Ruins of History

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Exploration Era

Exp-1) World Type

Hell World (Go to Exp-2)
Various reasons exist to land on hell worlds. Habitability is not one of them.
Terraformable World (go to Exp-3)
Whilst there are certainly more garden worlds than humanity ever considered possible, many terraformables were settled for various reasons.
Garden World (Go to Exp-4)
The gems of any colonization effort, many garden worlds shown signs of prior habitation by a variety of alien species.

Exp-2) Hell World

Adapt (Radical Morphological Change, Free Biology Tech Strike)
A normal human won't survive Praetoria Beta. A normal human.
Tough It Out (1 Advanced Standard of Living, $1000)
We've defeated everything this world could throw at us.
Diamond in the Rough (2x $500 Intermediate Resource Extraction, Extra Development Slot, Resource Extraction Only)
This world may never support life as we know it, but despite it’s poor character it is full of riches,
Thousand-Year Plan (+ Starting Fervor/Stability)
We'll make this rock terra-compatible if it takes a thousand years!

Exp-3) Terraformable World

  • May not choose 'Extensive' in Feral Drones.
Get To Work (+ 90 pop, +150 PIP)
Once the terraforming efforts have begun, many worlds were opened up for additional waves of colonists.
Artifact Rush (free minor artifact)
Sometimes artifacts of unknown provenance are found, leading to a surge of investment in an effort to extract them.
Fascinating Pharmaceuticals (+ 200 Wealth, +30 Pop, + 50 CIP)
Some worlds have biospheres that are not fully compatible with Earth-based biology but nonetheless have intriguing and valuable biomateriels.
Terraforming Failure ()
The worst-case scenario is a chaotic destabilization of the planet's climate, often making things worse than when they started.

Exp-4) Garden World

Population Boom (2x $500 Intermediate Standard of Living)
With Earth's overpopulation causing significant ecological effects, efforts were made to move as many people off-world as reasonably possible. They all needed somewhere to live.
Cash Crop (2x $500 Intermediate Resource Extraction, Extra Development Slot, Resource Extraction Only)
Agriculture has been the base of Earth's economy for ten thousand years. Who's to say it won't be in out in space?
Xenomorphs (+ $1000 in ground force units)
This garden has snakes.
A New Old World (+ Starting Stability/Fevor)
Just like the mother country