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The Adamantine Sovereignty of Zephirium

The Sovereignty of Zephiris rules over mountains clad in blue snow, marked by great growths of azure crystals that reach up into the sky. From the mountain’s sapphire summit, a spring births a icy river flow curving around the Crystal Peak shedding sediments along its path that breathe life into crops, before gently winding down through the shallower valley hills at the base of the Mountains, through the First Fortress and out into the plains of Lemuria. The City itself follows the curving path of the river around the middle reaches of the main peak, built into the walls of the valley formed from the watrs that circuit the mountain.

The Zephi Asgar

The Mark of Zephiris is an white blueish pallor like smooth marble, hair the colour of lightning, white shot with shades of blue and ravaging eyes of sapphire fire. The Progeny of those who bear her blood are cool and reticent in their demure. They are cold iron wills fuelled by a belief in their own superiority as her children. Those of particular pure blood sometimes show the faintest of scales, curious reptilian patterns forming subtly in the skin. The Mark has left their skin sensitive to the rigours of the lowland sun, the fogs and mists of their mountain realm have has left their skin unused to the warm glare of the sun. Often the Zephirus will wear careful scales of prized metals, softly adhered to their skin, though the poorest (and many would say, weakest blooded) among them would make do with powdered ores of lesser metals dirty rubbed into the skin. Zephi are also known for an unusual taste in weather, preferring storms, rain and cold temperatures to the usual warmer climes that humanity finds pleasant.

The God Zephiris is commonly held to be the progenitor of the Zephi, through her exact form is lost to time, she was said to be a cunning and patient aspiring goddess, who knew the power of cool vengeance against those who slighted her.

The Magnates of Zephiris

The most importance currency in Zephi society, is blood. The strength of a Zephi’s divine essence is a important factor of stature and power. While other societies have little physical rational behind assignments of nobility, Zephi can quite clearly distinguished based on the strength of their bloodline.


Race: God-Blooded

• *Mountain, river, mana seep
• *City, keep, town, adamantium mine, Levistone Mine
• *Production: -6f
• *Draft: 8

• *Mountain, river, mana seep
• *town, Adamantium Mine, Levistone
• *Production: 1f, 10 levistone
• *Draft: 2

• *Mountain
• *
• *Production: 50 gold
• *Draft:

• *Mountain
• *
• *Production: 50 gold
• *Draft:

• *Terraces, mana seep
• *Fortified, Adamantium
• *Production: 2 food
• *Draft: 1

• *Terraces
• *Fortified, adamantium
• *Production: 2 food
• *Draft: 1

• *Countryside, river
• *Keep
• *Production: 3 food
• *Draft: 3

• Domains: 7 (4 Mountain, 2 Terrace, 1 Countryside)
• Population: 8C,5N
• Food Consumption: 9
• Food production: 9
• Gold income: 1700
• Mana output: 1050
• Levistone output: 20
• Adamantium output: 1000 Adamantium
• Book output: 80 books
• Military: 18750 (+15SP Signature)



The Sovereign Judges

100 Knights

Training Cost: 820 Gold
Weapon: Zephirius Spellscythes (GS+SA,AB: 75g/75a+150g,200
Armour: Emboided Adamantium Full Plate (60g+60a+100m)
Noble Magic: 100g Upkeep Cost: 16 Gold (8 when not mobilized)

The Order of the Cerulean Heart

400 Knights
Knights x 4 (3060)
Raising Cost: 375 Gold, 135 Adamant, 155 mana (665)
Weapon: Adamantium Gunblade (GS+LD: 75g/75a+40g/40a+15m+40m)
Armour: Emboided Adamantium Full Plate (60g+60a+100m)
Noble Magic: 100g Upkeep Cost: 16 Gold, 21 mana (8 when not mobilized)

The Order of the Cerulean Heart are the premier standard force of the Adamant Republic, bleh blah


400 Men-at-arms (960)

Training Cost: 240
Armour: Adamantium Full Plate (60g,60a)
Weapon: Adamantium Halberd (35g,35a)
Upkeep Cost:

800 Men-at-Arms (2610-260)

Training Cost: 290
Armour: Adamantium Full Plate (60g,60a)
Weapon: Adamantium Longsword (50g,50a)
Charged Full Shield (10g,10m)
Upkeep Cost:


Strider Brigades

Supreme Knightstriders

10 Knight Striders
Construction Cost: 1 levistone, 350 Adamantium + 300 Gold + 700 Mana (1375)
Upkeep Cost: 25 Mana + 10 Gold
Armour: Adamantium Battleplate(50g,50a)
Liquid Metal Gauntlet (100g, 100a, 100m)
Max Weapon Size: Small
Strider Flight Vanes
Chameleon Scales


Emerald Brigade

20 Knight Striders
Construction Cost: 350 Adamantium + 150 Gold + 500 Mana (1025)
Upkeep Cost: 25 Mana + 10 Gold
Armour: Adamantium Battleplate(50g,50a)
Liquid Metal Gauntlet (100g, 100a, 100m)
Max Weapon Size: Small
Strider Flight Vane

Ruby Brigade

10 Siege Strider
Construction Cost: 300 Adamantium + 100 Gold + 250 Mana (1450)
Upkeep Cost: 25 Mana + 10 Gold
Max Weapon Size: Medium
Armour: Adamantium Siege Plate (100+100)
Weapon: Adamantium Explosive Shot Culverin (200g+200a+200)

Naval Forces


Moon’s Spawn Floating Fortress

Construction Cost: 13 Levistones + 1210+260 Gold + 894m+480a + 1120a (4029)
Upkeep Cost: 147 Mana + 80 Gold
Armour: Adamantium Clad (520)
Weapon Mounts: 12
Adamantium Bombard (300g,300a)
Adamantium Bombard (300g,300a)
Lighting Launcher (150g, 150m)
Cargo Capacity: 1300 Cargo Space
Haze Field
Mana Jets
4xHeavily Armed
12x Cargo Space

1 Skyship Construction Cost: 5 Levistones + 625 Gold + 150 Mana +500 (1400)
Upkeep Cost: 25 Mana + 10 Gold
Armour: Adamantium Cladding
Weapon Mounts: 4
Cargo Capacity: 100 men or 1 unit of Warstriders


Archmage Depheon: 750g

Master Mage: 300g