Cinnabar Panoply

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Race: Loslung War Golem (Alfhildr class)
Class: Rune Knight



Loslung war golem involved in the siege of the Vesta Sacras. Squad controller was slain during the final assault on Crown Princess Carmine's tower, leaving her and her siblings to run on automatic. Has no clear memory of how she survived the battle, or how she wound up on the surface, miles from the Dark Elf city - having only recently developed independent consciousness.


Like the race that built her, Cinnabar Panoply is short of stature and stout of frame. Constructed during the late Andvari period of the Loslung empire, her design reflects the decadence and artistic flair for which the period is known. Mithril filigree has been worked into the polished red stone of her body, and her features have been carefully sculpted to resemble those of a young woman in armor, with her faceplate raised. Her figure is somewhat bottom-heavy, with wide hips and thick thighs - ostensibly to give her a low, stable center of gravity. She wears no armor or jewelry, save for a crude silver armband around her left bicep, the significance of which is unknown.

Cinnabar Panoply carries no weapons of her own - preferring to dispatch foes with her heavy, gauntleted fists - though she is capable of wielding almost any weapon she can get her hands on.