Haraway At Twilight
Haraway in Twilight
Dateline twenty one fifty-five
After years of rebellion and warfare, battles with corporate mercenaries and the arrival of EU peace keepers, Haraway is isolated once again. Two extremely different and often mutually hostile groups are forced to live together in a harsh environment.
Now however, in the small corporate village of Harls Delta, something strange is afoot.
For more than twenty years, immigrants have come to Haraway at the behest of powerful off world corporations to provide technical skills, to work, and to live. Despite the harsh conditions, drugs, sealed buildings and limited gene therapy has allowed them to survive, even have children here.
Whole villages and settlements have sprung up, including Harl's Delta, where a small group of friends have recently arrived as staff at the general store. So far, the locals seem rather unfriendly, but its work, and at least there's no war.
With the reassertion of power by Haraway's central voting system, new agencies have been set up Public Security Division (PSD) is a central law enforcement office created by popular vote, its mandate to extend law into the outer areas, root out any remaining corporate war criminals and make sure
Haraway characters are agents of the PSD.