Phoenix Empire

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Phoenix Empire
Simurgh logo.jpg
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Royal Standard Coat of Arms
[insert motto]
[insert map]
Capital Luxor
Official Languages Old Imperial*, Imperial
Religion [?] Church
Demonym Imperial
Government Federal Monarchy
- Phoenix Ascendant Disputed*
- Patriarch Dogan II
- Imperial Regent Duke Angus Feril
Legislature Estates-General
Historical Eras
- Declared 0 A.E.
- Jardin War ? A.E.
Currency ?

The largest, oldest, and most powerful state in the Large Magellanic Cloud, its roots are in the first colony ship to arrive in the LMC from the chaos that was consuming the old Earth Empire. Its ability to generate stable interstellar wormholes via the ancient and arcane technology of the Star Forge has allowed it a firm grasp on internal lines of communication and moving forces that remains beyond the capabilities of its competitors. The social mobility granted to those who found new colonies has urged the Empire to expand constantly in all directions.




In the Empire there are two general design philosophies: the Ships of the Wall and the Cavalry. The former are solidly protected and bristling with long range firepower, the Battleships and Heavy Cruisers, who form the backbone of walls of battle with their dense overlapping fire. If they can be said to have a fault it is speed, for no Ship of the Wall has been mistaken as capable of rapid maneuver and a formation once broken often has little chance of reforming. No master of ships bothers to ask them to hunt, to chase - any act where celerity and audacity are chief amongst virtues.

For these tasks the Empire calls upon the Cavalry.

There are few postings with the romance of an Imperial Cavalry vessel, lance armed warriors riding through the star lanes. Here and gone again in twinkling leaving behind only the swirl of stellar dust, they raid beyond the Blue/Red Line or The Wall, prowl and hunt for the enemy ahead of the fleet in lone squadrons, in battle charge at a gallop in masses to the decisive point again and again, harry and board the survivors in the rout. The cavalry are an independent and flexible arm.

Amongst the Cavalry are a separate breed, the Dragoons, with little of the glamor and dash of traditional cavalry nor the solid respect accorded to the Ships of the Wall. They are large parasite STL battlecraft, hitching a ride between stars, able to perform like a warship several times their mass without the expensive impediment of a stardrive. Of their many virtues, the chief is that they are quite cheap, a fact which particularly recommends them for thankless but exhausting security and policing duties. Tragically the very nature of the onerous, stupefying petty taskings they are assigned oft means Dragoon units rarely receive the supplies and maintenance they are wonted. Between their mean reputation and the spartan austerity of their quarters and amenities these regiments almost never attract the talent that could exploit them to full effect.

Aristocratic in reputation the Cavalry commands highlight the social friction and fault lines of Imperial society and class that run through its armed forces. Most Cavalry units are Starforce, recruited and organized to private whims. In contrast, most Dragoon squadrons are Imperial Navy.


Imperial Navy (The Fleet) - Emerging from the Jardin Wars, the Imperial Navy (and its twin the Army) is the permanent standing military arm of the Empire, which must never be confused with the Phoenix's Starforce or the Imperial Guard. It principally directs its energies at pushing the Red/Blue Line deeper into Jardin space, leaving the other threats it disdains as unimportant to Starforce and the Guard. Its massive bureaucracy negotiates with the Estates-General whose consent is essential for the various corvees and levies necessary to maintain its authorized strength. Ostensibly apolitical it is one of the most powerful interests groups of the Empire, itself equal to any of the major houses.
  • Star Patrol
  • Battlefleet
  • Reserve Command
A Dragoonship of the Heartbreakers
Imperial Army
  • Garrison Command
  • Assault Command
  • Occupation Command
Phoenix Starforce - Where the Imperial Navy and Army are the arms of the Empire, Starforce is meant to be the popular muster of the nobility as the Phoenix's private volunteer army. Overseen somewhat loosely by the Household Registry and the Phoenix's appointed Marshal, its strength is constantly fluctuating and highly irregular as new formations are raised and others disbanded. As it provides the largest share by far of the Empire's Cavalry units, unfairly or not, it has become strongly associated with the stereotype of adventurism and glory-seeking in former League Space and the Rift.
Imperial Guard - Many institutions and protect the Pheonix in its various aspects. Of all of them the Imperial Guard alone cares only for the safety of the Phoenix the actual, living person and their family. Not the Pheonix as its abstract body the state, nor its soul, nor its interests abroad, their only task is safety of the fragile human body that is the Pheonix. They operate as the personal army of the Pheonix on the battlefield, as open inspectors, or as secret investigators if need be. Answering only to the Phoenix their powers are broad and nigh on unrestricted.
Ministry of Security
  • Imperial Marshals
  • Intelligence Agency


  • Duchy of Starholm: (Revilla)
  • Duchy of The New Colonies (Al-Akbar)
  • Duchy of Vasudan (Wo)
  • Duchy of Armstrong (Hawkwood)
  • Rifter March: (Deliliac)