MCS semiofficial system

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System subject to change if balance issues are found.


Rules are as aberrant 2.0 except as follows

1: Success numbers are maluable, 6 is the standard, 10s are rerolled, but do not double.
2: Soak is rolled except in special circumstances (IE firing a rifle at a tank)
3: You may not take Eufiber, Authority, or Gadget, nor are any of you Sanction(ed).

Character Creation

Build a character at the 1%er level of character creation from the Aberrant 2.0 rulebook. You are not limited to 3 ability points, and have 15 BP. You are also a street level nova, and receive 15 nova points to generate further stuff. Note, you are not a nova in fluff, and you still can't have Eurofiber, nor may you attune to objects. It is preferable your character still be vulnerable to normal small arms fire, all be it under limited circumstances.

You may take non-nova bioenhancements.

Please avoid powers like blast, flight and other more superheroic powers. The Aesthetic is metal gear solid, not DC.

You may or may not also receive a hardsuit (subject to discussion)

It'd be preferable to have at least one NATO, one Russian and one Chinese operative (Russian space is filled)