Finding the Center
A Practical Guide to Alchemy in the 21st Century
Internal Alchemy
Internal Alchemy is the means of the modern Hermetic Alchemist. It is a method that utilizes the Fire of Life, that which drives every natural process, to coerce the alchemical reactions into being as surely as the burner and flask of the External Alchemist.
An internal alchemist must still calculate the means with which to enact the transmutation, but they are blessed by being able to accomplish that transmutation within the self, rather than relying purely on external tools. Of course, such transmutations can easily run out of control if not properly bounded, which is one of the reasons why internal alchemy is seen as a dangerous art. Moreover, unlike the mystics of the east, internal alchemy still requires tools- albeit less than the external arts. The most common of these tools is an implement to write with, for internal alchemical processes are bounded within the circular formulas of the modern Alchemist. By focusing the Od through the means proscribed by these formulas, an internal alchemist can take the resources he intends to tramsute within himself, refine them, perfect them, then release them fully formed. While this process is well documented, it happens in actuality across only a few seconds. The internal alchemist touches the circular formula and focuses, and the subject of his transmutation changes, refined or reduced as required by the Alchemist.
- Traditional
- Traditional alchemical forumlae are written much in the matter of traditional maths- line after line describing each step that brings a principle to it's final form. While easy to read, and designed for chalkboards, this method often leads to very lengthy text and is best suited for laboratory work.
- Circular Formula
- Circular Formulae are something of a recent advent in alchemical study, and represent a comprehensive method for rendering complex and lengthy formulas into simpler, more compact forms. While a traditional formula must use a symbol for each effect and step, including relevant alignments and atmospheric conditions, the Circular Formula can set the appropriate bounds and limits as part of its shape and layout. This type of formula is quintessential to Internal Alchemy.
The basis of component alchemy is using pre-built tools to achieve an alchemical reaction on the spot. Censers to burn substances, vials to mix them- the actual doings of old style alchemy are key to this style. But alchemy is more than just base chemestry- soaking prayer strips scribed with the words of Enoch in alchemical substances, then burning them in a censor while reciting a mnemonic to invoke a particular angel's power might just be one step of a greater ritual. While many 'modern' mages like their magic fast and simple, a true practitioner knows that taking the time for the proper form and etiquette contributes much to the final product.
Ultimately, Component and Formulae Alchemy are just two ingredients to a greater whole. Both can be used individually to their own effect, or combined and refined to create a greater effect.
Somatic Alchemy (Life)
- Aqua Fortis (Water of Strength)
- Aqua Tofani (Water of Death)
- Aqua Tofani is, in simple terms, a poison. Causing necrosis of the flesh by means of contact, it can be used directly in vulgar form, or ingested through aerosol form or otherwise. In the case of the later, it manifests as a wasting sickness, leading to death. In the face of the former, and depending on concentration, it can manifest as immediate death or damage to the body. Used properly, it can even kill without leaving a mark.
- Aqua Vita (Water of Life)
- The Water of Life, Aqua Vitae, is a substance that concentrates the motive force of life. When administered to a living being, it encourages a rapid increase in the natural healing of the applied tissue. It can also be ingested for a slower, but less noticeable increase in the subject's natural healing.
Odic Alchemy (Forces)
Odic Alchemy, like Solus Alchemy and Subliminal Alchemy deals with a non-physical element, in this case the Odic Force. By transmuting Od from one form to another, one can internally and externally replicate many of the means and methods that traditionally require complex devicery for External Alchemy.
- Avolation (To Fly)
Avolation is an Alcemic Method that focuses the body's Od into a motive kinetic force. By carefully controlling the emission of this force, one can bypass the normal limits of gravity, or even counteract it altogether.
- Deflagration (To Burn)
The Alchemical method of Deflagration is central to External Alchemy, and is used to facilitate a great many operations. However, at its principle, Deflagration serves the Internal Alchemist as a weapon and a tool, transmuting the Od into a flame that can be directed as needed.
- Fusion (To melt, through means of fire)
While commonly held by modern scientists to be a different thing entirely, the Fusion that the Alchemist speak of is a method that serves to liquify a material through the application of flame. While fire consumes when directly applied, Fusion relies more on the heat than the consuming properties to induce liquification in the target. As a result, this type of flame is usually far hotter than that produced by Deflagration.
Materia Alchemy (Matter)
- Aqua Regia (The King's Water)
Solus Alchemy (Prime)
Substances of Legend
Dry Water (Liquid Mind)
A mythical substance that unlocks a path to the collective human unconscious, allowing one to locate any human that has ever lived and bridge their mind with yours. The imbiber will learn their every secret as surely as they know themselves.
Ixos Acid (Liquid Entropy)
Philosopher's Stone (Liquid Matter)
Red Mercury (Liquid Forces)
Mercury, the Living Silver the philosophers speak of is the stuff of some local legend. Purported to accumulate motive force until the limit of entropy, Red Mercury is purported to serve as a fantastic explosive- one that releases the stored motive force all at once, tuned to a specific valence of the Odic force.
Vitae Elixir (Liquid Life)