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The Sovereign Mageron of Zephir

The Sovereignty of Zephir rules over mountains clad in blue snow, marked by great growths of azure crystals that reach up into the sky. From the mountain’s sapphire summit, a spring births a icy river flow curving around the Crystal Peak shedding sediments along its path that breathe life into crops, before gently winding down through the shallower valley hills at the base of the Mountains, through the First Fortress and out into the plains of Lemuria.


Zephiron is located at the top of the mountain valley that defines the central region of the nation. With the Crystal Peak of Mt Nibelon framing the horizon, the river valley has a narrow profile, though the river itself is wide and boisterous. Zephiron itself forms on both sides of the valley, in terraces built from stone, iron or literally carved from the earth. The two sections of the city are joined together, by the Central Keep. The Keep rises from the middle of the river, where an emanation of mana has created a bluish crystal bedrock. Rising steeply, it is a pillar of bright stone and resembles a great sword stabbed into the waters, its hilt stretched to form two great bridges that connect the city, while the pommel forms of the Palace of the Sovereign. Several waterwheels power a screw that lifts water up from the river, to the keep from where aqueducts flow to the city. The abundance of water is such that public foundations line the major streets and drinking water is never lacking.

The Zephi Asgar

The Zephi are a tall sturdy people used to the rigours of the highlands. The frigid temperatures and mountain clouds has given them a pale pallor, along with the mark of their blood they have skin like smooth marble, with hair the colour of lightning, white shot with shades of blue. They have cool eyes of sapphire. They are known for being recient in their demure but ruthless and calculating. The mark of their blood has given them fangs and the hint of reptilian scales, as their patron god was of a dragonic nature. Often the Zephiri wear prized metals, cut into scales and affixed to their skin, as a mark of devotion to this ideal. They hold a unusual fascination for storms and other forms of weather many consider unpleasant.

The Blood

Blood is thicker than water, more resilient than air, more free flowing than earth and more potent than fire. It forms the centre of Zephiri society, from it’s divine strength to the blood magic wielded by the ruling magocracy.

The Magocracy

The Zephiri are ruled by the Magocracy, the ruling class of God-blooded Mages who wield powerful magic fuelled by the divine blood of themselves and the underclasses. The Supreme Ruler is the Sovereign Archon, usually the most powerful mage, in addition to a Council or Senate of Eight Senior mages.

God-Blooded • *Mountain, river, Water Node , mana seep
• *City, keep, town, wizards tower, adamantium mine
• *Production: -6f, 1200, 250 adam, 100 books, 10 levistone, 1850 mana
• *Draft: 9C,5N

• *Mountain, river, Fire Node
• *Town, adamantium Mine,
• *Production: 1f, 300 gold, 100 mana, 250 adam, 10 books, 1250 mana
• *Draft: 2

• *Mountain,
• *
• *Production: 50 gold
• *Draft:

• *Mountain,
• *
• *Production: 50 gold
• *Draft:

• *Terraces, river,
• * • *Production: 3 food, 100 gold
• *Draft: 1

• *Countryside, river,
• *
• *Production: 3 food, 150
• *Draft: 3

• Domains: 6 (4 Mountain, 1 Terrace, 1 Countryside)
• Population: 8C,5N
• Food Consumption: 9
• Food production: 9
• Gold income: 1850
• Mana output: 3100
• Adamantium output: 500 Adamantium
• Book output: 110 books
• Military: 20000 (+10SP Signature)



Archon Prospero: 1x Training Cost: 100 Books, 250 Mana (750)
Upkeep Cost: 10 Gold, 40 Mana

Magisters: 8x Training Cost: 30 Books, 150 Mana (2400)
Upkeep Cost: 10 Gold, 20 Mana

Magi: 16x Training Cost: 5 Books, 50 Mana (1200)
Upkeep Cost: 3 Gold, 6 Mana

(4350 gold)

Sorcerous Arsenal

Level 5 Spells
1x Skyburst (Lava rains from sky) (125m)
1x Great Wrath Demon (Summons Demon) (125m)
1x Blood Legion (Summons Legion of Blood Elementals) (125m)
1x Arcane Blood Empowerment (Empowers soldiers with unearthly strength and vigour) (125)
1x Great Rage Demon (Summons Demon (125m)

Level 4 Spells
11x (275)

Sovereign Guard

100 Paragon
Training Cost: 920 Gold
Weapon: Spellscythes (GS+SA,AB: 75g/75a+150g,200
Armour: Emboided Adamantium Full Plate (60g+60a+100m)
Level of Badass x2
Noble Magic: 100g
Upkeep Cost: 20 Gold (8 when not mobilized), 15 mana
Destrier (Celerity) 160g

100 Paragon
Alignment: God-Blooded
Training Cost: 100 Gold, 300 Mana (1160)
Weapon: Sovereign Gunblade (GS+LC+AB: 75/75+145+50, 40a+15m+40m)
Armour: Emboided Adamantium Full Plate (60g+60a+100m)
Level of Badass
Why Won’t You Die?!
Noble Magic: 100g
Upkeep Cost: 20 Gold + 7g, 11m
Destrier (Celerity) 160g

100 Paragon
Alignment: God-Blooded
Training Cost: 100 Gold, 300 Mana (975)
Weapon: Spectre blade (GS+LS): 75g+100)
Armour: Emboided Adamantium Full Plate (60g+60a+100m)
Level of Badass
Noble Magic: 100g
Upkeep Cost: 20 Gold +20mana
Destrier (Celerity) 160g

45 left

Mageron Guard

300 Knights
Knights x 3 (1560)
Raising Cost: 310g+110a
Weapon: Adamantium Longsword (50g,50a) Armour: Adamantium Emboided Full Plate (60g,60a, 100m) Noble Magic: 20 books
Upkeep Cost: 18 Gold , 10 mana(8 when not mobilized)
Total Upkeep:
Destrier (80x3)

300 Knights
Knights x 3
Raising Cost: 310g+60a
Weapon: Longsword (50g,50a) Armour: Adamantium Full Plate (60g,60a) Upkeep Cost: 18 Gold , (8 when not mobilized)
Total Upkeep:



20x Auxillery Pikeman (26g)

Type: Militia (0)
Primary Weapon: Pike (12)
Secondary Weapon:
Armor: Skirmisher armour (10)
Total Cost: 22(440)
Upkeep: 3

20x Auxillery Crossbowmen (26g)

Type: Militia (0)
Primary Weapon: Crossbow
Secondary Weapon:
Armor: Skirmisher armour (10)
Total Cost: 20(400)
Upkeep: 3

Men At Arms

10x Legionary
Type: Men At Arms (50g)
Primary Weapon: Adamantium Warhammer (20g+20a)
Armour: Adamantium Enchanted Lammelar (15g+15a+30)
Charged Full Shield (10g,10m)
Total Cost:140
Upkeep Cost: 50(5), 30 (3)

10x Squires Type: Men at Arms
Armour: Adamantium Embodied Full Plate (60g,60a,100m)
Weapon: Adamantium Longsword (50g,50a)
Charged Full Shield (10g,10m)
Common magic: 5 books
Total Cost: 120g+85a+110m (2150)
Upkeep Cost: 50 (5), 100(10)

5x New Model Legionary
Type: Men At Arms
Primary Weapon: Adamantium Leadcaster (40g/40a/40m+15m)
Secondary Weapon: Sidesword (15)
Armour: Skirmisher Barrier Jacket (10g+50m)
Total Cost: 115 gold + 105 mana +40a
Upkeep: 7g +1m


5x War Golem
Type: Golem
Armour: Adamantium Battleplate(50g,50a)
Liquid Metal Gauntlet (100g, 100a, 100m)
Max Weapon Size: Small
Total Cost: 100g, 250 Adamantium, 415 mana
Upkeep: 25m
Total Upkeep: 25x5

2 Air Transports (Air Galley)
Construction Cost: 3 Levistones + 50 Gold + 75 Mana (360x2)
Upkeep Cost: 10 Mana + 5 Gold
Weapon Mounts: 1
Armour: Wood Cladding
Cargo Capacity: 6 Units
5x Cargo Space

Upkeep: 462m, 477g

First Season:

5x Men-At-Arms Skirmisher Armour to Barrier Jacket (250m) 5x Men-At-Arms Explosive Shot (250m) 10x Men-At-Arms Enchanted Armour (300m) 10x Men-At-Arms Emboided Armour (1000m) 3x Knights Emboided Armour (300m) 20x Men-At-Arms Full Plate (1000g)

473g, 455m

90 Books, 450m on 3 masters.

Blood Magic The Mageron Of Zephiri use the essence of life itself to power their spells, using magic strikingly similar to that of the necromancer lords themselves, most mages will have on hand a few slaves to power their nefarious wizardry, using the spark of divinity within the blood to enable greater power. It is often said is it the blood magic that has given the Mageron the ability to rule, able to manipulate the blood of their lesser to bend them to their will.