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It is the the year twenty fourteen, fourteen years and ten years and two years after the world was supposed to end. In London, the largest city of a small island, new chapter of the ascension war opens.

London is where the technocracy was born, and from its cold intellects laid their plans against the world. Here industry and science were pushed to heights undreamed of, from here an empire rose that spanned the globe.

All that was a long time ago. Now Britain sleeps uneasily in the technocracy's old shadow. Increasingly, people slip through the machine's fingers, finding the terrors and wonders that lie beneath the island's surface.

Game information

The game is set in London and the Home Counties as a base, but can be expected to move across Britain and France at least, and likely beyond that. Expect the game to be highly mobile, so immobile backgrounds may not be that useful at first.

Stuff that's needed PC wise

1: A Verbena with a mentor
2: an Orphan
3: Stealth Skills of at least 1

Character Creation

  • By general preference of the playerbase we will be using XP Based Chargen: Mage, but note the following:
  • Arete 3 is free.
  • Talent/Skill/Knowledge distinctions are erased. Pool ability points and assign otherwise as normal. All abilities have the same cost EXCEPT Academics, Craft, Lore, Perform and Science, which are field abilities at half cost in FP and XP. The first dot of a field ability costs 2XP. Cosmology and Enochian are fields of Academics, while Subdimensions is a field of Science.
  • 56/32/24 xp for attributes. 80 xp for the pooled abilities. 65 xp for spheres. 60 'FP' xp. Some leeway will be allowed w/r/t favoured spheres - trads are political, not metaphysical, organisations.
  • Your natural foci must be clear and limited (until high arete). A +1 'marginal foci' difficulty modifier will exist for envelope-pushing. There should be relatively straightforward (though not common) circumstances under which you cannot use magick.

Hawsie Brunanburh House Verditius
Peel Hermetic/VA
Nanri Misaka - An Akashic novice raised (im)properly. Reassigned from recent work in the realm Akiba(True) to London as a Master-to-Master favor. Something about needing a ninja.
An Taniwan - Ecstatic member of the Cult of Acceptance par excellence, a master tattoo and makeup artist campaigning for the rights and protection of sex workers. Dealing with raising a 15 year old boy while eternally 29.