthy cause" that he runs across. Indeed he's also willing to help sort out legal difficulties and other problems that his compatriots run into.

As for everyone and everything else... Like most high ranking racist leaders he is capable of saying what he wants, of showing his disdain without violating any hate speech laws. Mind you he wants to expel minorities, not exterminate them.

Being a European however he is not particularly prejudiced against South Americans or East Asians, not so much so that he'd have trouble working with them anyway. Given that he doesn't bother trying to persuade them of the righteousness of his cause he ironically has a better image in China and Japan than in Europe.

In a fight he tends to rely on his Storm of Glass to quickly dispatch any enemies, often maxing his powers in order to take care of particularly dangerous seeming enemies. Depending on circumstances he might try other approaches, such as drowning his enemy in suddenly liquid glass. Despite being overconfident he's not a fool, he's aware of how quickly his powers drain his energy, so if he can't dispatch an enemy fast he'll want to flee.
Tall, blonde and blue-eyed. After his eruption Joachim Prenninger looked as if he stepped out of an SS recruitment poster. Usually smiling and looking charming, his eyes narrow whenever someone upsets him. Despite his undeniable artistic talent his own tastes can best be described as Fascist kitch with a dash of Liberace thrown in. Gaudy clothes, fast cars, loose women, fancy jewellery.

Born to a lower middle-class family, an alcoholic mother and absentee father, Joachim Prenninger had an unenviable start to life. He quickly learned to take care of himself, but being of rather average intelligence he didn't make much headway at school. Like many other young men he drifted out of school and into a gang, in his case a neo-Nazi group, though of course they were legally prohibited from calling themselves that.

Generally his life was spent collecting a dole, occasionally finding odd jobs, drinking, street fights, and otherwise hanging out listening to loud White Power music. None of it would amount to much, in general the most they could ever do was minor vandalism and the odd mugging.

Most likely that's how it would have stayed if not for an illegal rally near Berlin. Radicals from both sides showed up, but as usual the Anti-Fascists outnumbered the Fascists by something like ten to one. For some reason the German police, usually quite good at this sort of thing, dropped the ball completely. There was a huge street fight, where the Fascists were generally beaten into a pulp and forced to flee.

Joachim Prenninger was surrounded along with a couple of his friends, while steel bar wielding Anti-Fascists drew nearer. Despite calling out to the police he didn't get any help at all. Then the Anti-Fascists began beating up on them, the one thing that filled his mind was the desire to make this stop, to kill them! That's when he erupted...

Within moments a dozen Anti-Fascists lay dead, shredded to pieces, blood splattered everywhere. Only a sudden rush of realisation kept him from attacking the rest. Instead he stood by, waiting, until the local chapter of Team Tomorrow showed up.

The trial that followed found him not guilty on the grounds that he had been unable to control his powers so soon after his eruption. This upset him greatly, as he had wanted to argue pure self-defence, but his lawyer advised against it. So far the law had always been Joachim's enemy, except when he collected his dole, but now he started to see how the law could be used to help him as well.

After being released he began to test his powers and to study architecture and sculpturing. His abilities to shape large amounts of glass were nothing short of astounding, indeed in that field he was one of the most powerful Novas ever. In between his new intellectual abilities and his glass shaping abilities he soon became both rich and famous. There were literally hundreds of sites in China and Japan that wanted him to help with their glasswork. Be it creating enormous panes, shaping windows into new and unusual forms, or making structural segments of super hard glass.

Originally he had picked the name Kristallnacht as his handle, but given laws in Germany and other countries he decided on using a second name as well: Joachim Kristall. Under that name he created a record company, a designer clothing label, and a publisher. None of these were all that profitable, though the clothing label became an identifying mark among much of the far right throughout Europe.

By 2019 he was well known as The Evil Genius of Architecture, Beauty and the Beast is another popular description, both referring to the difference between the beauty of his glass work and the ugliness of his political and racial views. Given the presence of many other Novas with equal or greater artistic skills it seemed strange that the press would focus so much on Joachim Prenninger. Perhaps it was morbid fascination, or perhaps it was his ability to give shape to his ideas on a large scale.

Quantum 4 - 14BP, 5NP
Willpower 7 - 4BP
Quantum Powers – 25NP Attributes - 4NP
Abilities - 20 XP
Background – 16 BP (Extra)