Event Shock
The European Union Space Agency (EUSA), established in 1975(note: The Original Organisation was called the European Space Agency), is an intergovernmental organisation dedicated to the exploration of space. Headquartered in Paris, ESA has a staff of more than 20,000 with an annual budget of about €50.99 billion / $50.65 billion US dollars (2120). Dedicated to the exploration of space, in 2105 it completed the first faster than light starship, the EUSA Newton, which uses CERN Drive in order to pass into the so called Neutrino realm. The ship was lost with all hands in 2106, on it's maiden voyage.
You are part of the crew of the EUSA Einstein's Revenge, a similiar ship which due to budget constraints, as built in tandem with the European Union Defence Force.
Class Types:
Scientist: You're one of the core scientists on the mission, a civilian astronaut. You will have a aptitude for all science based challenges and have a working knowledge of some of the ships systems.
Civilian Crew Member: You're not a scientist, but you're probably just as smart, every crew member is required to have a detailed knowledge of the ships systems, though not the weapons. You have a awkward relationship with the military members of the crew, who maintain the vital weapons systems and are also in charge during emergency situations.
Military Crew Member:
Marine: "is this gonna be a standup fight, or another bug hunt?"
The Year is 2115 and tomorrow you leave for the European Space Ladder in the Atlantic ocean, you're had time to say goodbye to you're friends and family and by this time tomorrow, you'll be onboard the Einsteins Revenge and propelling into the unknown. Good Luck.