Neo-Jovian Character Dossier

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Rise of Neo-Jove

Player Characters

Morgana LaCroix

  • Former wingmate of Max Gotto
  • True Beliver in Max
  • Wanted for Battle of Houston 5
  • Battlefield junkie
  • Implacable
Genotype: Outlier Superior
Core Attributes +3 to Physique, +1 to all + 1 to clarity +1 perception
Physique 6
Wits 4
Intellect 4
Clarity 5
Perception 5
Charisma 4
Special Stuff
Aleph 0 (-1)
Pluck 1
Skills +1 to Pilot and Leadership
Pilot 3
Gunnery 2
Melee 2
E-War 2
Gunplay 1
Leadership 4
Zero-G: 1
Terrorism: 1
Cybernewtype (Former MA Pilot)
+1 Prone to Monologing
CP points 71/71 (1 from the quirk)
36 for +3 core attributes
8 for Veteran
5 Zealot
1 for aelph
21 for skills

Rosebud Hemingway

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Rosebud Hemingway was decanted in the postwar years to be one of the new generation of Seraphim to lead the Federation to greatness. In Atziluth Academy she developed a close friendship with Maria Huxley, star pupil and Jovian fangirl, whose fascination with the losing side of the war deepened into apologia and then obsession. Eventually, Maria was quietly removed for therapy, and came back happy, well-adjusted, and committed to the ideals of the Federation. Rosebud found this intolerable. Her grades declined, and after a violent post-graduation misadventure saw her committed to Federation jail, she escaped and fled the Solar System entirely. She found her way, or was led, to Neo Jove.

Rosebud fights for the creation of a free aleph nation around Saturn, where the 'new race' of aleph-capable Seraphim can seek their own destiny. The Federation itself she finds detestable, a honey trap that tricks and enslaves her people to the husk of the old world. On the Haydée, she is intensely protective of Avonlea, who she sees as the light of a new generation of free Seraphim.

Genotype: Seraph



Physique: 3+2 [6CP]
Wits: 4+2 [10CP]
Intellect: 4+1 [10CP]
Clarity: 4 [10CP]
Perception: 4+1 [10CP]
Charisma: 3+1 [6CP]

Pluck (Crusader?): 1 [5CP]
Aleph: 3+2 [6CP]


E-War: 1 [1CP]
Fieldcraft: 1 [1CP]
Gunnery: 2 [3CP]
Gunplay: 1 [1CP]
Melee: 2 [3CP]
Pilot: 2 [3CP]
Zero-G: 1 [1CP]


Adventurer [5CP]
Rival: Maarrriiiieeeee [+5CP]
Quirk: Gunpla addict [+1 CP]

  • Morrigan -2SS Huxley Custom: Modified and hand-painted from the base RG Morrigan kit.
  • MS-10X Virago Bradamante: A Virago customised with a variety of prewar equipment, with intent to produce 'the ultimate antebellum machine'.
  • Adamant Knight 'Zainas': From the obscure ZR Chronicles animated mil-fantasy. No major modifications, but painted to reflect wear and tear.


Melee Offense:
Ranged Offense:
Guided Offense:

Kinetic Defense:
Energy Defense:
Melee Defense:
Electronic Defense:


Aleph Powers


Body Control
High-Level Control
Newtype Flash
Spatial Awareness

Avonlea Montgomery

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Avonlea Montgomery was brought to term in a medical institute on Siluria-3 Colony and adopted by Akira Montgomery and Bellmary Testarossa. Although a Seraph, her origin and that of the rest of her genetic material is unknown. Raised by former SIA officers, her path towards the Neo-Jove insurgency began naturally through various linked youth groups before progressing through to their elite training academy. While her results in other areas are very good, she was most noted for her extraordinarily high Aleph potential. Her parents' objections prevented her from being drafted as a minor into Neo-Jove's frankly suspect Aleph studies programs but no doubt various people in white coats are keeping an eye on her. Her sensitivity subconsciously draws her to others like herself, manifesting (among other things) as starry-eyed admiration of her "senpai" on the Haydée, Rosebud Hemingway.

  • Young, immature and also Seraph
  • Squeeze the triggers with straightforward feeling!
  • Onee-sama is so cool!


Physique: 3+2 [6CP]
Wits: 3+2 [6CP]
Intellect: 3+1 [6CP]
Clarity: 3 [6CP]
Perception: 4+1 [10CP]
Charisma: 3+1 [6CP]

Pluck (Crusader?): 1 [5CP]
Aleph: 6+2 [21CP]


Fieldcraft: 1 [1CP]
Gunnery: 2 [3CP]
Gunplay: 1 [1CP]
Melee: 1 [1CP]
Pilot: 2 [3CP]
Zero-G: 1 [1CP]


Kinetic Defense: 7.2
Energy Defense: 7.6
Melee Defense: 6.2
Electronic Defense: 5.6

Command: 3.0


Quirk (NJ Jugend) [-1AP]

Aleph Powers

Empathic Detection [1AP]
Newtype Flash [2AP]
Enhanced High Level Control [6AP]
Remaining AP: 9

Benjamin "Ben" Adams

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  • Young
  • Idealist
  • Eager to prove himself
  • Blue hair
  • Possibly wears glasses

Genotype: Grounder



Physique: 3 [6CP]
Wits: 3 [6CP]
Intellect: 3 [6CP]
Clarity: 3 [6CP]
Perception: 3 [6CP]
Charisma: 3 [6CP]

Pluck (Second Wind): 0+4 [0CP]


E-War: 3 [6CP]
Fieldcraft: 1 [1CP]
Gunnery: 3 [6CP]
Gunplay: 1 [1CP]
Leadership: 2 [3CP]
Mechanic: 2 [3CP]
Melee: 2 [3CP]
Pilot: 4 [10CP]
Zero-G: 1 [1CP]


Idealist [5CP]
Hotblooded [0CP]

Zeus ty-Rain II

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Genotype: Engo



Physique: 4+4 [10CP]
Wits: 3+2 [6CP]
Intellect: 3+2 [6CP]
Clarity: 3 [6CP]
Perception: 3+1 [6CP]
Charisma: 5+1 [15CP]

Pluck (Mama Bear): 1 [5CP]
Aleph: 4 [10CP]


Gunnery: 1 [1CP]
Leadership: 2 [3CP]
Melee: 2 [3CP]
Pilot: 2 [3CP]
Zero-G: 1[1CP]


Char Custom [5CP]
Rival: [+5CP]

Aleph Powers

Limit Break [2AP]
Newtype Flash [2AP]
Spatial Awareness [2AP]


Melee Offense: ?
Ranged Offense: ?
Guided Offense: ?

Kinetic Defense: ?
Energy Defense: ?
Melee Defense: ?
Electronic Defense: ?

Command: ?

Kazimir Sukhoi

  • Second Coming of the Nightmare of Draconis
  • Brynhild 5
  • Memory Clone
  • Veteran
  • Photograph doesn't match the official histories

Genotype: Alpha


Physique: 3 [6 CP]
Wits: 3 + 1 [6 CP]
Intellect: 3 + 1 [6 CP]
Clarity: 3 + 1 [6 CP]
Perception: 3 + 1 [6 CP]
Charisma: 4 [10 CP]
Pluck: 1 + 2 [5 CP]
Aleph: 0

Remaining CP:


Veteran [8 CP]
No Such Thing As Overkill [5 CP]
Char Custom [5 CP]
Quirk (A whole new wo-man) [+1 CP]


Pilot: 2 + 1 [3 CP]
Gunnery: 2 + 1 [3 CP]
Command: 1 [1 CP]
Melee: 1 [1 CP]
Electronic Warfare: 1 [1 CP]
Gunplay: 1 [1 CP]
Conspiracy: 2 [3 CP]