Talk:Witch Activity

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  • FBH: The Witch of Light - Daughter of the Interfacer, Evil Space Popess of an some kind of all female space empire.
  • Shrike: The Witch of November - Ascended winter spirit.
  • Holle: The Witch of Absences - Suspiciously absent.


Raia (Mal)

Personal Name: Raia Rasanen
Craft Name: Witch of House Keeping
Short teenage girl. Older than she looks but not as old as her job. According to Gingerbread, there have been many previous Witches of House Keeping.

It all started when she was a young girl who, exhibiting strong fate and magical signature, kept getting hired, tricked or kidnapped by witches who imprisoned her in her house. Every time she left a witch (dead), would keep their house. Eventually, she was acknowledged as the Witch of House Keeping.

The power to Keep houses or Summon them from Elsewhere. She provides accomodations to young witches and repossesses the real estate of dead witches. Witches are an eclectic bunch and as such, her collection contains buildings ranging from ordinary huts to castles, large vehicles and space stations.

She is required to provide a specific house if requested by its previous owner's true name but of course does not offer this information to any young witch and instead tries to foist cheap or sketchy homes on new prospects.

Gingerbread is a witch hat of worn brown cloth with white X stitching forming a face. Most people are fairly sure it isn't actually made of gingerbread, though it looks and sometimes smells that way. (It opposes any attempts to confirm its taste.) It is much older than Raia and sometimes makes comments hinting at its great age when it's not busy being a pervert. It is intelligent and can talk and has minor telekinetic power - enough to use the hat tip as a tentacle or hop about in a clumsy way.