Phoenix Republican Uprising

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The Phoenix Republican Uprising
Date February 5322 - June 5322
Location Central and Spinward Large Magellanic Cloud
Result Phoenician Dynasty Restored
Decisive Jardin Republic Victory
Simurgh logo.jpg Phoenix Empire GGFlag.png Jardin Republic
Phoenix Republic.png Phoenix Democracy Movement
Commanders and Leaders
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
GGFlag.png Anais Le'Reinne
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Fel de Moya†
GGFlag.png Maurice Le'Reinne
Simurgh logo.jpg Angus Feril Phoenix Republic.png Ellison Mugombe†
Simurgh logo.jpg Roscoe Hillenholler Phoenix Republic.png Hector Bermudez-Wu†
Simurgh logo.jpg Sakura-Zel† Phoenix Republic.png Sebastien Phoenicia-zel-Zarya
Simurgh logo.jpg GGFlag.png 12 Ships
Phoenix Republic.png
Casualties & Losses
Millions Millions

The Phoenix Republican Uprising, also known as Phoenician Spring, was a major Phoenician civil war in the year 5322 AE that lasted from mid-February to [], concurrent with the ongoing Jardin War. Mutineers throughout the Empire deposed the Phoenician Dynasty and declared the Phoenix Republic. They were shortly joined by Jardin forces on the offensive. The war was waged entirely on the territory of the Empire.

By the year 5322 AE the social contract in the Phoenix Empire had reached a particularly dissolute nadir, with insurgencies against various feudal lords becoming common and devastating Imperial planetary pacification campaigns increasingly regular. A jealous nobility had become particularly entrenched in their rights and privileges. Disillusioned by participation in murderous planetary pacification campaigns and the lack of social mobility, a clique of important Imperial officers began forming revolutionary cadres among various military formations, particularly the Imperial Army & Navy. Forced to act prematurely by the discovery of a secret arsenal, they launched the [date] Mutiny. Emperor Alzonio III was killed in the Imperial Palace and most of the Royal Family was soon captured or forced into hiding.

The Jardin Republic took advantage of the situation and launched offensives down the Red-Blue Lines, aided by confusion and fratricide in the Imperial Navy & Army, securing their terminal points in Phoenician space in a few weeks. A Jardin expeditionary force, the Liberation Army, was formed to link up with the Phoenician Revolutionary Army and capture most of the key wormhole loci in the Empire. Isolated from each other, the Imperial Circles began considering Jardini peace proposals that would break the Empire up into a loose confederacy of independent states.

The most successful counterattack was launched by the Combined Fleet rallied at the Osakan Reach, which in a month's time fought three major set piece battles that decided the course of the war: Third Bastion, Hestia, and Broken Kybelle.

Following the victory at Luxor, Imperial forces had reclaimed the capital and broken the short lived Phoenix Republic. The remnants of the Phoenician Revolutionary Army at Luxor, led by a defecting Commodore Joachim Mornstein-Montfort, managed an organized retreat to Jardin controlled space. For their part, the century old Le'Reinne regime would ironically itself soon be overthrown by violent popular outrage over the Estelle Scandal.

Empress Miziuru-Saria signed the Treaty of Haven(?) with the freshly elected Desmond government which recognized Jardini annexation of the Red-Blue Lines, allowed PRA formations still fighting to go into exile, released the families of Phoenician Democracy Movement members to asylum in Jardin, and formally ended the Jardin War.


The Phoenix Republican Uprising was foreshadowed by the Esfahani Incident two decades prior.

February Mutinies

While a majority of the officers and ratings in the Imperial Navy opted to join the PRA on the whole, loyalties were too divided for a clean break. Only Mugombe's 5th Fleet transitioned cleanly as a coherent force, where it would serve as the only numbered fleet of the PRA. Attempts by Revolutionary Cadres to arrest Headquarter staff not infrequently went south. The mutinies soon turned the Imperial Navy into . Crews without many of their higher officers were forced to abandon vessels .

The 15th, 8th, managed to maintain order and fight.

The less regarded Imperial Army was more uniformly sympathetic to the cause of the Phoenix Democracy Movement, bringing many system defense commands throughout the Empire under PRA control without undue incident.

With some difficulty the hastily assembled PRA General Headquarters at Luxor began organizing its units into ersatz Revolutionary Fronts. As awareness grew of the mutiny, coordination between Revolutionary Cadres increasingly difficult as Starforce and Demesne forces began intercepting communications.

Jardin on the Attack

Treaty of Haven


Some PRA units still in the Phoenix Empire refused to acknowledge the Treaty of Haven or considered it Imperial deception. The last major holdouts were mopped up by Imperial forces by the end of 5322, though sporadic reports of PRA units would continue for years after.

Though the civil war lasted only a few months the Phoenix Empire was devastated. Much of the Imperial Navy & Army had been gutted by bearing the brunt of the losses to advancing Jardini fleets and defection to the PRA. Defense facilities and general infrastructure throughout the Empire had been totaled by localized scorched earth tactics. The Grand Duchies remained ambivalent regarding the restoration of central authority, particularly by an Empress so young.

Many rolls of arms and serfdom records had been destroyed outright during the Uprising, in many cases leaving only incomplete Revolutionary Citizen Reregistration forms. Armies of "Noble" claimants and free peasants from murky backgrounds emerged from the chaos. Despite the anger of long-lived Noble families it was difficult for courts to credibly invalidate many of these individual claims.

A considerable number of historians consider the Phoenix Republican Uprising to have been a blessing in disguise by enabling the reform-minded Miziuru-Saria and her favorites to dominate the Imperial Court more or less free of coherent opposition.

The Phoenix Republican Uprising played a direct role in creating the

