Talk:SRW 2.0 Characters

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Messages for Captain Adam Maryam {MOST SECRET}

Welcome Captain, Authorization Granted.

Tactical Report

From: Lt. Enrique Santiago, INTACT Lictor Re: Operation Fateful Lightning

Captain, I have been considering the possibilities for open warfare in our future. My recommendations are included, along with our current opponents.

New Order

Currently leadership unknown, base of support in the inner band of colonies. Gaining information from Space Fort codename "Zugzwang" is a priority. The Enteebee is a wild card - I am not sure how well their relationship to the New Order is faring. I will point out something that should be obvious - the Enteebee is not using New Order Chess-style mobile suits. My first conclusion is that this was deliberate - to cover up their plan and possibly shift the blame to the League.


I am growing less certain that the New Order is backed by SERAPHIM. The New Order pilots were not of Angel-grade skill. They seem to have their own agenda, of which the Enteebee is not a part. I suspect a lingering Jovian tie to the SLA, but I would need to investigate further. Quite simply, they are attempting to mass produce soldiers loyal to them. If they can mass produce pilots of Raskanos grade skill, everyone will be at risk. They also have access to excessive amounts of Nephilim technology. Our resident Seraphim are an asset to use in penetrating their agency.

Solar Liberation Army

Currently led by Max Gotto, base of support most likely in the old SIA. Goal appears to be similar to the SIA / Jovian faction in the System War, and I suspect their forces include a number of war remnant craft as well as new units. Identification of the source of these units is critical to defeating the SLA. Based on my experience with Max, I expect him to make extensive use of piloted suits and to be personally involved in any major operations. He is also popular with many of the crew, and may attempt to tempt people to defect.

League of Outer Systems

The League is the only one of these powers with the capability to fight Sol-Fed head on. We've seen what the can do, and any war with them must be delayed as long as possible. I know I may seem idealistic here, but a war sounds like an excellent way to leave the door open for Max or Alex, with little potential for gain on our part. Any strategy must focus on bringing them to the bargaining table quickly and with the advantage on our side. Thus I propose Operation Fateful Lightning, to be enacting immediately after open war is at hand. The League relies on drones, with technology we cannot match it that area. I believe such drone technology would be better in our hands. We locate the facility where the advanced drones are being manufactured, steal some prototypes, then blow the facility sky high. With drone technology equal to the League, Sol-Fed would be able to counter the horde of hostile units with improved bits and drones.

Captain, I would also recommend developing a unit of trusted scientists, ship captains, and others who we can call on in utter secrecy. To defeat these conspiracies, we must act like a conspiracy.

Lt. Enrique Santiago INTACT Lictor, XO

Intelligence Report

From: INTACT Censor Delaclaire Re: Cypress

Legate, I have prepared my findings on the Cypress matter. I urge that you handle this istuation with the utmost delicacy, as Cypress is a legal organization, although rather backward. I am reasonably certain Lt. Santiago is a member of this organization with a few friends in the higher ranks, but he has a relatively clean record and I see only one troubling incident.

Cypress was first formed by Zachary J. Cypress, a revolutionary type who called for strict equality of grades, He first began his call shortly after the system was founded. He attracted all grades and all kinds, like most success demagogues, and began organizing as a political party. A few years later, a number of prominent proponents of the grade system were killed, and and a group claimed responsibility in the name of Cypress. With a bit of skill, the state media spin as able to implicate Cypress in the murders, and the legal system followed suit. Though charges against the leadership were dropped, they never regained popularity. There are a number of radical subversive groups claiming affiliation with Cypress, but the main party denounces them and no connection has been established. Most mainline Cypress sympathizers are not interested in violent revolution, nor is there much support for killing of high grades.

Unfortunately, this is all the detailed information I have. Cypress sympathizers generally operate secretly, to the point that we do not have adequate knowledge on their leadership. Most also know basic methods for clouding Aleph scans of the mind.

As for Lt. Santiago, I have found some essays from when he was an adolescent calling for universal enhancement of all citizens, free enhancement for the children of public servants, and other similar plans. His psych profile is quite elaborate with reference to wanting to be a hero, keeping his word, signing on to protect people. The man is an idealist, Legate. His devotion to fairness and justice, while rather quaint, are powerful forces. Show him the injustices and evils of your enemies, and he will fight ferociously against them.

The only thing I see that troubles me is an incident where he was questioned in connection to a juvenile vigilante-style group that harassed people who were openly prejudiced against baselines. Several members of that group were later convicted of murdering the suspected killer of a baseline. While he was never connected to any crimes beyond those of a adolescent hoodlum, his association with this group is worrying. While I share your distaste for baseline fools, it would be best to remain as professional as possible when dealing with baselines around him. You know the regulations, follow them.

INTACT Censor Delaclaire