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Brief Summery

The Revenants of Elysium prefer the term, ‘Returned’ or the ‘Risen’ and are lead by the Risen Emperor Galandrius Xhi, once a great lord of the Alfar who died in service of the Orthodoxy during the Necromantic wars and was returned to the world to continue his service. Gifted some of the ruined lands of Lemuria where they could live out there days, in the past few decades they have rallied as the Empire of Elysium, the true home of all the Risen.


The Necromantic wars shattered Lemuria and as the dead piled up, so did the Returned. With the dead lining the streets of cities and villages, drastic actions were taken by the Alliance of Light. The Revenants, or Returned as they call themselves were the result of one such act of desperation. The Priests of Monad returned the souls of the departed to their lifeless bodies, not merely as shambling warriors, or mindless skeletons, but as thinking empathic creatures. Most were willing soldiers, who had fallen in battle and were more than willing to once again take up the banner against the hordes of necromancers who threatened their homelands. The mental stresses placed upon such beings were overlooked during the desperate years of the war, by both mortal leaders and the Returned themselves.

With the culmination of the war and victory for the alliance of light, they were left the question of hundreds of thousands of undead warriors, most of whom were fully possessed of their faculities and well aware of themselves. Most felt they were due recompense, for not only had they died in service of Monad, they had served him in death. While mortals returned to their lands and loved ones, Returned were mistrusted and in some cases, despised or thought of merely as tools, many had no loved ones to return to, many had not even hometowns left. Some advocated their destruction, a few returned did indeed long for the peace of death again, wondering what afterlife they had been robbed of, while others were tormented but in no rush to meet the unknown, their sense of self-preservation still existent within their bones.

This question of the returned became a pressing concern, the Revenant legions were powerful and well armed, while usually placed under a mortal leader, most were loyal to the Revenant seconds and nearly all felt they were due recompense for their service.

One man was notable among the Revenants, Lord Galandrius Xhi a Returned Alfar noble. He spoke with a passion that the Revenants had been indeed recompensed for dying in service to monad, with eternal life on Arcana. But he also spoke of recompense for serving in death the Alliance of Light, for they had no homes and the worth of their names was a dubious question.

The question would dominate several councils, the lands of Lemuria were devoid of life in many parts, with few left to return and it was resolved to grand some portion of these lands to the Returned, though ultimately the land was usually that which the living would have no wish to return to themselves. This did not bother them overly, they would create for themselves a new nation and a new culture in whatever lands would take them.

The charmastic Alfar, who had lead one of the armies of Light as a mortal, and served as a second in a Revenant Legion in death Lord Galandrius Xhi took charge of several legions of Returned with the intention of settling one of the lands offered to them by the Pope. The lands were rumoured to be haunted, but what kind of ghost would haunt the dead? Here In the cursed forests of a fallen land, the Empire of Elysium would be forged, beneath it’s earth tunnels, caverns and passages would be found, much like the Dokkar embraced and here the Returned would carve out their existence, in catherdral sized tombs and chambers befitting their existence as the living dead.