Days of Judgement

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Revision as of 18:58, 6 August 2016 by Silence (talk | contribs)
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A crew unlike any other in history.
A ship from out of time
A mission to save everything
The walls are cracking, the seals have failed.
The Green...
A Silence "high" concept IRC campaign of massive crossover of #lords games. Seven game universes tied together. Vote for the remaining three on the talk page.
1. K-Files
2. Space Princess's Cycle
3. Expanse
4. LOE
5. Prayer Drive
6. Sphere
7. Nexus (dropped in recent event FRW/Neo Jove, Turn Applachia

PC characters


Alekzandra Kolkova the Glasnosti

Sexy captain (in her own words) of the Sevnaiyan sub-ether ship Vepr. Overworked captain with a libertine crew.
Origin: LOE
  • Leadership
  • Cosmo Sea Command
Tags: Rivalry (Vera Sairyev), Politically Unreliable, Worldly


William Victor de Brightstar

Long suffering staff officer of the XIX Star Lancers. Babysitter to the "Terrible Lasalle" sisters. Enjoys hikes in the woods, a fine wine cellar or two in the evenings, and foiling conspiracies hatched against the Phoenician Empire.
Origin: Space Princess
Staff Officer
Trouble follows him like a stray puppy dog.
Might be trying to save everyone