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Setting & Backstory

Present Day Factions

The Technetronic

The Technetronic lie near the centre of Reconnect civilization. One of the first states to begin to uncover the secrets of posthumanity, they have a significant interest in 'apex' technology and invest much of their national resources into further uncovering the mysteries, whether of military or political benefit or not. The Technetronic are known to sell this information, operating on the principle of equivalent exchange.

While Technetronic invests a minimum in military force, it invests a maximum in posthuman technology, resulting in a space fleet of considerable ability.

Historical Factions

The Megacorps of the pre-collapse era were responsible for the design and manufacture of many items. While scattered enclaves of these once mighty institutions still exist, most of them only exist as brand names etched on pre-collapse artifacts.

Poseidon Energy

Primary Headquarters: Luna
Important Subsidiaries: Yuma Flats Energy Consortium, Radiation King Mining & Moondust Construction.
Poseidon Energy is a corporation that deals primarily in the fields of radionuclide mining, nuclear fuel manufacture and transport, as well as reactor design and operation. As one of the major precollapse demarchy corporations, it had extensive ties with posthumanity.

Triton Dynamics

Primary Headquarters: Luna
Important Subsidiaries: Lockheed North, Winchester Mechanical
Triton Dynamics is a former subsidiary of Poseidon Energy and was a leading manufacter of high end military hardware, including starships and aerospace vehicles. Various subsidiaries were also responsible for civilian model freighters, spinners etc.

BAE-Zaibach System’s

Primary Headquarters: Luna
Important Subsidiaries: Bahamut Hyperdiamond
Formed by the merger of two collapsing Regressor and Demarchist corporations BAE-Zeus Systems was a designer and manufacturer of military and civilian electronics, vehicles and was also a construction magnate, thanks to Bahamut Hyperdiamond, a leading designer and producer of hyperdiamond based architecture.

West Tek-Mitsubishi

Primary headquarters: Earth
Important Subsidiaries: Wattz Electronics & Genesis Life
An entirely Regressor company, West-Tek-Mitsubishi designed and constructs some of the most highly advanced non-posthuman derived technology in known space. Both a civilian corporation and a military contractor, it was responsible for everything from groundcars, spinners, to laser rifles and armoured vehicles. Due to the rarity of it’s technology, it charged a high price to consumers for anything Tier 4 and ownership of a battalion equipped with Wattz 3000 Laser Rifles was considred prestigious.