Aberrant 2.0 Archaic Equipment

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Archaic, or obsolete, equipment generally dates back to the 1920s to much earlier times (even prehistory!), and is generally intended for the Golden Age shard (found [here]), or even earlier eras. This list is a collection of outdated weapons and armor that may nevertheless be useful for statting out poorly equipped opponents such as 3rd world militaries.



  • Bow: Accuracy +0, Damage (Strength) + 2L, Range 30, RoF 1
    • Bows must be built for the character's maximum strength (maximum is generally 6, for 8L damage). Bows and Crossbows use Firearms to aim but are fired at +2 difficulty without familiarity due to differing characteristics.
  • Crossbow: Accuracy +0, Damage 7L, Range 50, RoF 1
    • Crossbows have no strength requirement, but are slow to reload. Takes 2 rounds to reload.
  • Repeating Crossbow: Accuracy +0, Damage 5L, Range 30, RoF 2, Magazine 10
    • A rapid-fire crossbow that can empty its 10-bolt magazine in 15 seconds. Takes 5 rounds to reload and recock.
  • Ballista: Accuracy +0, Damage 8L [3], Range 60, RoF 1/2, AP:3, Min Strength 14
    • It's a ballista. Generally used by a crew of several men, if you're a crazy enough Nova you can fire it on the move. Takes 4 rounds to reload.

Early Firearms

Primitive firearms tend to be extremely unreliable, and 1s subtract successes on any attack rolls they make.

  • Hand Cannon: Accuracy -3, Damage 4L [3], Range 30, RoF 1
    • Your earliest gun, fired by lighting a fuse on the gun and hoping it didn't blow up in your face. Takes 9 rounds to reload.
  • Musket: Accuracy -2, Damage 5L [3], Range 30, RoF 1
    • A basic musket. Takes forever to reload and has no accuracy whatsoever but hits like a mule. Takes 4 rounds to reload.
  • Primitive Pistol: Accuracy -2, Damage 4L [2], Range 15, RoF 1
    • A primitive flintlock or wheel-lock pistol. Takes 4 rounds to reload.


  • Anti-Tank Rifle: Accuracy +0, Damage 10L [3], Range 250, RoF 1, Magazine 5, AP:3, Mass 15kg
    • A less accurate anti-materiel rifle.



  • Heavy Leather: Soak 2B/1L, Penalty -0, Bypass +1 (upper body), Destruction 12, half soak against firearms
    • Leather armor is reasonably good at blunting clubs, blades, and even the occasional arrow. Unfortunately, it does somewhat less well against firearms.
  • Chainmail: Soak 3B/3L, Penalty -1, Bypass +3 (torso, arms, groin), Destruction 16, half lethal soak against firearms
    • For guys who like old-school protection, chainmail and padding is pretty good protection against clubs and swords, but fails against firearms.
  • Plate Armor: Soak 6B/6L, Penalty -2, Bypass +4 (all body parts), Destruction 22, half lethal soak against firearms
    • The pinnacle of classic armor design, full plate surrounds its wearer in a heavy casing of hard metal that gives superlative protection against blades and clubs but only limited firearms protection.

20th Century

  • Bulletproof Vest (Silk): Soak 2B/2L, Penalty -1, Bypass +1 (Upper Body), Destruction 10
    • Tightly woven silk can stop low powered pistol rounds, like the ones common to late 19th and early 20th century handguns.
  • Flak Jacket: Soak 5B/3L, Penalty -2, Bypass +1 (Upper Body), Destruction 15
    • Invented in the 1940s, early Flak Jackets are built via heavy ballistic fibers and provide poor protection at high weight compared to modern high-tensile soft armors, but are better than nothing.
