Black site on Ubrex

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The Ubrex Blacksite is a large open air facility on the White Flame boarder world of sparely settled world of Ubrex, a Federation Protectorate but legally outside the Federation.


Atmosphere: 68% Nitrogen 4% Co2, 27% Oxygen 1% Trace gasses
Climate: Tropical at the poles to uninhabitable at the equator
Gravity: 0.98 G
Day/Night Peroid 30 hours
Land Surface: 40%
Notes: Ubrex is a world of contrasts. Most of the planet is covered in a mix of harsh desert and verdant jungle around a water source. It has comparatively little water compared to earth, which smaller oceans and larger land areas. Most of the follage is huge root trees, which exist by pushing roots deep into the ground to pull as much water as they can. Root trees tend to grow into one another and their networks can extend hundreds of miles, creating huge forests that budded from the same tree.

The Ubrex Blacksite

Officially a Federation fueling facility, the Ubrex blacksight in a series of four large camps set in the desert around 20 kilometers West of the Federation administered city of Kartimoor. It consists of the original base and fueling station, which has been subdivided so to hold "general population" prisoners in large open air cages to the West. Three further camps are set off into the desert. Two appear similiar to the main one, while the last is a large concrete facility that apparently holds highest value detainees.

The base itself is garrisoned by a battalion of Federation army troops and two companies of tanks and two of mobile suits (around 40). These appear to be a mix of Outis-B2s and Hylas-B7s, older but still capable designs, plus even older Hylas-II and Hylas-I series and tanks. There are also several large space and air defence platforms capable of engaging nearby starships. In emergencies the Federation garrison of Kartimoor may also respond. It consists of another 2 battalions similiar to the ones at Ubrex station.

(Map to Follow)